Dance Again

Yixing sat in the dance studio for a moment more, letting the little but impactful information sink in. They were still so young. No one who had a hobby should end up not being able to do it. He was pulled out of his thoughts when the door opened.

"What'd you do to make my cousin cry?" ShinAh’s cousin Mina interrogated.

"Whoa, whoa, Mina." He held his hands out in defense. "She told me why she can't dance anymore. That's all." He explained.

Mina was as shocked as he was a moment ago. "She told you? Why?"

"I dont know."

"Well just know it means she trusts you." Mina sighed. "Not many people know about the injury. They settled for the fact that she quit dancing." She scoffed. "Our family couldn't even see through that pathetic lie."

"Was she competitive?" Lay asked.

"Oh was she." Mina laughed. "I think that's why her injury was so serious." She thought out loud. "She loved dancing but competition runs in our family's blood, so it's not shocking she was always wanting to win." Mina smiled.


Their conversation went on for a while and with every bit Mina gave him, ShinAh's story was piecing together. Some began making sense, others were still fuzzy in understanding.

Later that night Yixing made a point to look up if ShinAh did any serious competitions. Mina had given him all the names of groups that ShinAh was associated with so it made it a little bit easier to find her.

A link was soon sent to his phone with the message: 

click link. ShinAh is the one with two braids

There was no caller ID, but he figured it would be Mina since she's the only other person who knows ShinAh's situation.

He clicked and the title that came up was a dance competition. But it looked like a side stage since it was in the middle of a crowded area.

He found the little girl he was supposed to be looking for and followed her as she danced across the screen. He couldn't believe that this was ShinAh. The girl he'd been getting to know for the past couple months had this deep secret, and he was privileged to know it. The video soon finished and he just stared at the screen in awe. This competition had to have been when she was 15 or so, so the injury had to be more recent. Knowing someone who had a dance injury outside of ShinAh, he knew how hard it could be to come with terms that you won't be able to do something you love. He wasn't going to let that happen.

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