
Fallin' for You

"As you can see guys, those two are enjoying their moments" Jennie said as she turned the camera to Jisoo and Lisa "They're busy on their mini photoshoot. They've totally left me here, preparing the food and  other stuffs. Just great"

"Nice pose, Unnie! One more time! One more time" Lisa said and took a lot of Jisoo's photo

"Your phone is ringing" the older girl said, Lisa gave her camera to Jisoo and grabbed her phone

"Hey, Rosie"

"Hello-r Babe, how's the picnic?" Chaeyoung asked

Lisa walked away a bit and sat on the bench that is placed under the tree

"We're happy here" she chuckled "But I wish you were here, I wanted to see the sunset with you"

"Jennie unnie didn't told you?"

"Told me what?"

"That me and Hank will go there, we're on our now"

Lisa's eyes widens, she stood up from her seat and looked at Jennie

"Okay babe, see you later. I love you" 

"I love you too"

Lisa went back to their spot and starts eating the sandwich that Jennie made

"Unnie, you didn't told me Chaeyoung will follow us" Lisa pouted that made Jisoo roll her eyes

"Lisa, she told you that while on our way. I guess you didn't heard it because you're busy bickering with Dalgom at the backseat" Jisoo said making Jennie chuckle

"Your dog is bad, unnie. She always barks at me!"

"But doesn't mean you have to bark at him back!" Jisoo laughed

"Oh wait, where is Dalgom though?" Jennie asked and looked around

"I thought he's with you" Lisa said

"Huh? You took him earlier, remember? You picked him up because you said I have to prepare our food" Jennie replied

Lisa looked at Jisoo who's staring blankly at her


Jisoo smiled and stands up

"Don't worry, I'll find him" Jisoo said as she took her bag "I'll call you once I found him" 

Lisa could only nod but her's and Jisoo's couldn't meet, she's shy and feel guilty for losing the dog. 

"Don't worry, Lisa" Jisoo said and cupped Lisa's cheek

"They're so cute" Jennie mumbled while recording the two bestfriends

Jisoo decided to go to the place where she knows Dalgom could play, she also went to the guard on the entrance if he saw the dog and he said no so Jisoo knew that Dalgom is still there. She walked around again, she saw a couple of man beside the tree.

"They looked familiar" Jisoo was about to say something but then she saw a dog running towards her, the dog came from the men's direction.

"Dalgomie!" Jisoo knelt down and hugged the dog "Where did you go? You made us worry"

She stood up with Dalgom in her arms, she wanted to thank the men for taking care of her dog but she them running away.

"Why are they running though?" Jisoo muttered

She wanted to thank the boys but they're out of her sight already so she just let it pass and walked back to her friends.

"Dalgomi!" Jennie said and hugged the tiny dog "Gosh! Thank God you're safe!"

"Hi Chaeyoungie. Hello Hangkie!" Jisoo said

They all laughed when Hank barked at her.

They spent more time under the tree, watching the sunset while eating.


"Yoshi, some of our classmates made a reservation on a restaurant, they wanted us to attend tge reunion" Yedam said after he read the email that he received from their former classmate

"Tell them we can't go. We're busy here"

"Aww....are you sure you don't really want us to come? Your japanese friends will be there"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Huh? It says that Asahi and Haruto will go there" Yedam said as he read the message again "Jeongwoo, check your email too"

The taller boy nods and opened his email too

"Yedam is right. Our class pressident Jihoon made an attendance list here" Jeongwoo said as he showed the list on Yoshi

"That's weird. I thought they went back to Japan last year" Yoshi mumbled

"There's something wrong about this....I just can't figure it out"

Yoshi stands up and grabbed his coat

"Where are you going?" Yedam asked but the oter boy didn't answered "What happened to him?"

"I don't know. Anyway, let's get back to work" Jeongwoo said


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Chapter 32: Jensoo is so cute. Thanks you for the update 😊
1089 streak #2
Chapter 32: Oh wondering what will jisoo do when Lisa and the boys finally tell her the truth? The boys are brothers to her but they lie to her
Jensoo4everlove #3
Yayyyy Update!!!!
1089 streak #4
Chapter 30: Hi
1089 streak #5
Chapter 30: Oh hahaha that boy must've caught that Pic of jichu's surprise face hahaha...
1089 streak #6
Chapter 29: jensoo are so cute
Chapter 28: They are so cute 😍
Thanks you for the update 😊
1089 streak #8
Chapter 26: Lol what about the cats?
1089 streak #9
Chapter 24: hahaha Jennie you're so obvious but i think our Jichu wont notice it hahaha
1089 streak #10
Chapter 23: Hahaha Jennie's mom is so funny and lol playing Pubg... Damn I will too be wild if I witness that last part live...