Chapter 21

Precious Love
CHAPTER 21: Brother’s problems Part 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

One thing I need to say: SRRY IF THERE ARE A LOT OF HOSPITAL SCENES BECAUSE MY SCENES HAVE A RELATION TO HOSPITALS AND BAD THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO GUI WHICH ARE MAKING HER END UP IN THE HOSPITAL. AGAIN SRRY.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Finally I got out of the hospital quick. But I still had medicine to take. The next morning there was a knock on the door. I went downstairs and opened it. In front of me stood Ella. She was crying really bad.

GG: Sis, what happened?


GG: Sis, uh come in. You know how cold it is out there?

EC: -came into the house and sat at the couch. While I went and grabbed a towel.-

GG: Are you okay? You’re all drenched. You know that could affect the baby?

EC: Gui….

GG: Don’t cry. You don’t want anything to happen to the 2 months baby alright?

EC: Gui! *She stood up and hugged me. I was kind of surprised by that and I jumped.*

GG: S….Sis?

EC: He….He…He…He cheated on me!

GG: What?! Ge did what?!

EC: He’s having an affair with another woman.

GG: That man is gonna get something from me.

EC: I…I…I… hate him!

GG: Ella, you can’t hate him that way. Everything will be alright. Why don’t you go talk with him?

EC: I…I… Don’t want to. You can’t tell him where I am.

GG: Why?

EC: Because…Beca…… *Ella fainted. She fell down and I caught her.*

GG: Ella?! Ella?! ELLA?! *Wang Zi came running down the stairs.*

WZ: Gui, what happened?

GG: Sis, she fainted. *Then I noticed blood on the ground. I touched it and looked at Wang Zi.* Hospital now. *Wang Zi and I went to the hospital in our PJ’s. I was too worried about Sis. Then the doctor came out.*

DR: She’s fine now. Luckily you guys brought her here early. She may have lost the baby already. But she’s lucky.

GG: You mean a miscarriage?!

DR: Yes. Maybe too many stress is on her. Making her be too emotional and it’s affecting the baby.

GG: Oh my gosh, Ella.

DR: But everything’s fine now.

GG: Thank you. Can I go and see her?

DR: Sure. *I ran into the room and Ella laid there crying. I ran to her and hugged her. I was too worried about her condition.*

GG: Don’t make me worry like that ever again. You know how worried I am about you both?

EC: I’m sorry Gui. It’s just….

GG: Mind telling me what happened?

EC: -shook her head- That night when I was going to sleep, I overheard him talking on the phone. He thought I was asleep but I wasn’t. So I followed him and he went into a bar. A woman hugged him and he didn’t push her away. She kissed him and he didn’t push her away. So they went up to a VIP room and that’s what happened. He followed her there. So I ran out and I didn’t know who to go to. So I decided to come to you. So I ran home and changed, then while walking here, it started raining. So I drenched.

GG: That man is gonna get….

EC: Please don’t tell him where I am.

GG: But…

EC: Please.

GG: hao La. IF you promise not to go anywhere that could make you lose two lives at one time.

EC: I promise.

GG: Hao La. Then me and Wang Zi are going home to change then I will come see you soon.

EC: OK. *So me and Wang Zi went home to change. I grabbed a tee and a pair of jeans. I laid my bag down on the sofa and proceeded to the kitchen to make something for me and Wang Zi to eat. Then the doorbell rang numerous times. Wang Zi came running down the stairs and I went to open the door.*

???: Gui!

GG: Ge?!

WC: Have you seen Ella?!

GG: You mean Sis? *I have to act like I don’t know anything. Hoping to get some answers from him.*

WC: Yeah. When I came home last night, she went missing.

GG: Ge, did you do something to make her angry?

WC: No. I don’t think so.

GG: Ge…

WC: Please Gui, help me look for her.

GG: Ge, it’s your problem search for her yourself.

WC: But…

GG: I can’t solve your problem for you. I’ll help, but if I find her, it doesn’t mean that I will tell you.

WC: What do you…

GG: Think of what happened.

WC: I…. *Before he could do anything I pushed him out of the door and locked it.*

WZ: Gui… *I was crying.*
GG: I’m sorry but you have to do this yourself. *This was the first time I did this to Chun. But he needed to think of his actions.*

WZ: Gui. *HE came up to me and hugged me. I started crying and then I went to the kitchen. I placed the food on the table and we started eating.*

GG: Wang Zi, please send me to the hospital.

WZ: Hao La.

