
what ??!! you ran away !!??

chapter 5


aish.. why the guards are always here…
I’m not a prisoner but why..
the maids were always there beside me..

yes.. we’re rich.. but it’s not like I’m going to be executed anytime….
well, my parents they were always busy at work
they don’t have time for us

yes, I have my brother and younger sister …
sigh.. I just wanted to be alone sometimes …
but unfortunately I can’t

they said our family was being targeted ..
so they won’t let us be by ourselves in any moment
I wish it’s still the same..

we’re just a powerless people
we can go outside every time .. and play with our friends
I don’t know but they started to go away from me..

when they’ve found out.. that my parents were one of the richest people
I’ve been hiding my true identity…
that’s why ..i’m with grandfather..
he’s the one who take care of us .. most of the time..
of course my grandmother is also there…

but they lied to us.. I thought we’re just a normal people..
when we found out the truth..
everything goes wrong..

I don’t understand why many people wanted to be rich
it’s not easy.. you know..
you need to tell the guards where you are.. and they will go with you..

I really wanted to go back in simple life with my grandparents..
but they were already gone…

ever since that time..
I’m no longer free..
I’m imprisoned inside this mansion..
in school the students .. don’t go near me..
they were afraid…

but there was a time I meet..
a stubborn little brat kid..

she wanted to take my seat
but I’m the first one there
so I didn’t give it to her …

“hey, that’s my seat” I protested

“and so..” she said

“so?? Hello, of course I’m going to sit there”

“why don’t you just sit at the back..or just find another vacant seat”
woah.. that was tough for a grade 2 student
then she rest her head on the table and closed her eyes

“but that’s mine ..so just get up then go find a seat!!” I shouted
she was startled by it…
so you can see in her eyes that she was scared …
and a little bit teary

oh..no she’s going to cry.. I thought I scared her..
I guess I’m too much..

I decide to speak up.. then I put my hands on her shoulder
“look, wait---” she suddenly slapped me

“yah.. what was that for !!” I exclaimed… what was that..

then she started to cry… and ran out of the room…
the other students were looking at me..

“uhmm… what?” I mumbled but it was loud enough for them to hear it
ever since that day I never saw her…

“am I really that bad ?.. for everyone to leave me” I whispered through the wind as I look up to the sky..which seems to be everywhere..

“I’m glad that there’s still a sky” even in a young age… I’m like this .. always by myself…

and the sky was always there to accompany me…

one week later after my encounter with that little brat….
was my birthday party…

my parents, they invited everyone there’s a lot of people but it seems that I’m still unhappy..

“tss.. such a great parents .. they don’t even know what I want..” well, I just wanted to have a simple birthday party with my family……

when I see no one was behind me…
I begun to think “ wait.. where are my guards?” I mumbled..
then I smirked..

“hmmm…. I guess… since it was my birthday party.. I think I can do anything i want …”

then I stood up.. since all the people in the party were wearing mask..i guess I should try..
I sneak out to my brother’s room.. I open his closet to grab any shirt… then I saw a polo.. not just an ordinary polo.. more like tuxedo.. I smiled I should try this..

everyone knows that this birthday party was meant for a girl… I need to disguise since I’m wearing this pink dress.. to be honest I don’t like it at all…

so I changed my clothes very fast before my brother comes out from the shower room…

actually there’s a library behind my brother’s closet … just find the right button and you’ll be there…

then there’s a book that you need to pick in order to get out of the mansion…

that’s what I know… I’ve seen the mansion’s map many times and memorized all the places and I came up with this idea.. because my brother’s room location was a bit strange so I tried to think why.. and I found out that this is the reason..

secret rooms … for sneaking out

I got in the library.. and get that book..well, the name of the book is maze runner
I saw my brother reading this book many times ..so I think it could be…..
so I’m right.. the bookshelf was moving.. I thought it’s an earthquake.. but when they stop moving.. I saw a door..

