STARTING and LOSING (the initials)

what ??!! you ran away !!??

Chapter 2

Tiffany’s pov

welcome to korea

so yeah.. here I am.. sigh .. uhmm..
I don’t know where I will stay for tonight … 
I took out my phone and scroll the contacts down…

uncle jung
uncle lee
hyorin” uhmmm wait JESSICA AND SUNNY ….
I know Jessica was probably here … I mean it’s been years we don’t see each other.. but we keep in touch.. I should have called her.. before I decide to go here… aishh babo fany .. !!
I’m still looking at my phone and I’m trying to call jessi when someone bumped at me…

I thought I will fall on the ground as I felt a small hand on my waist and her other hand was holding me tightly on my wrist.

she mumbled “sorry”  I froze … I stared at her…she’s small but cute… those eyes were so.. adorable.. her hands was so soft.. and her voice was so sweet ..  I stopped checking her out.. I mean admiring her beauty.. when I felt .. her grip… starts to loose on my waist and wrist ..she started to run away far from me…as I turn around I saw 5 men in black suit running after her

I heard a familiar voice
“hello ?, anyone there??”  I look at my phone.. oh it’s Jessie
“hey, are you a freak?? Still early.. hey… who are you?? hello??...still there?? “
“hey, jess.. don’t hung’s me fany” I said
“oh.. sorry tiff.. did you change your number??”
“u-huh. Yes”
“then why did you cal??” should I say I run away?? And I need a house to stay at…but … aish
she’s my best friend anyway..
“hey..tiff?? still there??” Jessie said …. Taking away my thoughts
“uhhhmmm… can I ask you something??”
“hmmm.. sure”
“can I stay to your place tonight?”
“huh? What do you mean ?” aish… how I will…
“I’m he-here in ko-korea” what?? i stuttered..
“WHAT !! WHY?? !! what are you doing here” almost making me deaf
“jessie !! you’re making me deaf !! can you just please answer my question first because it’s a long can I stay… at your house?? Please”
“uhmm.. let me think… be sure that you’re reason was good or else I’m gonna kick you back to America okay??”
“a !! yay !! thanks Jessie” yes.. at least I have a place for tonight…
“uhmm so how I am going to your house??” I asked
“uhh.. since you wake me up…. And I can’t continue my beauty sleep i’m just going to tell you the directions..”
“huh?? Aa… jess.. you kinda know that.. I pretty bad when it comes to directions, right?? I might get lost…” I said in a soft tone.. wishing it will have an effect on her..please.. please… just pick me up..
“uhmm… you have a point there.. I remember that time” I hear her chuckled
“uh…please……please” I pleaded
“uhmm..aish !!arasso..just wait for me me at the entrance ok …??just wait !!” Jessie said
“thank you so much ..jess… you’re the best!!”
“I know right… ok.. I’m going to hang up, bye..”
“bye.. take safe..bestie” I hang p also
I was about to walk to the entrance when I saw something on the floor.. a handkerchief..well, I think…IT BELONGS TO HER.. I wish it was… wait ..i pick it up.. I inhaled the scent .. well I mean.. it really BELONGS TO HER..the’s the same  !! in fact I’m sure… because my sense of smell never failed me… haha .. my nose seems to recognize other’s smell.. haha.. ewww… but if it’s her..well problem with that.. after inhaling it for almost 10 minutes.. I finally put it inside my bag..and started to walk towards the entrance..waiting for Jessie…

jessica’s pov
“ya !!seobang..wake up !!”
“uhh… I’m still sleepy ..let’s sleep again” she groaned.
“ cute..” I mumbled as I pinched her cheeks..
“but kwon seobang..we need to pick up someone in the’s sudden so please..”
“argh..” she grab her pillow and slam it on her face ..
“let me  sleep sica baby..i’m tired..”
“b-but kwon seobang.. we can’t let my best friend to stay please..wakey..wakey !!”
then I heard her snore.. aish.. this kwon seobang !! so cute…
“yah !! yuri-ah..yuri” I said while shaking
“aish..fine ..don’t talk to me.. no kiss…and don’t you dare to touch me…also you can’t-“  I stop as I felt her warm lips on mine….aish such a dork.. I want to smile during our kiss.. and she knows that when I smile she’s forgiven but I pretended that I’m still frustrated at her… then I pulled away.. making her to pout… sigh.. those lips.. but yeah I won’t give in
“if you think you’re forgiven it’s not…now just go and take a bath.. I’ll just take the bathroom downstairs” I stand up and glared at her before walking towards the door…
then she back hug me..
“sorry..sica baby..i’m sorry please…I’ll just use the bathroom downstairs..” I hear her say.. with a frown
“so cute..” then I covered my mouth immediately but it’s too late..she already have a smirk…
“sica..i know that ..i know you can’t resist me” I can feel her warmth breathe on my face..
“because I love you..babo” I said then she leaned forward closing the gap between us..
suddenly I remembered that impatient fany can transform into hellfany…omo…she’s going to make us deaf if she freak out… so I pulled away..
“yuri-ah, I told you!! we need to pick up my best friend”
“ok, sweetie” with a grin on her face
aish… kwon yuri… you make me fall for you every second…gosh…  

-----on the way to the airport-----
I texted fany

to: fany
hey..just wait a little longer…we’re almost there

from: fany
ok Jessie.. but ‘we’??