GG: Thanks. *So after we finished eating, Wang Zi and I went to visit Ella.*

EC: Gui!

GG: Hi Sis. *I hugged her and she hugged me back.*

EC: What’s wrong?

GG: Ge came to look for you. Don’t worry I didn’t tell him. But I kicked him out of the house.

EC: Gui…

GG: I think he hates me.

EC: No Gui. He could never hate you.

WZ: Anyways to cheer up the mood, Ella great news. The doctor says you can go home this after noon.

EC: Really?!

WZ: Yeah.

EC: Gui. Can I live with you for a while?

GG: S…sure? *I looked over at Wang Zi. Soon after Ella fell asleep. Wang Zi pulled me to the side.*

WZ: Gui, what are you thinking?

GG: She has no where to go.

WZ: But if she knows that we sleep in separate rooms, what will she say?

GG: I don’t know. How about you drop me home and I’ll go and put my stuff in your bedroom?

WZ: Sure?

GG: You don’t have to do that. If you do, then you won’t get a place to sleep. So Just let Ella know. It’s just Ella.

WZ: Hao La. Fine.

GG: Yay!

WZ: Shhhh…

GG: Oh sorry. *So when Ella got discharged that afternoon, she went home with me and Wang Zi. Apparently Chun hasn’t found Ella yet. Ella entered my room.*

EC: Gui, why are your stuff here?

GG: Uh…. Because….

EC: Hoh! You and Wang Zi don’t sleep together.

GG: Shhhhh… Sis! No one can know that.

EC: Then what about the promise you made to Mom and Dad?

GG: Uh… never gonna happen?

EC: Gui…

GG: Sis, if you keep saying all this. Then I am calling Ge to come pick you up.

EC: Hao La! You win.

GG: You and I are sharing a room.

EC: What about Wang Zi?

GG: He’ll sleep in his room.

EC: but…

GG: Ge…

EC: Hao La! *SO that night me and Ella shared a room and Wang Zi was in his room. In the morning when I woke up, Ella was gone. She was making breakfast for me and Wang Zi. After Wang Zi came down, we all ate. When we were done, Ella wanted me to go and buy some clothes for her. She gave me money but I wouldn’t accept it.*

GG: sis, I don’t want to take money from you. I am paying for everything. *With that, I went to the store with Wang Zi because she would not let me go by myself and she ended up staying home alone. When we got to the store, I went straight to the maternity clothing sections while Wang Zi went to look at some tech stuff. I bought:

[]<---- shirt
[]<--- shirt
[] <-- Shirt
[] <-- Shirt
[] <-- shirt
[] <-- dress
[] <--dress

By the time I finished shopping, it was already 2 p.m. So me and Wang Zi decided to go back home. When we did, we saw Ella inside sleeping. Guess she was tired. Well we went shopping for about 3-4 hours now. So she should be tired. I gently shook her and she woke up.*

GG: Sis, it’s bad to sleep here when you’re pregnant. Go to the room. *She nodded and walked to the room. I carried the bags and went in after her. After I finished tucking her in, I came back down. Wang Zi was making something to eat.* Need help?

WZ: Huh? Ah, mei yo. I think I can manage.

GG: I think?

WZ: I can manage. *I grabbed a box of mixing. I looked at the box and it said ‘Pancakes’. So he liked to eat pancakes.*

GG: How and When did you….

WZ: After you made those pancakes at Ya Tou’s I was addicted to them. so I asked Ya Tou where she bought it and I bought it.

GG: So the truth, you went to look for pancake mixing and not tech stuff.

WZ: Yeah. *He was still mixing the other pancake when the one on the stove got burnt.* Shoot!

GG: You said you could manage. Here, give me the pan.

WZ: But…

GG: Unless you want burnt pancakes. I won’t eat with you though.

WZ: Hao La! *SO we made pancakes to eat.*

END OF CHAPTER 21--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #1
hellotomyself #2
yay bangbangtang!
Not bad ^o^ although I read this late but please continue to be a GuiWang fan. Feel free to read mine in return €.€
sujukyu15 #4
this story was amazing. nuff said ;)i loved it. thank you SOOOO much keep on writing ^_^
hi..can u make a story of GUILUN...??<br />
then i wud luv d story f dr characters s just lyk on d pi li mit...a serious & snob guy...wth ds cute & funny grl..hehehehe<br />
<br />
Huwa~ Its a story with no views but already 9 chapters? WOOOOOH! I'll be rooting for ya! XD