Revenge Of The Fallen

    Siyeon looked through the window, she calmly watched her trainees scream in agony. Today her class was taking one of the biggest and the most important training. The angels versus the fallen ones, or the army of hell if you want to give them a fancy name. It was a battle simulation, one of the most real ones. Every sword cutting through their skin, every arrow they took were reflecting as real pain. If they were bleeding to death, they felt like it. Feeling close to death but never dying was the real lesson. She remembered her times on the training field, her first time was bad as it could be. She thought about the waiting, how she was wishing it to end quickly. But it never did, every pain she felt stayed with her for hours and hours. Her class was one of the toughest ones. So their battle remained for more than she wished it to be. If she wasn’t that weak; if she wasn’t one of the first ones to fall…

    Yet she was here. All of the things she went through forced her to learn a valuable lesson. Now she wasn’t falling on the battlegrounds, she was commanding it. She was feeding herself with the scene of chaos. And of course! She was proud too, her students weren’t showing any sign of mercy, just as they were told. The cold blooded killers were battling as their lives were depending on it. This time, it wasn’t. But who could know the next time? The hell and the heaven were quiet for so long, like the calm before the storm. The sooner the better, she thought.

   Her hatred for the egomaniac order of the heaven was growing more and more each day. Even though she was one of them once, now she was where she belonged. The best day of her life was when her wings were glowing with black than white. As she was falling she was smiling. That day, she was free from her prison. She was free as a bird. She remembered how she felt when her feet were touching to the ground then how disgusted she was looking to the sky. She wasn’t the problem on their corrupted system. On her life in heaven, she was treated like an evil, as a liar. But the joke was on them, she was just being herself, she was one of the few ones that saw the truth. Humans weren’t worth it. In fact, she hated them; that little helpless creatures should have lived all of the bad things that happened to them. The angels were always picking up after them, trying to fix while those monsters were messing up everything much worse. So she chooses to watch them destroy their kind. Actually, she was still helping them but not at fixing. Now she was on the part of destroying.

   A cold hand on her shoulder wake her up from deep thoughts. She turned back to see who it was. Her commander was standing in front of her with all of her seriousness. Handong was like an idol to her. She fell centuries before Siyeon and her fall was one of the greatest and the most horrific part of history. Handong was a talented angel once. No one knew why but one day she completely lost it and killed her superiors cruelly. Her commanders were the strongest ones at that time. The Murder of an archangel wasn’t something you would see on heaven. But there is always a first for everything. And Handong was one of that.

“Commander Lane wants to see you.” Her cold tone cut the air like a blade.

“Did something happen?” Siyeon asked nervously. The commander rarely asked for her.

     She was entrusted with a lot of duties as she has always been one of the best students and she always fully filed them well, without the commander having to interfere. That’s why she was so afraid to talk to him after so long. Did I do something wrong? Did I lose his trust? Those were the only thoughts she had. He hasn’t asked for her in a long time.

“I don’t know, I wasn’t told anything,” Handong said and turned her back to Siyeon as she wanted to walk away. “But it sounded important and kind of serious.” She added before leaving.


Siyeon was standing in front of the door to the Throne room where their commander was residing most of his time. The same thoughts were flashing through her mind again as she knocked on the door.

“Come in, my dear.” She heard the male voice from behind the door and walked inside in an instant.

“Sir.” She greeted him.

“Glad you came so quickly, I know how busy you have been training our students. And I’m truly thankful for you for everything you are doing.”

   She exhaled in relief.

“You know you are my favorite.” He continued praising Siyeon and her abilities. “I have a mission for you and I know you won’t fail.”

   Siyeon looked up at him as quickly as she could. Mission. One of her favorite words to hear. She loved the action, especially the revengeful one.

“Years ago my people were in a war with angels.” She could feel her blood boil the second she heard that word.

“We lost which led to the decision to raise a stronger, more powerful army, in case we get attacked again. That’s why you are in charge of teaching new students. They will help us.” The commander looked out of the window, right at the new students.

“There’s this girl. The daughter of those who murdered so many of our people and I believe, if they attack us again, she could be a real threat. She knows a lot about us and our strategies, it could easily ruin us again. I need you to get rid of her.” He stops talking as he sees Siyeon getting excited.

   Murder? Her favorite. Revengeful murder? Sounded even more perfect that she didn’t have to agree as she suddenly radiated with so much energy and excitement.

“But you will do it quietly, without drawing too much attention so they don’t come back at us. They won’t know what happened if you don’t show yourself.”

   Siyeon frowned with a really loud sigh as she didn’t want to hear this all over again. She knew she had to be careful.

“Okay, and who is it? She shouted with excitement back in her tone.

 “The only daughter of our biggest enemies…”

“What’s so special about her?” Siyeon interrupts him. The commander sighed.

“She has superpowers, thanks to her father, and because of that, they are always ahead…”

“And?” Siyeon interrupts her commander again as she’s curious as to why the mysterious girl was such a threat to them.

“She’s the only child of our biggest enemies. A really pretty one, don’t let her beauty distract you. There have been stories about how her beauty saved her own life. People fell for her really fast and then were unable to function. She is a psychic. Don’t let her get close to you, she will see and know everything the second she touches you. She can see the future. Every time we planned something she somehow found out about it. It’s not good for us. And if she’s around before we attack them again, it will be the end of us.”

“So that’s why we never really planned the future attack. Because she would find out.”

