Favor for a favor


It was long night. YURI was thinking about ewerything what happend yesterday, what can happend today.. NO what happend by all her life. Why eweryone judge her by her looks, why she can't find friend easy, why eweryone think it's funny make fun of her, why she is pushing, yelling without Real reason.. Just becouse someone had a bad day

YURI didn't Even realise she Pass next to Sehun when she come out from her home. 

She Look like zombie without looking around she Just go forward not See anything she could bump on eweryone on the street

Sehun first was angry but later he become kind of worried.. Maybe something happend to YURI becouse she never was SO sad and tired in the same moment. She Look like she lost in her own minds

He was almost stop her and ask about what happend but then Chanyeol come out from nowhere. Chanyeol Look like he was wait on her too long, so he come out from school to pick up Yuri

- what is your problem Hyong? 

#what is your problem Sehun? You become moody always when I come around YURI.... She is my friend as well as yours

- Are you trying lecture me again? 

Chanyeol opened his mouth but before he could said anything YURI suddenly ask

* why changing is SO important? 

Both boys Look at her suprised. She isn't Look at them she was turned to them her back, her head was hold down. 

Sehun said

- isn't.. 

* then why you change SO much.... You're stronger and higher, and.... Chanyeol too changed SO much I can't Even call you Chan you Look SO different

YURI sigh. Both boys Look at her in silent. Then Chanyeol said

# changing Are naturalna, we changed every year dosn't we? Every year we Are older... Well some Times we need to Just help our changing a little to by more like we want... It's Just if we want to

.* if we want to live easy SO we had to right? not we want to

— if You don't want to you don't had to

# but Are you sure you don't want, you don't want to know how IT is..... How they could treat you when you changed?

-she don't had to

# she don' t but, she can try for her better..... not.... For her easier life around People, once we try.... and we do good,right? you were in a good way for changing.... I DON'T know why you stop

YURI Look at Chanyeol. He had right... When they  were Kids he help her lose some weight from really FAT to CHUBBY kind of .

Sehun Look irritating then he said

- why you always try to push her for changing her looks?

# why you don't want her to changing? Aren't you the one who should help her with losing weight when I had to moved?

Sehun roll his eyes but YURI think a little.... then she ask Chanyeol

* you can help me again right?

# in every moment you want... I Just want you to ask about it

-I will not help you

* SO don't I wasn't ask you..... SO chanyeol I will help you with study and, you will help me lose my weight alright

Chanyeol do with YURI Pink PROMISE what bring Sehun truly angry mood. He Just go to school without waiting On YURI or Even Look back. 

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Chapter 6: I'm SO sorry for my English...... I hope you can find out what I try to write..... And I want to Thank you all readers