Chapter Ten

Saving You

It had been two weeks. The routine was always the same. Yoohyeon was taken in for surgery, barely made it through, then rested while the girls all visited. The cycle rinsed and repeated as the days passed.

Finally, the lead doctor said her surgeries were finished and that it was now just up to Yoohyeon’s body to wake up and recover. There was nothing more they could do except keep her comfortable until then.

All six of the girls had gathered in the hospital room. It was cramped and much to the doctor’s dismay, but they refused to be kept away any longer.

The surgeries were finally over, and they didn’t think it was even possible, but Yoohyeon actually looked worse than when she started. Her face was a ghostly white, with roughly-stitched cuts going down the length of her cheek and jawline. There was a tube down which was helping her breathe.

The rest of her body was covered by a gown and some blankets, but the members knew what was underneath. A massive cast on her femur, tape around her ribs, large gashes littered on her arms, back, legs... It was horrible.

Handong hated it. Everything. It all made Yoohyeon look so lifeless. Like she was just waiting for death to come and claim her.

The girls sat in a circle around Yoohyeon’s bedside, and Bora took one of the younger girl’s limp hands. They sat there in silence. What was there to say?

Then much to the surprise of the other girls, Bora cleared .

“I remember how afraid I used to get at night. We were just assigned to be roommates and barely knew each other, but somehow you knew what I needed. If I would get nightmares, you would hold me. You’d let me climb into the bunk with you, and you’d whisper words of reassurance to me until I fell back asleep. You never once complained about being woken up all the time. Sometimes, when the other members would ask, you’d tease me for being loud. But you never told anyone what really happened.

When I cried because I missed my family, or because training was so difficult, you’d tell me it was okay. That no matter how hard things got, you’d always be there for me. By my side through everything. I thought you were just saying that to make me feel better. But you really were right. Every great memory I cherish... you’re in them all. Smiling. Laughing... Singing together, dancing...”

The girls all silently nodded along. They knew what Bora was feeling because they all felt the same.

“Not all nights were nightmares and sadness, though. We used to have dance parties at four in the morning when we couldn’t sleep. Other times, we’d pull all-nighters telling each other stupid stories to try and make the other person laugh.

And every time I went out at night, you waited for me. I didn’t know why you didn’t just sleep, but I thought it was really sweet. When I’d come back inside the room, you would pretend like you were asleep. But by that time, we’d been roommates enough for me to know when you were really sleeping and when you were faking.

I never asked you why you did it. I mean, deep down I knew it was because you cared. You cared so much. And you worried something would happen to me, so you’d wait. And when I felt down or alone, you always told me we’d go through life together. That I’d never have to feel lonely because I would always have you. You told me that even after our days as idols were over, you’d never leave me. We would grow old and raise loud kids who ended up becoming best friends. That’s what you told me.

You and me... we grew up together. We were just kids, and you told me you’d be here forever. That you would support me so much that I’d get sick of you.”

It hurt the members to hear this. They hadn’t been roommates with Yoohyeon, but they all had similar experiences. She had slowly worked her way into all of their hearts. Until just the thought of losing her was enough to suffocate them.

Bora stood up and her voice grew louder. “You promised you’d always be by my side. You promised. But you lied! We were supposed to go through life together. You and me, remember? Isn’t that what you said? That you’d be here forever? Look at you!”

The girls turned away. Watching Bora melt down was a hard sight to see. The fun-loving troublemaker, never one to take anything too seriously. Standing there yelling at an unconscious girl. They couldn’t bring themselves to watch.

The older girl kicked the side of Yoohyeon’s hospital bed. “You told me you loved me and that you cared about me. If that’s true, then you’d come back. Right now. Come back to me! Please. If you ever cared about me at all, then open your eyes.”

Siyeon got up and ran out of the room. She couldn’t sit there and listen to Bora’s desperate pleas. To see her friend reduced to begging... It broke her heart. Yubin was right behind her. None of this was easy. On any of them.

Bora continued to pound on Yoohyeon’s bed as she desperately begged the younger girl to wake up. Handong tried to pull her back.

“No! Don’t touch me.” She threw Handong’s arm off of her. “I’m not stopping until she wakes up.” Bora turned back to the girl and stared intently at her pale complexion.

“You hear that, Yoohyeon? I’m not going to calm down until you open your damn eyes. If you ever loved me, you’d do it. You would wake up right now. All you’ve ever wanted was to make us happy. Nothing would make me happier than you coming back. So do it! Open your eyes. Just do something. Please! Anything...”

Yoohyeon didn’t move. Aside from the rise and fall of her chest, and the tube in , there was no movement from the younger girl.

Bora continued to glare sadly at her. As if somehow Yoohyeon would feel the disapproval and wake up just to please her.

No such luck.

“Please... I just want you back. I can’t do any of this without you. I just want you to come back. Fight for us. For me... Please.”

When Yoohyeon remained still as ever, Bora finally collapsed into her chair and cried. It was an ugly, heart-wrenching sound. Her sobs were filled entirely with pain. And none of the members could bring themselves to comfort her.

None of them knew how.

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_DreamChoco #1
Chapter 11: wow just wow! such a heart wrenching story
Yo! I remember reading this on AO3. I don't think I commented there (I usually don't), but I really enjoyed this. I love the little details like the group remembering to take care of Pie and the memory of improvising harmonies.