Hidden Heart

Hidden Heart

Later that day when Leeteuk, Heechul and Ryeowook returned from a photoshoot, Yesung called to their leader.
"Leeteuk hyung! I need to talk to you." Was all the raven-haired boy said.
Heechul looked at Leeteuk and nodded.
Leeteuk followed his dongsaeng, knowing that something wasn't right.
They went into Yesung's room and Leeteuk closed the door, which meant they wanted privacy.
"So, what's wrong?" the angelic leader asked concerned.
"Kyuhyun, I came home after my schedules were over and I heard him crying. I went to check and yeah, he was crying, but really hard. I went over and asked if he was ok and he jumped away as if frightened. I asked he was ok again and he just yelled at me to get out. Something is really wrong." Yesung explained with a worried tone.
"I'll see what I can do." Leeteuk said patting the raven-haired boy's shoulder.
"Thanks, Leeteuk." Yesung said and Leeteuk just smiled.
Leeteuk left and went to find the maknae the found him still in his room lying on his bed.
But the same thing happened. The maknae started yelling and then there was a crash, which caused the other 3 who were home to jump.
"What the hell was that?!" Heechul shouted coming out of his room quickly.
"I don't know." Ryeowook replied clearly frightened by the sound.
Yesung had quickly sprinted down the hall with Heechul to the maknae's room.
Leeteuk was holding his shoulder and was clearly bleeding.
"What's happened?!" Heechul shouted as he ran next to the blonde.
Kyuhyun was crying and then ran out of the room, but was caught by Yesung by his wrist.
"Kyuhyun, you are staying right here!" Yesung said keeping a hold of the maknae.
"Ryeowook! Call Kangin! He should be on his way home! Tell him it's an emergency!" Heechul shouted to the eternal maknae.
"Oh ok!" Ryeowook called back.
Kangin got home in a hurry and took Leeteuk to the hospital.
The chocolate-haired boy was currently being yelled at by Shindong. Who wouldn't stop shouting and was causing the maknae to cry.
"Shindong! Stop it!" Hankyung said grabbing the taller boy by the arm. "You're scaring him!!"
"He's the one who hurt Leeteuk!!" he argued back.
"Will all of you just shut the up!?" Heechul shouted louder then them, causing them to become quiet.
Kyuhyun was crying heavily and Sungmin was hugging him now.
Ryeowook came in and whispered to Yesung that Kangin had called and said that Leeteuk was ok.
"Calm down, he's ok." Yesung said to Shindong.
"But it was Kyuhyun's fault!"
"STOP IT!!" Sungmin yelled at him.
"Shindong go." Heechul said trying to stay calm.
Kyuhyun kept crying and saying things like, "I'm sorry" and "it was an accident."
Hankyung rubbed the younger boy's head gently.
Shindong finally left with an angry glare at the chocolate-haired boy.
Heechul slammed the door behind the taller boy indicating him to leave, before he kicked his himself.
Kyuhyun was gripping his own shirt and crying hard and kept pulling away from Sungmin,
but the elder boy had just kept pulling him back into a hug.
"Kyuhyun, what exactly happened?" Hankyung asked softly touching the younger boy's shoulder.
Kyuhyun quickly pulled away wincing at the touch.
"Kyu, are you ok?" Hankyung asked noticing the wince.
"I'm fine!! Just leave me alone!!" the chocolate-haired boy shouted pulling away from Sungmin again and stayed close to wall away from the others in the room.
Hankyung and Sungmin jumped at his sudden shout.
"Kyu…" Sungmin said as tears filled his eyes and started streaming down his cheeks.
Kyuhyun cried harder, not looking back at his hyung.
"I'm sorry…please…please leave me alone…" the maknae whispered as he sobbed softly.
"Ok. I'll let you calm down. Ok, Kyu?" Sungmin said wiping his own eyes and nodding.
All the chocolate-haired boy did was nod.
Sungmin got up and left the room, closing the door behind him.
Heechul watched the maknae without saying anything, then looked at the Chinese boy who stood beside him. Hankyung looked back at him and shook his head.
"Kyuhyun, can't you please tell us what's wrong." Heechul said quickly, the upset tone
showed exactly what he had been feeling since the incident with Leeteuk.
He didn't answer; all that could be heard from him was the hurt sobs that escaped his lips.
"Kyuhyun, we can't help unless you tell us what's wrong." Hankyung added since the maknae didn't answer them.
Yesung stood against the wall, arms crossed and quiet.
The chocolate-haired boy just cried harder and didn't say a word.
Heechul could feel himself losing his patience. Hankyung grabbed his hand to keep the feminine male from
shouting or going over and grabbing the maknae.
"Like I said. He's not going to tell you anything." Yesung said with a sigh.
"You talk to him then. See what can you find out." Hankyung said with a nod to his dongsaeng.
"You know he doesn't want to talk to me." The raven-haired boy said trying to get his hyung to remember what he had told him earlier.
"Then just sit with him." Heechul said looking over at him.
Then Kyuhyun finally spoke.
"I'll…be ok…Can I please just sleep?" The maknae said softly still crying.
Yesung looked at the other 2 and they nodded.
"We'll let you sleep." Hankyung said putting the chocolate-haired boy's head gently.
Then all 3 of them left.

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mykyunie #1
Chapter 7: Wow this is ver y beautyfull
Chapter 7: kyaaaaaaak yekyu~~ anw kyuhyun as fragile maknae is somehow amazing xD kkkk~
LollipopChuleta #3
OMG.... such an amazingly sad and cute story! I don't usualy ship KyuSung but I loved this story, even if it was sad! Love your writing :) Bless you<3
This was a cute and sad story.
kitty1025 #5
Good story. Broke my heart to read about kyu like that but love the ending with yesung. It was really cute :)