

After what seemed like the longest week ever, it was finally Friday, meaning Yerin only had to do one more task before finally relaxing for the whole weekend. 


Yerin was driving for about 10 minutes now while Sinb was in the passenger seat gazing at the window, giving directions. 


“Take left now“ Following Sinb's orders, they reached their destination moments later. 

“Park behind the white BMW.” Sinb pointed towards the car. Just as Yerin parked the car a few feet away from the white car, Sinb reached into her back and took out a pocket knife. 

“Woah, what are you doing now?” Yerin asked alarmed, shifting away from Sinb. 

“Relax. I'm not going to kill you.” Sinb held out the knife towards her.

“Here, take it.” Yerin took the knife from Sinb waiting for her instructions. 

“Now go pop the back tire of that car.” Sinb gazed at the white BMW. 

“What? Why?” Yerin questioned. 

“Because I don't like the owner of that car. He pisses me off” Sinb explained.

“Why can't you do it?” 

“Becduse I told you to. Now hurry up before he comes out" 


Yerin got out of the car and headed towards the car, crouching next to the back tire. She held the knife above her head before jamming it into the tire, which quickly started releasing air. She got up and ran towards her car and sat back down breathing heavily. 


“Why are you breathing like that?” Sinb asked just as Yerin got in the car and sat down.

”You sound like you just ran marathon.” 


Yerin suddenly felt rage build up inside her. She didn't like everything Yerin was forcing her to do with her. Let alone doing it for a week. She wanted to know why Sinb acted this way. 


“Why are you like this?” Yerin accidentally blurted out. 

“Like what?” Sinb asked, completely caught off guard. 

“I mean, why do you do things like this?” Yerin rephrased her sentence. 

“You mean have fun?” 

“This is not fun.” Yerin shot back.

“Then what do you do for fun?” 

“like to read.” Yerin replied. 

“No.” Sinb shook her head. “I mean real fun.” Yerin thought for a while. 

“Well, I'm always so busy studying that I never really have time to do anything fun" Yerin replied honestly. Sinb stared in disbelief. She almost felt bad for her. 

“i'll tell you what, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 12pm. I'll show you what real fun is.” Sinb kindly of offered.

“But tomorrow is Saturday.” Yerin pointed out.

“Iknow. We'll have more time that way" 

“Sorry! I can't. I promised my mom I would help her with something” Yerin lied. She couldn't stand doing this for another day. 

“You're a horrible liar” Sinb smirked. 

Yerin could feel her face burning up.

"Don't worry, I won't mdke you do dnything you don't want to do" 

For the first time, Sinb sounded sincere. 


Yerin knew she wasn't lying. 


"Okay” Yerin nodded. 


But Sinb wasn't paying attention to Yerin anymore, she was staring at the windshield. 

“Look” Sinb pointed to the man wearing a tux. He exited his house and walked to his car parked feet away from Yerin's car, unlocking it and sitting in the driver's seat. 

“This is my favourite part.” Sinb rubbed her hands together waiting for the prank to start. The man started his car on and started driving. Not even 10 seconds went by before the back tire popped and started dragging on the road. The man quickly stopped the car and got out. He walked to the tire and crouched down, as Sinb broke out in laughter.


“!” The man got up and kicked the inflated tire. He rubbed his neck before taking his phone out and dailed a number as he headed back inside his house. 


“Did you see the look on his face.” Sinb commented in between her laughter. 

“Yeah” Yerin chucked. 

“I guess it was kind of funny.” 

“Let's get out of here.” Sinb spoke as soon and she stopped laughing. 


Yerin started the car and started driving back the way they came. Sinb the radio and started humming along quietly while playing with the knife in her hand. 

“So um, do you have any siblings?” Yerin asked trying to start a conversation. Sinb froze. Her humming stopped and her grip on the knife became stronger. Her knuckles turned white from gripping so hard.

Yerin gulped. She didn't like that she was in a tight space with Sinb holding a knife. 


“I mean, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. Yerin couldn't tell what was wrong with her. Sinb was silent. She loosened her grip on the knife. There was yet again another awkward silence before Sinb spoke up. 

“When I was little, my older brother and I were so close. We would have sleepovers in each other's rooms and stay up all night talking and goofing around in our tents that we built” Sinb stopped to catch her breath, still looking down. But Yerin didn't know why she was opening up to her, she just asked her a simple question. 

She stopped the car to listen to her. 

“He always made everyday fun. Every night he would always come into my room and tell me a bedtime story. I knew he was trying to protect me from my parents. Especially my dad. He was an alcoholic. He had really bad anger issues and drinking only made it worse. Every night you could hear him yelling at my mom. My brother always made me feel safe. All those nights I spent crying, listening to my dad screaming at my mom, my brother was right next to me, making me feel safer"

"But one day, I came home from school to my wasted father. The house reeked the stench of alcohol. He was yelling at my mom again, but this time she was yelling back. I noticed that she threw out all of the whiskey bottles. My dad got so mad that he... he hit her. He hit my mom.” Sinb couldn't help but feel her eyes watering. 

“My brother didn't want me to see my dad abusing my mom, so he took me upstairs and locked the doors. He calmed me down for a while before he took the house phone and called the police. My dad had been upstairs at that time. He heard him calling police so he broke down the door and took the phone out of his hand and smashed it onto the floor. Then he started to punch him while my mom was trying to get him off my brother. Blood was pouring out his nose while I was crying and screaming” 


Sinb finally looked up and gazed into Yerin's eyes as she broke down in tears. 

“He killed him. He killed my brother right in front of me. He was the only one who ever cared about me” 


Yerin had never seen this vulnerable side of her. 


She always thought she had no emotions. But she was wrong. She placed her hand on Sinb's in reassurance. 


“I'm sorry.” Yerin said with a sad face.

“Now my dad is rotting in jail while my mom.. She is no more” 


Yerin finally understood why Sinb acted this way and why she was so mean. She grew up in the abusive environment and her brother was killed by her own dad, while her mom- She is no more in this world with her, and her dad has been in jail ever since. She had to grow up with no close family members. Yerin couldn't even begin to imagine what that was like. She was genuinely grateful for her parents. 





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dpphppy #1
Chapter 7: Expected already her parents especially her mom will say something like that but ermm who is kevin...
Chapter 6: So, next chapter... kiss? 😏
Yerintopic #3
Chapter 6: Woww sinb turns to be soft person to yerin
dpphppy #4
Chapter 6: Did she just confessed 👁👁
Chapter 5: Uuw sinrin finally close
dpphppy #6
Chapter 5: They have become a little bit close with each other also sinb have open up about herself to yerin 🥺 thankyou for triple update today.
dpphppy #7
Chapter 4: Sinb :(
Chapter 4: Welcome back, author!
I read the current chapters on row!
Can’t wait for next chap :)
Jmpangilinan #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha mommies girl
dpphppy #10
Chapter 2: New story from you!!! And yes highschool fanfic!