I told you not to get drunk!!!

Appa is in love with me.

Kassy's POV

We arrived shortly after a very awkward taxi ride. No one talked the entire time. Alex simply stared out the window while Kira rubbed her back in a calming motion. Something definitely wasn't right.

I stepped out and payed the nice man the fair as me, Kira, and Alex made our way towards the doors. I walked in and heard the music boom. I looked, but didn't see anybody in the entire building.

" What the hell?!" Kira yelled.

I looked around and spotted Kyuhyun at the bar. I ran over to him.

" Hey!" He yelled over the music and wrapped me in his arms.

I pulled away. " Um hello? Where are all the people?".

He smiled. " I didn't want anything to happen so I rented the entire place for the night.".

( A/N: See realmdreamer, Kyuhyun isn't a bad dad..sorta.)

I laughed and hugged him. " Your too sweet, but you didn't have to.".

He smiled once more. " I didn't! I swapped Heechul hyung's cash.".

I smirked. " You know he's gonna kill you.".

Kyuhyun shrugged and led me to the dance floor.

My eyes widened. " Oh no no no I can't dance.".

He pouted playfully and I rolled my eyes and walked away.

I found Kira and Alex sitting at the lounge area, looking pretty bored.

I looked at them. " Come on guys this isn't so bad!".

Kira smirked. " Easy for you to say, you've got an acquaintance.".

I laughed. " Kyuhyun? He's just my 'appa'.".

Of course he wasn't my real appa and techinically we were just friends, but I always thought of him that way. Nothing more nothing less. I guess.

Alex giggled. " Oh please Kassy admit it! Your head over heels for the guy!".

I scoffed. " Hey what about your boyfriend Eli?".

She looked down. I frowned while Kira shot me a glare and pat Alex's back again.

Alex bit her bottom lip as I could see very light tears fume her eyes.

" A-alex?!" I exclaimed.

She shook her head. " No it's okay i'm fine.".

Kira sighed. " I think we should go. There's nothing to really do here.".

I gulped. " B-but, you guys_".

They both stood up.

Kira smiled reassuringly. " It's alright. Go have fun. See you at home.".

And with that they walked out and hailed a taxi.

My mouth gaped. In a matter of minutes they were gone. I felt horrible.

Kyuhyun came over and pouted. " Hey that wasn't very nice.".

I laughed and stuck my tongue out.

It was weird. There was no one there yet me and Kyuhyun had a blast. We danced even though we were the only one's on the dance floor. We laughed and sang with the music as we swayed our hips. Once we were out of breath we took a seat at the bar.

" Oppa this is so weird." I told him.

He turned around holding a drink in his hand. " How so?".

( A/N: Like I said..sorta a good dad.)

My eyes bulged. " Appa? You drink?!".

He smiled. " Wah~ You called me appa again! And yeah I drink a little.".

I laughed nervously. " Are you driving home?".

He chuckled. " HeeYoung-ah don't worry, i'll be fine.".

I bit my lip. " Ok.".

He held my hand. " Hey don't worry about it. I know how to take care of myself.".

My heart beat rapidly. " Oppa, please let go.".

He frowned then let go and sighed.

My cell phone rang.

I picked it up. " Hello?".

It was my brother. " Hey dongsaeng what's up!?".

I laughed. " Oh nothing. Miss me?".

Kyuhyun whipped his head around and looked at me. 

He scoffed. " You wish!".

I giggled. " Oh come on ya know you love me.".

He chuckled. " Okay okay, whatever.".

I looked over at Kyuhyun. His head was down and his teeth were clenched.

I frowned. " Uhm oppa I gotta go. Talk to you later.".

I hung up and patted Kyuhyun's back.

" Appa are you okay?" I found it fun calling him appa again.

He kept looking down. He didn't even answer me.

I felt a strangely awkward atmosphere in the air.

I coughed. " Um i'm gonna go to the bathroom.".

He didn't answer. He nodded, that was it. I sighed and walked over to the ladies' room.

I didn't really have to go to the bathroom, but that atmosphere out there was killing me.

I took a deep breath and let it out as I looked into the mirror.

" Ok Kassy, you can totally do this. Ask him what's wrong. Get.Him.To.Talk." I said to myself.

I was about to walk to the door when I suddenly turned around again. " But what if he doesn't answer? What if he'll be stubborn?".

I groaned and paced back and forth infront of every single stall.

I finally took another deep breath, mustered my strength, and walked out the door.

I walked over to where Kyuhyun was before, but he wasn't sitting there anymore. I panicked. I looked over every inch of the entire building and he wasn't to be found.

Maybe HE'S in the bathroom I thought.

I decided to wait for a bit, until the bar tender said it was closing time and kicked me out. How hospitable.

I trudged outside and walked on the streets of downtown Seoul. This was just great. There weren't any taxi's out, in fact there wasn't anyone on the streets. What part of Seoul was I at really?

Suddenly from a distance I heard a loud grunt.

I looked up and saw KYUHYUN?!

I walked over to him slowly.

" Why didn't she tell me?!" He said before letting out a frustrated scream and kicking the wall, which sadly caused him to topple over.

I gasped and ran over to him. I tried to help him off the ground. I slung his arm over my shoulder and began to walk down the street.

" You idiot! I told you not to get drunk!" I yelled at him.

He hiccuped then looked at me. " HeeYoung you found me..".

He faltered and hiccuped again. His words slurred and his footing was becoming wobbily as he swayed from side to side and I tried to keep him balanced.

Suprisingly, actually very suprisingly, I had reached my destination just faster than I had actually thought. Suju's dorm. Yeah right like I was gonna take a drunken Kyuhyun to my hotel room and have Kira and Alex question my every five seconds. Yeah , NO WAY!!

I hit the elevator button.

Kyuhyun laughed lightly. " Going up?".

I rolled my eyes before pulling him inside the tiny space.

Pretty soon after many outbursts from Kyuhyun the doors opened and I thankfully stepped out still balancing his weight.

We walked down the halls as Kyuhyun stumbled from side to side on purpose.

" Appa would you stop that?!" I yelled.

Suddenly, he stopped walking.

" Appa what's wrong?" I asked him.

He abruptly pushed me against the wall and held my wrists.

" A-appa?" I choked.

He clenched his teeth and held my wrists tighter.

I tried to push him away, but he was too strong.

All of a sudden he did the last thing I expected him to do.

He leaned in and kissed me.


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Priincessg1 #1
Chapter 9: sorry im really confused how old are these girls?
Acgoo1999 #2
Chapter 58: I love itt! Even without a sequel, i already satisfied by reading this fanfic only! Nice job author nim! Keep it up!
kyaa! ilove your fic update soon!
OMG, OMG , OMG, OMG! Please please please please please please continue the story! It's been through too much to not be finished! and its too good! :D
I'm trying to catch up, its been a while since ive read this but OMG! They're leaving! And for good! I'm gonna cry! :''( I hate goodbyes! :c
SakuraButterflies #6
Heeheehee~ Love it! Very cute :)<br />
Hehe you make me so lovey dovey!<br />
Not that I'm complainingl
@aina-batrisyia Hello and welcome! LoL KIRA huh? She just so happens to portray me :)<br />
Nice choice
HI!new reader..ur story is amazing..my fave character is Kira...she's cool
Since she's awake, Kira forgive Jonghyun already!<br />
oh and I support alex and wooyoung couple!<br />