gaccha girlfriend for free !!!!! ! ! ! !


or girl [insert space here] friend, your call really but pls, open me!!!


# hiiii ! okay, now wait, before you click out of this, don't! i swear i'll be fast. this is just yet another ad of someone looking for friendships, but not just any kind! so, the deal is, you get me as a friend, i include: dates, holding your hand when you're anxious, listening to your rants and problems, will watch anime with you, will read manga and/or webtoons with you, will play games with you, listen to your music and peck you while you talk about all your interests — FOR FREE. all you got to to is just leave your twitter handle &/or discord tag on my messages or comments. 

isn't that so handy? and wait, there's more: i'm legal (20), i'm into plotting if you'd like! i'm panual and very single, mingling is okay specially if we got chemistry, oof, AND get this, i absolutely do not care what fc you are! 

okay so are you interested? great, you know what to do then! i hope i get to talk to you soon, i wanna dote on you asap!!! ! ! ! ! !!!! 


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