Shhhh.... Oh please my heart


"Having a twin is like have a jackpot"

"OMG you two Are SO alike" 

Yeah right..... People some time dosn't know what they Are Talking about. 

Having a twin is a jackpot from when..... It's more like I had to repair ewerything for that person.... It's like double troubled

We two Look a like I don't think if I should cry, yell or laught.... We do Look a like when we were babys but he is a boy and I'm a girl SO howI supousted feel hearing something like that


Lee Taeyeon is almost in the first year of her University life, she is excited and happy, becouse finally she will by free from her twin Brother. They choose different school SO she will by free as shr think. She give her Best becoming as a top first student as a vice presodent of student Council and becoming really active in highschool life and Club..... She could Even said she will by miss this days but she had to including some facts... As one she had to forget to by bullied more like all the time troubled by one boy and his two friends. Second she has to forget about being troubled by fan girls becouse that boy was popular among girls, Even is she couldn't find out why..... And she finally had  and she can forget to all the time babysitting her twin Brother and take care of his grades and troubless that he made.... Without this things highschool could by a Perfect time in her life.... But now she. Is ready... Ready for freedom


But she wasn't prepared for what life is hide for her..... 

The suddenly changed plans and faced all the troubless again..... Maybe Even worst the it was in highschool


- But how can you ask me about it father? What about mine plans and future?

* If I know you can' t handled it then I will by not ask you about it...... 

- Aren't it's too much..... 

* Taeyeon Taemin is in hospital... If he not went in time to the University he can lose his chance... You exactly know he isn't good at study, this sport schoolarship is his only one chance to went there

- How about me? My University?

* You can handled two years in one if You give your Best I know that you were first in school from far I remeber doughter

TAEYEON sight, her father sit next to her said

* you went to his school only one semestr Jongin will by there for helping you. I believe it can works and you know you're his not ours only hope

Taeyeon wasn't pretend ed to by her Brother for long time but know her dosn't have much choice her father ask about it and want to take all the responsibilites. 

JONGIN is a cousin of her and Taemin and he promised helped with this Exchange he know that Taeyeon can by really good on pretending beeing Taemin but also he know it will by school when most of the student Are boys SO she need someone on guard.

But will Taeyeon is prepared what she will by had to stand and who she will by had meet.???? 


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