Read This, I Dare You.


hi! so getting straight to the point, i'm looking for someone to spend my december with. this isn't an ad specifically looking for romance since friendships are equally important to me and i've just been yearning for some company to fill the void. in simpler terms, i'm down for almost anything. whatever happens, happens. if you're still reading this, here's a brief about me:

  • i fc just about anyone that i'm in the mood for. i do both since i'm pretty flexible, so expect me to switch back and forth between female and male fcs. my main fc is taehyung, but you might see me fcing any cute gg member every so often. don't let that influence who you fc! i promise i'll cherish you regardless. 
  • i love late night talks or just connecting with someone emotionally in general. i tend to feel a lot (trust me on this one) and talk a lot, so please don't run away if i ramble too much. i just have a lot of love to give out. i'd be happy to have someone match my energy. 
  • it might take a while for me to open up at first, but i swear i eventually will. i'm a very soft person and just prefer to take things slowly one step at a time. just a word of advice: it's easier for me to open up if you open up to me first. i'm not really the type to lead or take the first step for most things. 
  • i have a bunch of interests! but i'll keep those a mystery until we finally get to meet in private. 
  • my current platforms are twitter and dc, with more of a preference for twitter since i have a bad habit of forgetting to reply on dc. but if dc works better for you, don't be afraid to speak up! 



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anime6itches #1
find me on twt @animebfcore
prkyun #2
up for a friendship!! my twt handle is @simpsiren
MiyazakiYui #3
Discord id: MinMin#8578