i twisted the door knob and i ran towards outside

"Aahhh.." i said
i really miss the fresh air for the outside
i'm glad i'm out of that mansion

at least i can breath noramlly again
i took off my mask
and i saw a playground..
it seems no one was playing there

so i ran towards the slide ..
and " oohhh" i guess i really enjoyed it
then suddenly
I saw something on the bush
it’s moving and I guess it’s big

I walked towards it
as I saw a young girl hiding from someone
I tap her shoulder

she screamed “Aaaahhhhh!!” aish.. so loud
I saw 2 men in a black suit .. they were my guards
I think they finally figured out that I was missing
 “why did you shout??” I whispered as I put my hands on
 “u—hm.mm..—y—ta” aish.. I can’t understand she’s saying..
 I eyed the guards .. finally, they were walking away
I realized that my hand were still covering the girl’s mouth
so I take it off immediately

  “yah !! why’d you do that ??” she asked
 “because you’re so loud” I said confidently
 then she kicked me..
 I groaned in pain..
 what’s with her.. aa… it hurts
I lifted my hand and saw some blood
by I shrugged it off

I stand up and I was about to walk away
when I heard someone sobbing ..
I turned my head and just to find
the loud girl crying
I kneeled down again
I notice that her left foot was bleeding

I take my handkerchief out from my pocket
and wrap it around the girl’s wound..
how can her kick so strong when it’s bleeding ..
I look up and her meet her eyes
she’s looking at me intensely

suddenly, an image flash in my head


 “yah !! I remember you … you’re that brat who wants to take my seat, aren’t you?”
 “a-a-h yeah” she looked down
 “you know what I’m really looking for you” I said calmly
she finally look up
 “uhmmm … why ??” she asked me
 “I just wanted to say sorry for yelling at you” I said
the girl was shocked.
”hey, why ??” I asked while waving my hands at her
 “because I’m the on who really need to say sorry..” she pause while taking a deep breath
 “taking the seat when you know someone already have it” she said
 “I’m sorry” she said
 and I smiled at her
 “apology accepted” 

I turned my back on her..
I’m still kneeling down at her

”hey, hop on” I said
 “b-but I can stand up” tss… stubborn little
she tried to stand up
but of course she can’t so she fell

I caught her on time.

 “I told you just hop on” I said
kneeling down again

so she hop on
she’s on my back now..
actually she’s heavy …
but never mind

I asked her “uhmm.. what happened to you ??”
 “me?? aa .. I was being chased by those bullies.. and unfortunately I got that wound”
 “but why are you dress like that .. it’s for boys, right??” uh-oh..
 if I said that I used it as disguise she might think I’m rich
and just walk away from me..
 “aa.. actually, I was a—a waiter in the birthday party inside the kim’s mansion”
 “really ?? well, I’m going to that party..maybe my parents were worried now”
she said
there’s a long silence as we walked back in the mansion
I stopped at the gate
and I still guide her ..in walking

then someone approached us

 “omo… what happened to you my daughter?? Are you okay??” as she hugged the little brat
 “umma.. this person help me…”the little brat pointed me..

and I bowed politely

 “oh.. thank you very much..” she said
 “but sweetie we need to go there in now..”

I was about to walk away when I heard her says

 “wait mom… I need to do something first” the little brat said

then someone grab my wrist
and I felt something on my lips

she kissed me

 “ thank you “ she whispered..
then she ran away from me.. I just smiled

end of the flashback

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an update.. hope you'll like it :D


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TaeNysmith22 #1
Chapter 8: update soon please
cant wait next update:)
this story ish good *thumbs up* :)))
update soon ^^
clumydork #4
of course yul knows fany
HwangJeI #5
update please
EMT0304 #6
clumydork #7
update soon.. dre--
EMT0304 #8
Nice update
angeltaeny28 #9
@hellsing418 and EMT0304

haha... ok .. of course...and thanks for commenting... :D
and about tiffany's adventure actually the true start will be
on chapter 3 ^o^ .. i'm working on it right now.
So don't worry :D

bye^_^ haha see you *waving*
hellsing418 #10
me too ^^