idk maybe I'm a loser... [ranting hours: open]


I did not plan to share anything here tbh but I was surfing through the tags and I saw some people ranting and I feel like doing the same thing bc tbh I feel so sad and pathetic rn.

Do you know the feeling when you get along with someone so well that you guys match in a heartbeat.... they're your type and you feel like you meet the right person and the wait is over... like, you haven't been in a relationship for so long and suddenly someone comes into your life and draws smiles in your face. damn this rlly be deep huh...

I met someone a few days ago and they were nice and everthing. I was so happy that we met. HE IS JUST MY TYPE and I get so frustrated everytime I look back at our chatroom with the unread messages from me. Honestly, I didn't think he would ghost me like this because he was so in love before. We shared some stories briefly from the past and we kinda experienced the same thing so everything was pretty relatable. I just- feel so empty lmao because the fact that I get attached so easily makes me SICK. People ghost me a lot but I just let them be and never looked for them but this time I feel so emotional and I just want them back aaaaa


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i don't know why, but this gives a huge pang on my heart. probably because this resonates with me, except i really avoid getting attached now because i'm still sensitive about being in a relationship :')

the golden rule of roleplaying is to remember that nothing is supposed to have strings attached, and nothing lasts forever. but sometimes, we mess up up and become extremely dependent on one person to the point where we become vulnerable. being led on and then suddenly ghosted , we all know, and i don't need to repeat that. it's not pathetic and you're not a loser, these are real feelings. but maybe give them a nudge? lockdown is over in most countries and everyone that i've talked to are all busy with school and work. have you told them what you feel about them too? if you have and they haven't responded, i think what you need is that you need to take a step back before it could potentially harm you.

i always say this, but please be kind to yourself. sometimes, it's okay to be selfish. it doesn't mean that you should get out of the roleplaying bubble entirely, you just need to rewind and treat yourself better. baby steps is key. if you ever need to talk to someone, well, i'm only on kkt at the moment lmao but hey, feel free to drop your username on whatever platform?