Sounds Like You're In Love~

Yesung's Dilema


Ryeowook’s POV

“Me?”  I looked at him confusedly “really you mean you like me?”

He looked at me with love in his eyes “no I think that I’m in love with you…” I watched him as he hid his face with his palms. I lifted his chin so his eyes met with mine.

“I KNOW I love you” I chuckled and kissed his lips. He seemed to be surprised at my bold move. He hesitated but kissed me back with as much passion as I had felt. My heart seemed to stop. Pull yourself together Wookie, aish.

We cuddled close that night, I didn’t want to move from the safety of his hug.

End flashback


Ari’s POV

“Henry~ah!” I waved to my now boyfriend he smiled at me and walked over and grabbed my hand.

“Ari~sshi you look so pretty.” He kissed my cheek causing me to blush.

“Omo Henry~ah” he really is amazing I am so lucky I inwardly spazzed on the outside I was sighing happily as we walked hand in hand to the café. “Henry~ah, can we-“ I blushed at the thought of what I was about to request from him. “Can we gototheamusementpark?” I blushed bright red. I had never been to one and I thought that it would be a good idea to wait till I had a boyfriend I could cling to when I got scared on a roller coaster. Heights are my number one fear besides getting heartbroken. He smiled at me.

“Ari~sshi you are so cute!” he pinched my cheek.

“YAH!” I hid my face “I’m not cute!” he pulled my chin up and made me look at him.

“You are incredibly cute! Also before you have a chance to argue…” He covered y mouth I pouted “the answer is yes I would love to take you to the amusement park, let’s go this weekend okay?” he pulled his hand away to see my pout “stop your cute pouting or I’m going to have to kiss you~” he teased. I instantly stopped pouting though.

“Aish okay, okay…” blushing  I continued walking with him.

“So what languages do you speak?” he asked in English.

“Korean, English, and Japanese.”I answered in English  and smiled doing the “V” sign. He smiled at me. “What languages can you speak?” I asked in Korean.

“Haha, your Korean is better than mine..I can speak English, Korean and Mandarin!” he made a “V” sign too. I giggled. Before I realized that we passed the café, I noticed some one on the corner it looked like…no how could it be him… what’s he doing here…?

Ryeowooks POV

“Wookie!” Yesung’s voice made me shoot up from where I was sleeping which unfortunately was right next to him. He chuckled in response to my spaz. “Wookie why are you so cute?” I blushed and hid my face in my pillow groaning.

“Ani..I’m not cute.” I felt my heart beat a mile a minute while my stomach felt on the edge of bursting with the amount of butterflies lining it.

“You are the cutest ever!” he cooed and pinched my . My cheeks flushed bright red, still hiding my face in the pillow. He picked me up from hiding and held me I his arm and I hid in chest. “Wookie what am I to do with you, and all your cuteness. I have class but I want t lay here holding you.” He kissed the top of my head and I smiled.

“No.. Come on you…you need to get ready for class!” I crawled out of his arms and stood up pouting at him. “Sungie…lets go!” I pulled at his arm making him stand. He let his weight fall on me. I pushed his limp body off of me and we both toppled on to his bead with me on top. “Omo..” I blushed “sorry Sungie.” As I tried to get up Yesung held me and leaned his face up locking our lips in a hot passionate kiss. I moaned, but suddenly remembered he is going to be late for class. I got up off of him and smirked. “Later Sungie~”

“Wookie come on~” he pouted at me and I just smiled at him.

“NO! Now get your hot out of your bed and go get ready!” I , he listened to me still, groggily he crawled out of bed.

“I’m going…jeez all I wanted to do was cuddle and kiss my cute boyfriend but NO he wants me to go to class” he smirked at me and kissed my cheek hurrying off to the shower. I was left there in awe… “Did he just say that I-I’m his boyfriend~?” happily sighing I fell on to the bed holding my beating heart.

Yesung’s POV

My heart is with Wookie but I keep thinking about that damn night. That night where I heard Ari tell me she loves me. I wonder if she remembers…I shook my head splashing water around and thought of Wookie, my boyfriend. I really loved him too. But can I really just let Ari go like this every time I see her I want to kiss her and hold her in my arms the way I did that night. I think I am in love with both of them.. What am I going to do.. I turned off the shower and stepped out into a bathroom filled with steam and walked to the mirror and wiped it clean of the steam and looked at myself. Then I felt two thin arms wrap around my middle.

“Yesungie! I missed you” he pouted at me I kissed his cheek.

“Wookie I was just in the shower, stop being so cute…you make me want to stay here all day and ditch class.” When I said that he immediately let go and ran out of the bathroom and to my dresser pulling clothes out for me I watched him giggling at how fast he was going. I “you just can’t wait to get rid of me~?” he pouted at me.

“That’s not true I love you!” he kept searching and he found my favorite jeans a checkered tee and as he went in my underwear drawer I saw his red face. I stood behind him and rested my head on his shoulder watching him. “Sungie it’s embarrassing…” I laughed and pulled out my silk boxers.

“These ones are good. Dress me~” I took off my towel and stood there waiting for Ryeowook to put my clothes on for me. He picked up my boxers and I could see his red cheeks, Omo so cute. I held onto his shoulders as I stepped into them. As he pulled them up he purposely brushed his lips on my . This guy…if I had time id him. He picked up my jeans once again supporting myself on his shoulders I stepped into them. He stood up and zippered my pants brushing his had teasingly over my buldge. “YAH Wookie!” he smirked at me. Mr. Cutie is over here smirking like a demon at me trying to .

“Problem Sungie~?” his tone made me mad. I pushed him against the wall and pinned my lips to his in a hot rough kiss. “Ahh Jongwoonie~!” he moaned and I was the smirking one now. I let go of him and walked over put my shirt on.

“Got to go now Wookie~ bye bye.” I chuckled as I ran out of the dorm. I heard him shout at me.

“I'll get you for this Jongwoon!!!” laughing I hurried to class.


Okay so that was random but I thought it was rather cute <5 EEP I LOVE YEWOOK

I am the NUMBER 1 SHIPPER OF YEWOOK I ship them so hard >.<


Don’t forget to give my other fics your love~


~Ari Out

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Chapter 8: I missed this story and henry so cute...
Samona #3
Aw, Ari so adorable.^-^
XD Yewook are such teases toward each other.
love it!!! i hope you update soon!!!! :)
NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESUNG YOU GET YOU"RE BACK TO WOOKIE NOW!!!!!!! XD sorry rant over
OH MY GOD just what the hell is going on here?!?!?!?! yesung you are FORBIDDEN to love anyone other than wookie
I still hope she doesn't end up with Henry :/
Yewook forever <3
Update soon :)