Chapter 9

A Race To My Heart
As soon as Fate finished arranging her things, she immediately went out of her room to look for Michael.

"You want to go out? Are you serious? You already know how hard it was for us to go out of this hotel without being noticed and it was also very hard to get in . . . And now you're telling me that you want to go out?," Michael asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I want to go out. I promised Max that I'll go and see him," Fate replied.

Michael shook his head in total disapproval. "I don't think it would be safe for you to go out. A lot of Max's fans are still angry with you. I think you should lie low for a while. You can't be seen in public with him. It would totally cause more trouble for both of you."

"But Michael . . . I want to see him," Fate protested.

"You can see him some other day. But today . . . I'm confining you in your room. You're not allowed to go out. It is for your own safety Fate. So please try and understand. Max's fans are still upset and may unintentionally hurt you. It is better to be careful than sorry in the end," Michael tried to reason with Fate.

Fate stared at Michael, then she placed a pitiful look on her face.

"Aren't you feeling sorry for me? Look at me. I look so pitiful that even angels will cry once they see me," Fate uttered as she tried not to laugh.

Michael stared at Fate. Somehow he couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud.

"You? Look pitiful? Sorry dear, but you will never look pitiful . . . even one bit. You're the kind of person that will never look ugly or pitiful in someone's eyes. Your image as a whole is almost perfect except for one thing . . ." Michael said with a naughty smile.

"And what is that one thing you're referring to?" Fate asked curiously.

"You're . . . too stubborn. Pretty and rich girls like you should be obedient and well-behave," Michael replied.

"What? Are you looking for trouble?" Fate asked with a raised tone.

Michael laughed again. "No, I'm not looking for trouble. It's just that . . . you look so cute whenever you're angry," he said as a tease.

Fate suddenly pouted. "If you don't want to go with me . . . I can go out alone," she said with stubbornness.

"Hey, you can't go without me," Michael said with panic.

"You don't have to go with me. I can go out without you," Fate said as if angry.

Michael looked at Fate. He knew she was already upset. He couldn't help but smile. He just loved teasing Fate. He loved the way she would start acting like a child. He found this quality of hers to be so adorable and irresistible. Somehow she was like a small child that you would want to take care of.

"Wait here. I'll look for a car that we can use. We can't use the same car twice," Michael uttered seriously.

Fate immediately smiled sweetly at Michael. "Thanks."

Michael gave her a quick glance before heading out of the room. "You know I will always be willing to help you."

An hour passed . . .

Michael carefully entered the TV station with Fate right beside him. He had already talked with the head of the station and they were easily permitted to enter, in exchange, he was asked to do a one on one interview with one of the reporters of the TV station.

Even though he didn't want to be interviewed, he couldn't help but agree since it was the only way for Fate to see Max. And he really wanted to help Fate in any way he can.

"Do you know where they are?" Fate asked Michael as they started to walk around the station.

"Yes," Michael replied. "Just follow me."

Some of the staff members in the station were surprised and were already staring at Michael and Fate with wide eyes.

"Hey, isn't that Fate Nakamura and Michael Smith?" a woman asked another woman.

"What are they doing here?" a man asked another woman standing next to him.

"Maybe they are here to do an interview," a woman suggested.

"Michael," Fate uttered. She was very conscious of the curious stares that all the people in the station were giving them.

"Here's their room," Michael uttered. "Hurry, go inside," he said as he led her into the room.

Max and the other DBSK members who were patiently waiting for their next interview were all surprised as Fate and Michael entered the room.

"Fate," Max uttered happily.

"Max," she said with a sweet smile on her lips.

"I thought you wouldn't be able to come," Max said with a low voice.

Fate quickly walked towards Max. Then she sat down next to him. "I told you I would go to you right? I always fulfill whatever I say."

"How did you guys get into the station?" Micky asked curiously.

"I talked with the station head. He had been asking me for an interview ever since I arrived in Japan, but I just kept on rejecting him. But since Fate wanted to see Max, I agreed to finally have the interview that he wanted, in exchange, that we were allowed to enter and see you guys," Michael explained.

"Wow, you're really something. Thank you for helping us out," Max said to Michael.

"How long will you guys be here?" Michael suddenly asked.

"We still have an interview to finish in about 30 minutes. Then after that we're free for the day," U-Know answered. "Why?"

