Ohhhh that Kira~

Appa is in love with me.

Kassy's POV

He looked me in the eyes. " Can I stay at your hotel room for a bit?".

My eyes widened.


" SAY WHAT?!" I yelled in english.

He scrunched up his eyebrows. " Uhhhhh is that a no?".

I shook my head, still trying to process what he had just said to me a couple of seconds ago.

He snapped his fingers in front of my face. " HeeYoung?".

I blinked and popped out of my daze. " O-oh um yeah?".

He seemed a bit worried. " Uh yeah, so can I? I mean if that's ok with you!".

I bit my bottom lip and looked down at my shoes. " Erm sure.".

His eyes instantly lit up. " Really?!".

I nodded and the next second he picked me up and twirled me around causing me to let out a strained giggle.

He kissed my cheek and was headed for the dorm again. " I'll be right back!".

I nodded and smiled as he entered the dorm.

I tapped my foot on the hallway floors impatiently waiting for him. I abruptly stopped. Oh wait! I haven't even told the girls if they were ok with this!

 I dialed Kira's number since I knew she was the only one home.

" Y'llo?" She answered in English, god she's so corny sometimes.

" Hey Kira!!" I replied, hoping to get her in a happy mood for the suprise I was about to unveil to her.

" Hi?" She was already suspicious of my tone.

" Uhhhh listen I have huge favor to ask of you and Alex." I could feel myself sweating from anticipating her answer.

" Um sure though it depends on the favor, which is?" I was suprised she hadn't fainted while talking to me, her voice seemed so weak.

" Well um Kyuhyun asked ME for a favor so I said yes but then I forgot to ask you soooo...." I faltered at the last bit, curse my nervous tongue.

" Yeah?" She was anticipating my words as much as I anticipated them to come out myself.

" Well...Can Kyuhyun come over and like stay for a bit?" I was biting my bottom lip.

" You said it was ok for him to stay over?" Her voice was dangerously low and raspy, I thought she might jump out of the phone and grab my throat.

" Well yeah, but I could_" All of a sudden I was interrupted by a shrill scream.

" OMG YOU ASKED HIM TO SLEEP OVER! You sly dog I never you had the guts to take your relationship to the next step!" I was suprised at the sudden enthusiasm of her voice.

" Uhhh does that mean he can come over?!" I panicked, she was seriously freaking me out right now.

" OF COURSE! He is soooo staying in your room." She replied with a peppy voice.

That caught me off guard. " Whoah what?!".

" BYE!" She hung up on me.

" Hey hey hey!" I kept calling for her, hoping she was still on.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. " Who are you talking to?".

I turned arund to see Kyuhyun with a sapphire blue suitcase in his hand....FIGURES (-_-)

I shot him a sweet smile. " Apparently no one." and shut my cell phone closed.

He smiled back and slung his arm around my waist. " Come on let's go.".

I quirked an eye brow. " Did you tell the others your leaving?".

He shook his head. " No, but they'll understand.".

I shook my head in dismay. " This can't be good.".

He chuckled and and led me down the hallway and pressed the elevator button, as it dinged open, like a gentleman, he let me go first. Maybe I could get used to Kyuhyun staying over for awhile, besides I love him don't I? No seriously do I? NAH just kidding!


We arrived in front of our hotel room door. I slid the card and the light went green as I flung the door open and walked in. Kira was seated on the couch, calmly watching another episode of the "Shugo Chara" anime that Alex had soundly suggested she finish watching, which now drove me crazy whenever she'd name all the little characters names.

" Kira" I called out to her as I walked into the living room and she turned around.

She smiled as she saw who was behind me. " Hm?".

I pouted awkwardly. " Where's Alex it's like freaking 6:00 in the evening?". (A/N: About the time i'm writing this xD)

Kira looked at me worriedly and shrugged. " I don't know, but I know it has something to do with Eli.".

My eyes widened. " Think she'll be okay?".

Kira looked down and smile to herself. " I'm positive.".

I beckoned Kyuhyun to put his stuff near the door and he asked where he would be sleeping, I grinned and simply told him we would figure out the arrangements later.

I grabbed the remote from Kira and flipped through the channels.

She pouted and stuck out her tongue. " Meanie face.".

Kyuhyun chuckled. " You guys are just like sisters!".

I hugged Kira and rubbed my cheek against hers while looking at Kyu. " No better....TWINS!!".

Kira nodded and I nodded at the same time as we hugged each other.

" Ok sister moment over." I pushed her off and she slightly flew towards the end of the couch, except her foot decided to collide with the coffee table.

" Ah ! You bastard!" She cursed in English as she held on to her big toe.

Kyuhyun frowned. " You know i've heard Heechul hyung say those words a lot but I never remember what they mean.".

I shook my head and winked. " You don't need to know.".

As the hours passed I began to get sleepy and stretched my arms out. I was about to stand up and go get dressed when Kira called out for me.

" Yeah?" I turned back.

She smiled. " I think there's a delivery for you downstairs. I got a call earlier and would've got it myself, but I thought it was your personal belongings of some sort so I decided not to retrieve it.".

I nodded and smiled back. " Yeah sure i'll just go get it. Kyu wait here, i'll be back in a jiff.".

He scoffed. " Not really going anywhere.".

I ran out the door, down the hall, into the elevator, out the elevator, through the lobby, and finally made it to the front desk.

