Let's party girls

Appa is in love with me.

Kira's POV

I watched as Alex's mouth gaped.

Suddenly she answered. " U-uh yeah sure?".

She hung up the phone and bit her bottom lip.

I looked at her. " Who was that?".

She snapped out of her daze and looked at me.

" O-oh that was just W-wooYoung oppa." She stuttered.

I smirked. " What did he say and why are you stuttering?".

Her eyes widened. " NOTHING!!".

She jumped up and ran for her room.

" Yah! HaNi-ah!" I called her by her korean name.

I chased after her until she shut the door in my face and locked it.

I banged on the door.

" You tell me what he said this instant!" I yelled.

" NO!" She replied.

I blinked. Oh yeah where was Kassy? I don't think a phone call would take that long. Meh...oh well.

I pounded on the door again but stopped once I heard sobbing from behind it.

I gasped. " Alex? Alex are you okay? Please open the door.".

She unlocked the door and I came running in.

She was sitting on the floor, her head in her hands and crying.

I ran to her and wrapped her in my arms.

I pat her head lightly. " Alex please tell me what happened. What did he say?".

She calmed herself down and wiped her tears.

She sniffed. " He asked me out on a date.".

I gulped. " And what did you say?".

" I said yes!!!" She yelled before holding me tighter and crying on my chest.

I bit my lip. I knew why she was grieving over this. Most people would kill to go out on a date with WooYoung, but she was already taken.

What would happen if her boyfriend found out?

She looked up at me. " What if Eli finds out!!!".

I sighed and wiped her tears. " Why did you say yes?".

Her lip trembled. " I don't know. Something came over me.".

I tried to reassure her. " You know he may just wanna hang out.".

She sniffed. " Maybe.".

I smiled. " Come on cheer up. It's not like Eli's just gonna appear in Korea all of a sudden.".

She shot me a look. " Please don't say that!!".

I giggled. " Lighten up Alex you'll be fine. Come on let's go get some YanYan's from the cabinet.".

She smiled lightly. We walked outside and saw Kassy looking at two different shirts.

I frowned. " What are you doing?".

She looked up at us. " Oh I'm going to the club with Kyuhyun. You guys wanna come?".

Me and Alex grinned. " DUH!".

We were all dressed up in minutes. Strange, we usually don't change that fast.

My dress:

Alex's outfit:


Kassy's outfit:


I smirked. " Well someone's a bit showy this evening."

I pointed to Kassy.

She shrugged. " Hey it's a club. Oh well.".

I nudged Alex. " Maybe this'll get your mind off him.".

She smiled weakly. " Maybe.".

Kassy eyed us. " Why? What happened?".

I laughed. " We'll explain later.".

I pushed her towards the door.

" Now let's party girls!".

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Priincessg1 #1
Chapter 9: sorry im really confused how old are these girls?
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 58: I love itt! Even without a sequel, i already satisfied by reading this fanfic only! Nice job author nim! Keep it up!
kyaa! ilove your fic update soon!
OMG, OMG , OMG, OMG! Please please please please please please continue the story! It's been through too much to not be finished! and its too good! :D
I'm trying to catch up, its been a while since ive read this but OMG! They're leaving! And for good! I'm gonna cry! :''( I hate goodbyes! :c
SakuraButterflies #6
Heeheehee~ Love it! Very cute :)<br />
Hehe you make me so lovey dovey!<br />
Not that I'm complainingl
@aina-batrisyia Hello and welcome! LoL KIRA huh? She just so happens to portray me :)<br />
Nice choice
HI!new reader..ur story is amazing..my fave character is Kira...she's cool
Since she's awake, Kira forgive Jonghyun already!<br />
oh and I support alex and wooyoung couple!<br />