"Well I have to go and finish the interview I promised. I think it will only take about 15 to 20 minutes. Is it okay if Fate stays here with you guys while I do my interview?" Michael asked.

"Sure, don't worry. I'll be with her," Max replied with a smile.

Michael nodded his head. "Okay, I'll go now. Don't let her go out of this room. I'll try to finish everything as soon as possible."

"Sure," Max replied.

Michael quickly left the room.

Max stared at Fate. Somehow he couldn't explain the happiness that he was feeling. He was so happy that Fate was right beside him.

"How are you Max?" Fate asked as she stared back at him.

"I should be the one asking you that question," Max said with a smile.

"I'm fine. A little tired, but still able to cope I guess," Fate answered.

"Tired?" Max asked with concern written all over his face.

Fate couldn't help but giggle after seeing the expression on Max's face.

"Don't worry . . . I'm not that tired. Well . . . not anymore . . . after seeing you . . . somehow I feel so renewed again," Fate uttered as she placed her head on Max's shoulder.

The other DBSK boys in the room who were watching and listening to Max and Fate suddenly felt embarrassed. Somehow they felt like they were intruding into such a personal moment.

Micky and Xiah exchanged glances with each other. Both of them had big smiles on their faces.

Jaejoong gave Fate a quick glance again before he quickly faced the other DBSK members.

"Come on, let's go out. We still have 30 minutes before the next interview. We can go and have a look around the station," Jaejoong said to the other DBSK members.

Xiah couldn't stop himself from smiling like crazy. "Yes, let's go . . . and leave those two love birds alone even for a few minutes."

U-Know gave Max a quick glance and then smiled as well. "Let's go . . . I need something to drink."

Micky stood up and went straight to the door. "Max, Fate, we're going out for a while. Max . . . be a good boy okay. Don't bite . . ." he said as he started laughing uncontrollably.

Xiah, U-Know and Jaejoong started to laugh as well. They even laughed harder after seeing Max's face turn totally red.

"Hyung . . ." Max uttered.

Fate started to giggle and laugh uncontrollably as well. She found Max to be so irresistible with his innocent and boyish ways.

As soon as the other DBSK boys left the room . . .

Max stared at Fate with a serious expression on his face.

"Are you really okay?" he asked with a concern in his eyes.

"Of course, I'm okay. Why do you ask?" she asked back.

"I mean . . . are you really okay with the way my fans are treating you?" Max asked with a low voice.

Fate smiled. "I know it isn't your fault. I am not complaining . . . I already anticipated this kind of things even before we started to get serious with each other," she answered.

Max gently took Fate into his arms. He lovingly embraced her. "I'm sorry. I wish . . . things didn't have to be so complicated like this."

Fate slowly returned Max’s embrace. "It's okay. I understand."

Max sighed. "Please be patient with me. . . Please don't leave me."

Fate stared at Max. "Why are you suddenly saying that? Why? What makes you think that I will leave you?"

"Nothing . . . It's just that I am a bit scared that you might suddenly grow tired of our situation. I know having me as a boyfriend is quite difficult for you," he answered.

Fate placed her head on Max's chest. "I won't grow tired of being with you. This is the first time that I felt such a strong attraction for a guy. I admit . . . I am still confused with a lot of things concerning handling a relationship. But believe me when I say . . . my feelings for you are real. I am already sure of it. So you don't have anything to be worried about. I like you Max . . . and that is the way it will stay," Fate said frankly.

"I like you too Fate . . . with all my heart," Max said with the sweetest voice.

Fate slowly closed her eyes. Just being near Max was already bringing her such a comforting feeling. How she wished that they could stay together forever . . . But her heart was already fearing something . . . She knew nothing can last forever . . .

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CassieIndo #1
awwww finish already T_T
finally they are together at the end ..
thanks for this great story ^^ /go to ur next story xD/
CassieIndo #2
Chapter 42: Another awesome story authornim,, i just write long comment abt how great ur story on your another story,, and now i found another great story of yours,,
I rlly dont know what i must say, u'r rlly one of the great author,, please updte this story soon, and your another story as well,, pleeaasseesse... i beg u T_T
yuncasso #3
Chapter 42: Its been a while.glad that you finally update..hope u continue thisss...i' m a fan
Please please please update this? Pleaseeeee~~? (:
OMAIGAWD...found it!
Please continue this.. I cried a bucket on this fic before TT ilovehisfic, daebak! :)
love it read all the chapters cant wait for the update ^_^