I rang the bell and waited as a long dark-haired skinny woman with pin point glasses and sensible shoes walked over to me.

" May I help you?" She answered in a high-pitched tone.

I nodded. " Uh yes I was told I have a delivery sent for me.".

She looked confused. " Um ok, your name?".

" Min Heeyoung." I answered proudly.

She nodded then bowed as she went to go check. I waited and impatiently clicked my fingers bobbing my head to the lobby music.

She came back minutes later with a slightly more less appealing look, there must be a lot of packages.

" I'm sorry there are no packages of any sort with your name on them ma'am." She replied with a more distressed tone now.

I frowned. " Are you sure?".

She nodded. " Positive.".

I bit my lip and nodded. " Arasso (ok), I'll just go then.".

I bowed politely then took my leave, walking back to our hotel room.

Once I entered Kira was cleaning stuff off the table, candy wrappers she had probably eaten while I was gone.

" Kira there wasn't any package for me down at the desk." I watched as she looked up.

Her face seemed distraught. " Oh really? I might've misheard then, sorry.".

I rolled my eyes and nodded. " It's ok.".

I noticed Kyuhyun's disappearance and couldn't help but question. " Where's Kyu?".

She tossed the wrappers in the bin. " Hm? Uhhh oh yeah! I got a text from Alex, she'll be staying at the hospital so I told Kyuhyun to stay in her room, he's washing up in the bathroom.".

I nodded. " Oh ok.".

Then suddenly I turned around. " Whoa wait hospital?!".

Kira nodded sadly. " Yea Eli got in an accident.".

I giggled. " HAH! Serves the douche bag right!".

I sighed and walked over to my room. " Well imma hit the hay sack, G'night!".

Kira nodded in a very suspicious, mischievious tone. " Good night!!!".

I got dressed in my bathroom then tiredly closed my eyes as I lay in my bed. I to my side when all of a sudden I felt an arm curl around my waist. I frowned the opened my eyes.

My eyes bulged. " AHHHHHH!!!".

Kyuhyun's eyes shot open and he fell off the bed.

He pointed at me. " What the hell are you doing here?".

I scoffed and pointed to myself. " Me? This is my bed! What are you doing here?".

Kyhyun's eyes got wider. " Your bed? Aish that girl!".

I cocked and eyebrow. " What?".

Kyuhyun sighed and plopped back onto the bed, siiting down. " Kira told me this was some sort of guest room!".

I groaned. " I should've known. I knew she looked a bit suspicious when she told me to get something dowanstairs, GOD DAMNIT!".

I sighed and went towards the door. " I'm gonna go wake her up, i'll sleep next to her or something.".

I turned the knob then pulled, but it didn't budge. Uh-oh.

" Uh-oh!" I panicked and rattled the door.

Kyuhyun watched me. " What's wrong?".

I turned to him. " It's locked!".

His eyes widened. " You mean we're stuck here for the rest of the night?".

I clenched my fists. " Oh i'm gonna kill her tomorrow morning.".

Kyuhyun looked down. " I can sleep on the floor.".

I stopped him. " No you don't have to do that~!".

I bit my lip, a bit nervous to say the next line. " I guess we'll just sleep together.".

He gulped and nodded. He watched my every move as I stepped back into the bed.

" Good night." I flipped over to my side.

" Good night." He murmured.

I felt myself drift off and soon I was sleeping like a baby, that was until I woke up a couple hours later to find Kyuhyun asleep with his arms wrapped TIGHT around me.

" Oppa~" I whispered " I can't breathe.".

But he didn't hear me, instead he slightly moaned and slung his leg over my legs, drawing me closer to his body. I panicked and I felt my cheeks heat up, I was about to wake him up when suddenly, I noticed his cute pajamas?

" Really oppa? Keroro?" I stifled a laugh.

I decided not to fight back anymore and soon I tiredly closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep.


Sooner or later I felt the soft light hit against my face through the cream colored curtains


" What was that?" I slightly listened closer.

Kyuhyun woke up and soon I noticed our position, I blushed. My head was rested on his chest and his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist.

He blushed as well as I and we disbanded from each other's grips.


I frowned and looked up.

" Morning sweethearts~" I heard an annoyingly familiar voice coo.

" KIRA!!" I yelled.

Ohhhh that Kira~

A/N: Sorry I didn't update this weekend I had this huge fever of like 103.2 so I couldn't move or do anything and I had to go to the hospital for a bit because it wouldn't go down :(

But i'm a bit better now~!

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Priincessg1 #1
Chapter 9: sorry im really confused how old are these girls?
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 58: I love itt! Even without a sequel, i already satisfied by reading this fanfic only! Nice job author nim! Keep it up!
kyaa! ilove your fic update soon!
OMG, OMG , OMG, OMG! Please please please please please please continue the story! It's been through too much to not be finished! and its too good! :D
I'm trying to catch up, its been a while since ive read this but OMG! They're leaving! And for good! I'm gonna cry! :''( I hate goodbyes! :c
SakuraButterflies #6
Heeheehee~ Love it! Very cute :)<br />
Hehe you make me so lovey dovey!<br />
Not that I'm complainingl
@aina-batrisyia Hello and welcome! LoL KIRA huh? She just so happens to portray me :)<br />
Nice choice
HI!new reader..ur story is amazing..my fave character is Kira...she's cool
Since she's awake, Kira forgive Jonghyun already!<br />
oh and I support alex and wooyoung couple!<br />