Hidden Heart

Hidden Heart

Kyuhyun cried into the leader's shoulder and gripped his shirt tightly.
"Kyuhyun. I'm gonna go talk to the others. Will you come with me?" the angelic leader asked holding his maknae.
The chocolate-haired boy nodded and Yesung came over to pick him up, he flinched slightly.
"Its ok, I'll be careful." Yesung whispered picking up the younger male as gently as he could, carrying him out of the room as he cried into his shoulder.
Sungmin got up at seeing Kyuhyun crying again. Ryeowook looked over worriedly as Siwon had his arm around the eternal maknae.
"Leeteuk? Why's he crying now?" Kangin asked worry showing in his eyes.
"I want everyone to please sit down. And please try to stay calm when I tell you something." the onyx-eyed male replied.
They all looked at each other confused, but nodded.
Yesung sat on the couch beside Sungmin and Henry, holding Kyuhyun close. The younger boy was crying harder into his shoulder again.
Henry looked at his hyung worriedly and gripped Zhou Mi's hand.
"Leeteuk hyung. What happened?" Ryeowook asked worriedly seeing Kyuhyun crying more.
The angelic leader took a deep breath, then looked over at Kyuhyun sadly.
"Manager hyung...he..." Leeteuk paused feeling a lump forming in his throat.
"Hyung?" Siwon said softly.
"He, he hurt Kyuhyun..." the onyx-eyes male said softly, trying not to cry.
"What did he do to him?!" Sungmin asked angrily.
"Sungmin hyung calm down." Ryeowook said grabbing his arm before he could get up.
"He him." was all Yesung said as Kyuhyun gripped the raven-haired boy's shirt tightly.
The anger in Sungmin's showed clearly now. It was like a flame that burned in fury.
"WHAT?!" was everyone's answer.
They all looked astonished and angry.
"I'm gonna ing kill him!!" Heechul said getting up off of Hankyung's lap.
"Hyung don't!" Ryeowook said as tears came to his eyes.
Hankyung grabbed the diva's arm and pulled him back.
"Hannie!! Let me go!!!" Heechul shouted trying to get out of his boyfriend's grip.
"Heechul stop it. You're scaring Ryeowook." the Chinese boy said softly.
Heechul took a deep breath and hugged the small brunette.
"Sungmin, I allow you to go kick that bastard's ." the diva said with anger showing in his eyes.
"All of you stop it!" Leeteuk shouted loudly.
Everyone froze at hearing their leader's angry tone.
"But Leeteuk! He hurt him!" Kibum said with a clearly upset tone.
"Please everyone. I'm going to take Kyuhyun to see a doctor and I want you all to take care of each other until I get back. You hear me? No one and I mean no one does anything until Yesung and I come back.
You hear me?" he said seriously, looking at each one of his dongsaengs.
They all nodded and Yesung picked maknae up and they left.

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mykyunie #1
Chapter 7: Wow this is ver y beautyfull
Chapter 7: kyaaaaaaak yekyu~~ anw kyuhyun as fragile maknae is somehow amazing xD kkkk~
LollipopChuleta #3
OMG.... such an amazingly sad and cute story! I don't usualy ship KyuSung but I loved this story, even if it was sad! Love your writing :) Bless you<3
This was a cute and sad story.
kitty1025 #5
Good story. Broke my heart to read about kyu like that but love the ending with yesung. It was really cute :)