The next day, Yerin woke up with one thing in her mind: Sinb. She was going to pick her up in 2 hours. She quickly got out of bed and went to the washroom to brush her teeth. As soon as she finished and started heading downstairs.  


From the kitchen, the smell of fresh pancakes filled her nose. 


“Good morning sweetie" Yerin's mom greeted her as she placed a plate full of pancakes for her dad on the table. 


“It smells so good in here” Yerin sat down next to her dad. 

"It's been a while since we talked about you, Yerin. Tell me, how are things going?” Yerin's dad smiled while pouring syrup on his pancakes. 

“Good” Yerin smiled back. She thought this would be a perfect opportunity to ask them if she could go out with Sinb.

“Actually I m going out in a few hours with a someone.” 

“Is it Joy?” Her mom asked and she sat down next to Yerin with two more plates of pancakes, placing one in front of Yerin and one in front of her. 

“No, it's someone new.” Yerin didn't like lying her parents. 

“Who?" Her dad asked, chewing on his pancakes.

"her name is Sinb” 

“Is this the girl that's been keeping you out until night for the past week?” Her mom glared at her. Yerin nodded. 

“I don't know, she seems like trouble. She's been keeping you busy from your homework” 

“Dont worry, I'll finish my homework when I get back.” Yerin smiled, taking a mouthful of pancakes and shoving it in . 

“Don't stay out too late.” Her dad warned before taking another bite from his plate. 

“i won't"


After they had finished having breakfast, Yerin rushed to her room and picked out blue jeans and a white t-shirt. After putting it on, she heard her phone buzzing. She picked it up and read the message from Sinb.

 It's almost 12. You ready? 

Yerin replied a YES. Before sending her address and tossing her phone on her bed. She then put casual makeup on her face. About 25 minutes later, her phone buzzed again. 

Sinb: I m outside. 

Yerin hurriedly went downstairs and said goodbye to her parents before opening her front door and walking out. Sinb was leaning against the motorcycle, wearing black jeans, a tight black tank top and a leather jacket. 


“Hey” Yerin smiled as she reached her. 

“Is that yours?” She asked half jokingly, pointed to the motorcycte. 

“Yeah” Sinb got on top of the motorcycle and put her helmet on before handing Yerin a helmet. 

“Wait, seriously?” Yerin had never been on motorcycle before. She was a little scared. 

“Why would I be joking? Now come on.” Sinb chuckled. 

Yerin took the helmet from Sinb and put it on before hopping on the motorcycle and sitting behind Sinb. 

“Put your hands on my waist.” Sinb spoke through her helmet. 


“Put. Your. Hands. On. My. Waist.” Sinb spelled out slowly.

“i'm a fast driver so unless you wanna fall off then be my guest.” Yerin placed her hands on her waist as Sinb started the motorcycle started driving. Yerin tightened her grip on Sinb's waist as the motorcycle started going faster. 


Once they reached the highway, Sinb let go of the handlebars and lifted her arms up at each side, as if she was flying. 


“What are you doing?” Yerin shrieked, pulling Sinb s arms back down. 

“Dont worry, it's okay.” Sinb chuckled.
"wanna try?"

“Are you crazy?” Yerin groaned. 

"It's safe, I promise,” Sinb reassured.

“Just lift your arms up and let the wind flow through you" Yerin lifted her arms up, almost falling over causing Sinb to lose balance of the motorcycle before ragaining it.

 “i can't do it” 

“Try it again. But this time relax, you're too tense” Sinb encouraged. 

Yerin tried again, lifting her arms up while closing her eyes. The wind was flowing through her. For the first time, she felt alive. 

“This is amazing.” Yerin admits as she tilted her head back, looking up at the sky. 

“i told you" Sinb smiled. 

After Yerin's arms got tired, she put them back on Sinb's waist. Yerin shuffled closer to Sinb and placed the side of her head on her shoulder. Sinb wasn't expecting her to do that, but she let it slide. 


“Are we there?” Yerin asked after they had been driving for a while.


About 5 minutes later, Sinb parked her motorcycle in an empty parking lot. 

“Where are we?" Yerin hopped off the motorcycle after Sinb. 

“Close your eyes.” Sinb grabbed Yerin's arm once she closed her eyes, slowly guiding her out of the parking lot. 

“Don't peak” 

"okay" Yerin smiled.

“Step on” Sinb guided Yerin onto the sidewalk and into the forest. 

“Okay, open your eyes" Sinb let go of Bella as she opened her eyes. 


In front of them, is the most bedutiful pathway filled with pink trees on the sides. Yerin stood there, her jaw dropping. 

She watched the view in aw. 


“Wow.This is beautiful” Yerin took a few steps forwards, admiring the view. 

“I know. It's my favourite place to just sit and think” Sinb grabbed Yerin's hand, pulling her along as she started walking.

“I wanna show you something” 

At the end of the pathway was a cliff. Sinb dragged her closer to the cliff but Yerin was pulling back. 

“What are you doing?” Yerin pulled her arm back, stopping before getting any closer to the edge. 

Sinb rolled her eyes. 

“i'm not gonna push you off. Just trust me” Sinb held her hand out for Bella, which she took, catching up to Sinb. They stopped once they reached the edge. 

“This is where I come whenever I wanna release my anger” Sinb disclosed as her eyes were fixed at the other side of the cliff, where there were more trees. About 20 feet below, there was a river which led to a waterfall.

"What do you mean?” Yerin asked her confusingly.

"i have the urge to scream when I'm really mad. So I just come here and yell my lungs out” Sinb expldined before taking a big breath and screaming at the top of her lungs, her voice echoing everywhere. “You try” Sinb turned to watch Yerin. 

"Okay” She breathed in and lightly screamed. 

"Is that what you call screaming?” Sinb laughed.

"Release all of your anger into your scream” Sinb said

"but I'm not angry" Sinb rolled her eyes. 

"think of something that makes you really mad"

 Yerin closed her eyes and started to think. She then opened and let out a much louder scream, echoing to the other side of the cliff. 

“There you go. Doesn't that feel so much better?” 

"yeah" Yerin admits nodding her head. 





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dpphppy #1
Chapter 7: Expected already her parents especially her mom will say something like that but ermm who is kevin...
Chapter 6: So, next chapter... kiss? 😏
Yerintopic #3
Chapter 6: Woww sinb turns to be soft person to yerin
dpphppy #4
Chapter 6: Did she just confessed 👁👁
Chapter 5: Uuw sinrin finally close
dpphppy #6
Chapter 5: They have become a little bit close with each other also sinb have open up about herself to yerin 🥺 thankyou for triple update today.
dpphppy #7
Chapter 4: Sinb :(
Chapter 4: Welcome back, author!
I read the current chapters on row!
Can’t wait for next chap :)
Jmpangilinan #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha mommies girl
dpphppy #10
Chapter 2: New story from you!!! And yes highschool fanfic!