Dance Again

Friday finally came and Min dressed down to go to the dance studio. Since it was her cousin's she didn't need directions and just walked.

She'd gotten there an hour early just to catch up with all the teachers and some students she'd befriended.

"Oh you're here already." Yixing walked in to see ShinAh surrounded by his colleagues. "You know each other?" He pointed around the room.

"Oh yeah. When I first moved here I frequented the studio and made friends with the teachers and some students." ShinAh smiled.

"She was our maknae." One of the hip hop teachers, BongHyun, ruffled her hair. "Well I have a class, so I'll leave first." He waved as he walked away.

Slowly all the teachers and some students had gone their separate ways. One student went up to Min and took her aside.

"Unnie, my back is hurting again. What should I do?"

"Are you pushing yourself Sohee?" ShinAh reprimanded. The girl nodded and ShinAh sighed. "You know your limits. Don't push them. You don't want to be where I am, huh?"

Sohee looked at ShinAh sadly. "Ok unnie."

"Just make sure you stretch properly and warm up well before you dance. You don't need another injury to stop you this year." ShinAh smiled and let Sohee go on her way.

"Thanks unnie~ see you later!" Sohee yelled from down the hall. ShinAh laughed.

"You two seemed close." Yixing walked up.

"Just a little." ShinAh smiled. She saw people come in through the door. "Seems like your class is about to start."


The class went by smoothly. ShinAh would look longingly at the dancers but then shake her head to refocus.

"ShinAh do you see anything?" Lay asked.

He'd been making them go over the choreography over and over again to clean up any parts that were out of place. He looked over at the girl, who hadn't answered him yet and was about to ask again. 

"Stop!" She surprised him and he paused the music quickly and followed her to a dancer.

"Make sure your weight is on your left foot before the turn to you dont waste time shifting it and go into the turn late." She noted. 

Lay was in shock. The dancer looked like she was doing fine. 

"Try it. I'll count you in." The dancer nodded preparing herself. "5, 6, 7, 8!" 

She did the 8 count before it and did the turn again. 

"Perfect." ShinAh smiled at the dancer and the dancer bowed back in thanks. "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." ShinAh dropped her head in embarrassment.

"Oh no this is what I wanted you for!" Yixing smiled. "To see things I can't."

They went through the choreography more and were doing well before ShinAh stopped them. She walked up to another dancer.

"Lean back when he lifts you so you're as angled as the others."

The dancer scoffed. "Fine."

ShinAh didn't take it personally, as she was just supposed to help Yixing. Not necessarily the dancers.

The dancer couldn't get the move right and was beginning to get frustrated.

 "Why don't you show us then? Since I can't seem to get it right." She crossed her arms.

ShinAh was in a bind. Yixing was also curious how she'd react. Min took a breath and answered. 

"I can't."

The dancer scoffed again. "Can't or won't? How am I supposed to take direction from someone who can't demonstrate themselves."

"Fair enough." ShinAh nodded. "Then continue. If your teacher doesn't have a problem with it."

Yixing looked at ShinAh. "You know let's call it a day. I'll see you in a couple days." He dismissed the class. ShinAh sat where her stuff was and was going to leave once everyone else did.

"I'll see you at the cafe." ShinAh muttered.

"Hey no," Yixing grabbed her arm. "I want to talk to you."

ShinAh sighed. "I guess you have the right to know." She took a deep breath. "Uh to say it bluntly: I physically cannot dance anymore." She rubbed her hands together slowly and stared at them.

"I don't understand…" Yixing whispered.

"I had a spine injury that left me physically incapable." She could feel her eyes burning but didn't want tears to fall.

"I know a therapist-"

"If you can name it I've probably already tried it." ShinAh cut Yixing off. 

He was in shock. How could a girl so young have such a serious downfall like that.


"I don't really want to talk about it anymore, Yixing." He heard her sniffle. "It's done already, I've accepted it." She nodded. "I guess I'll just see you tomorrow." 

ShinAh's head had been down this whole time and he wanted to comfort her but it didn't seem right.

"Ok." He let her leave. "See you tomorrow." She didn't hear him from moving so quickly.

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