lf: friends. this is not cap.


click for info, i'm shy.


i have no idea how to write ads if i'm being honest, so i'm going to copy somebody else's. i'm looking for friends, i have a habit of not staying on my fl for long & that's mostly because i am introverted and have no idea how to communicate with you people in short talk. so, let's just erradicate short talk. ok? ok.

  • i'm twenty one, they/them, on the minus side of the world. my sleep schedule does not exist, therefore i am be whatever timezone you're in. looking for friends, though. sorry minors, you'll age like the rest of us eventually (unfortunately.)
  • i fc mostly women, i fc men sometimes too. i don't care who you fc as long as you're using your brain and aren't fcing people who've passed away and whatnot.
  • yes, ladies, i am a gamer. i tend to play singleplayer games (i just got ac valhalla... eivor is so y.) but i do have multiplayer as well! i don't play valorant or anything, but i am always open to finding something to play. 
  • i'm one of those "i like doing everything with others" es so. cpdping? yes. sharing playlists? yes. watching movies? yes. trauma bonding? yes. i love to see it, i love to do it, quality time might as well be my love language (it's words of affirmation if you're curious) with how much i like being around my friends. lol.
  • if you want a friend that you might not usually find: i'm polytheistic (i only actively worship freyja atm), i practice divination, and i frequently use tarot cards! be my friend and i will offer to read cards for you... <3 i like astrology, too, but i'm not well versed in it!

that's all, really. if you're interested, comment or send me a pm with your twitter handle (or discord, but i'm more hesitant to send my discord out to people i don't know lol.) bye love u.


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