“I believe you are strong enough to do this. To do what’s right in order to let our people finally live normal peaceful lives.”

Siyeon nodded as a sign that she is ready to serve her commander. “What does she look like? How do I recognize her?”

“You will know exactly which one she is the second you enter the same room as her. She radiates a lot of energy and power, it’s impossible not to find her. She looks like an angel.”

   Siyeon was rushing towards her room, she was walking as fast as she can. Even though she was eager to run, she didn’t. There was no room for curious eyes. She wished that she could just open her wings and break through the walls to arrive at her destination. The excitement filled her body more every second. Yes, she had an important role here but this duty was something else. It was her time to get her revenge while honoring her people. It was their biggest step in this ongoing war after so long and they were choosing her to do it. 

   When she climbed the last stair she found Handong waiting on her door. She greeted her with her head while Handong doing the same. Her superior was holding an old wooden box. It was small and had a golden engraving on it. There was an angel wing carved onto the cover. She had some ideas on what it could be but she waited until Handong give it to her.

    Handong stepped aside to let Siyeon open the door. She holds the door for her commander then she gets in.

“I’ve been informed on your duty.” Handong was glancing her soldier’s room carefully, it was tidy as expected her.  She continued to her speech “From now on, I want you to inform me with every action you take.” She approached her closer and looked right into Siyeon eyes. “Even if you are eating a sandwich I want to know. Did you breathe next to our target? You will tell me. This job is important, I assume you realized this until now.” Handong stepped back. It was hard to read her, she was always giving commands with her most serious gesture. Was she angry? Was she uncomfortable? Siyeon couldn’t tell. “Even though I don’t support this given to a lowly enlisted fallen.” She sighed before finishing. “Your people trust you.”

“As you wish Madam.” Siyeon agreed to her commander as if she had another choice.

  Handong handed the box to her carefully. She didn’t give a chance to Siyeon to ask what it is. “The box you are holding is something dangerous to me; to you and every celestial.” She waited until Siyeon opened the cover and see what is inside.

     She found a sharp blade that was placed onto a red velvet. She took it out of its box. The weapon was heavier than she thought. Siyeon examined it carefully, she didn’t want to miss even a small detail of this fascinating blade. The sharp part had the engravings just like its box, she saw her reflection on its shiny surface; her completely black eyes was piercing with power. She smiled as she continued; the handle had carvings of some words. They were written with the divine language. It was made of dark brown leather. So her guess was right, Siyeon smiled even more with the honor of having it.

“The blade you are holding is stained with archangel’s blood.” A proud smile placed on Handong’s face too. “It’s my treasure. Use it well.”

“I will Madam, I promise.” Siyeon placed the blade to its box and hold it tightly like it was about to get taken from her.

“I hope we won’t clear your mess.” She said her last words with disgust on her tone. Siyeon didn’t know why she was this distressed. As her teacher wouldn’t she need to feel proud? With these questions on her mind, Siyeon watched her commander leaving. Finally, she was alone in her room; now it was her time to get ready.

   As Siyeon was preparing for her mission, she could hear her commander and Handong talking about this. She could hear how jealous Handong was and tried not to mind her.

“You should have let me do it, you know how desperate I am for this revenge.” Handong said quite loudly and Siyeon could hear her while she was sharpening her sword.

“Calm down.” The commander urged her, knowing Siyeon is right behind the door.

“She is capable. And has the potential to do something big, not only to fight in our wars. I trust h…” he couldn’t even finish the sentence as Handong left the commander’s room.

   Siyeon walked out of her room, staring at her commander. “I won’t let you down.”


  With all her weapons and overloading confidence, Siyeon walked to the garden where all of her students were training. Quickly sprinting towards her and coming closer, Handong pulled out her sword in an attempt to stab Siyeon. She noticed this at the last second and only got away with a small, bleeding slice.

“Didn’t you say you were prepared well?” Handong teased Siyeon as she tried to test the fallen’s abilities that were apparently promising for this mission.

  Handong sprinted at her again. Siyeon didn’t fear her. She raised her sword. It flashed as she brought it over Handong’s head and hummed a low, swift tune when she brought it down. The sword was shining in the sun as if it were fashioned from the brilliant rays themselves. Her attack came fast and almost surprised Handong. She hardly had a chance to raise her sword to block Siyeon’s. The metallic swords screeched as they touched. After a minute, Handong felt her arm getting weaker but she refused to admit it and show Siyeon that she’s weaker than her. But Siyeon could feel it. Seconds later, she was lying on her back, having no idea how Siyeon managed to win.

“Are you gonna stab me?” Handong asked with slight fear in her tone.

“Of course I am.” Handong froze and Siyeon mischievously laughed as adrenaline coursed through her whole body and her eyes sparkled down at Handong.

   Handong stayed frozen and Siyeon kept staring at her for a while, to keep her senior more nervous. They stayed frozen for a while until Siyeon moved first, pulling her sword away and as she stood up, she offered her hand to help Handong get off the ground.

“I told you I was prepared.” Siyeon said, sharpening her sword again. Handong didn’t want to admit that her junior would be stronger and better prepared than she was.

“It’s time for you to go.” She reminded her student, not only because wasting time would turn against them but also so she wouldn’t have to see Siyeon anymore, since her jealousy of her own student grew more each time Siyeon proved herself again.

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Oh this sounds super intense