to: fany
uhh..yeah I’m with my gf…  I mentioned her to you, right??

from: fany
uhhmm.. but I can’t remember her name I know you have a gf.. but her name.. err..

to: fany
forgetful mushroom !! you’ll know her soon..

from: fany
ok..take care.. drive safely


Tiffany’s pov
as I waited for jess.. I can’t stop thinking about her… omo….
I wanna see her again…

then I turned around and saw Jessie waving at me…
I waved back and approach them…

“hey, jess… wassup ??”
“yah!! What’s with your sudden call??”
“I told you I will just explained it to you when we are in your house”
“uhmm ok” then I saw a tall tanned girl walking towards Jessica..
is she the one?? The one.. that melted ice princess heart..i guess so…
when she was there.. Jessie definitely cling on her like a koala..
gosh.. my best friend was so clingy.. koala jess…activated again… it’s been long that someone hold her like that..
then Jessie called me
“yah miyoung-ah stop staring at my kwon seobang !!..geez…you look like creep”
“yah..!! who’s creep.. I was just amazed that she manage to be with you know” then jess kicked my left leg…aishh.. she didn’t change she still like to kick !!
“yah.. ouch.. you’re still the same hi nice to meet you.. I’m tiffany” as I turned my gaze to the tanned girl.. and I offered a hand as I gave my eye smile to her
“well, I’m kwon yuri…  your best friend’s lover…nice to meet you too” she get my hand and shake it as well
then we head back to their yuri tells us some jokes she received too many slap on her shoulder because her girlfriend was laughing so hard…
when we reached sica’s home..
 yuri needs to leave for her work so she just leave after sending us home…
“well, can you say it to me now miyoung-ah” Jessie said
I took a deep breath before I start to explain it to her
“uhmm.. my parents engaged me to someone else…and I didn’t even who the heck is he.. and I don’t care even we meet or what.. because he’s not the one I love….so” I paused for a while “so I decide to run away from our house” I sighed loudly
while jess was staring at me with a shocked expression
“Wh-WHAT !! y-you ran away?? Seriously??” gah.. so loud
“uhmm ye-yeah well kinda” I admitted
“are you crazy?? Are you insane”
“of course not that’s why I did that .. I don’t want to marry someone else I don’t know”
“but your parents well, I think they will freak out when they’ve found out that their only daughter ran away.. they might go to media as well just to find you..and oh..crap.. my parents what if they ask them too.. you know my dad will seriously checked on here…”
“well,media?? I don’t think so.. they don’t want me to reveal or to expose too much.. they won’t use for uncle maybe yes..oh no…” I said with a slight guilt in my tone.. oh no jess..
“but where I will stay..?? in hotel”
“yah !! babo.. your parents can trace it..and you will still use their credit cards you know.. they can found you duh..” she said.. ..i know, she’s right ..
“well jess, what I’m going to do now”
“your parents won’t think that you were out of the country that fast..they will still try to find you in America so just stay here for tonight or for a week if my parents will not come and  checked you here.. I will also ask yuri’s help so don’t worry.. just take a rest…don’t stress yourself..” she said as she guided me to my room..
“thank you so much jess..”
“no problem miyoung-ah” I’m really grateful that I have a best friend like her..
I started to unpacked all of my things…
I arranged them according to their size and shape.. well color Is not a problem anymore.. they’re ALL PINK !! I love pink so much… then I grab my totoro stuff toy…
“uhhh… I’m happy that you’re here…don’t leave me please..i know I’m bad but please at least stay here”
I’m done unpacking my things .. I didn’t know that it was almost dinner.. as I grab my bag something fall on the ground so I pick it up..

It’s HER handkerchief I look at it then I noticed something…
there’s an initial..

KTY  …

uhmm…k t y???

is her name??

kim tang yung --- eeww.. no it can’tbe

kim tae yang ---- no it’s for boys

what about… uhmm

kim tae kyung ??

kim tae young ??

kim tak gu ?? --- of course not…

what can be her name ..aish…

then I heard jessie’s voice

“fany.. dinner’s ready.. go down here ..quickly !!”
“ok!! Ok!! I’ll be there”
then I kissed the handkerchief
“uhmmm.. bye kty..thanks for catching me on time.. take care”

???’s  pov
  uhhh.. least they can’t find me here..

“uhhh… !!!” I groaned

I tried to look for my handkerchief to wipe my sweat.. but wait… where is it..

then I remember something ..

I think I lost it in the airport … because  I bumped to someone…
she’s really pretty…her hand was soft and  her face ..when she was shocked it was kinda funny… but her skin was so smooth… but her perfume was too much though…

sighed.. I lost my favorite handkerchief….


little did they know losing a thing will give something even much better .. they just need to open their eyes  to find it ..



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an update.. hope you'll like it :D


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TaeNysmith22 #1
Chapter 8: update soon please
cant wait next update:)
this story ish good *thumbs up* :)))
update soon ^^
clumydork #4
of course yul knows fany
HwangJeI #5
update please
EMT0304 #6
clumydork #7
update soon.. dre--
EMT0304 #8
Nice update
angeltaeny28 #9
@hellsing418 and EMT0304

haha... ok .. of course...and thanks for commenting... :D
and about tiffany's adventure actually the true start will be
on chapter 3 ^o^ .. i'm working on it right now.
So don't worry :D

bye^_^ haha see you *waving*
hellsing418 #10
me too ^^