Dance Again


It had been a week since Yixing and Min talked. Wherever they saw each other it was nothing more than a head nod or wave. She was too busy working and he was mentally and physically exhausted.  

"You look more tired today than usual." HwaYoung gave Yixing his drink and he nodded. He always worked during her shift so they talked often.

"A difficult practice today." He sighed.

"Man if only Min helped." HwaYoung muttered and began walking off.

"Wait what do you mean 'if only Min helped'?" Yixing got curious.

HwaYoung smiled. "Nothing." She shook her head and continued working.

He hoped that his gut feeling was right when he got up from his seat, grabbed the bin Min was holding, put it on the table she was cleaning, took her arm, and sat her down across from him.

"Yah!" She exclaimed. "You know there's a thing called asking." She huffed.

"I didn't know if you would agree." He admitted.

"Agree to what?"

"I want you to come to my class Friday."


"I want-"

"I know what you said but why do you want me to come? It's not like I can really do anything."

Please let this gut feeling be right. "Just come. Another pair of eyes can tell me what I'm not seeing." He sighed.

He looked up and saw her observing him. "You look more tired today than usual." She noted.

"So I've been told." He sighed tiredly. "Can you  help me?"

She looked at the way he asked it and it almost sounded desperate. "Alright." She whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

"Really?" He was shocked.

"Yeah. You need the help. And me standing there won't kill me so why not." She shrugged with a small smile. "Just know that if I get in trouble for taking a shift off, you're going down with me." She squinted at him playfully. "Well now that business has been taken care of, I need to get back to work." She got up. "Take care of yourself ok? No girl likes guys who are slumped over all the time."

He nodded then got cocky. "You're checking me out?" Almost wanting to gag at how corny he sounded.

Min laughed. "Oh not me." She went up closer to whisper to him. "But the girl behind you, next to the window has been since she walked in." And she left Yixing with a flustered face.

yeah there's definitely more haha

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