Chapter 8

A Race To My Heart
Michael and Fate entered the hotel where the meeting for the competition was being held with worry and fear. They both knew that the situation regarding Fate's relationship with Max will be an issue in the meeting.

As soon as they entered the room, they were immediately greeted with worried and angry looks on the sponsors' faces, and the other drivers as well.

"So Fate you have finally arrived," one of the drivers from the other group said with sarcasm.

"Fate and Michael, please sit down," one of the sponsors said with a serious look on his face.

Fate looked at Michael, as if asking him to help her. Michael took Fate's hand and they both sat down side by side. Michael knew that she was scared.

"So what can you say for yourself Fate? You have really made such a commotion with your supposed relationship with Max Changmin of DBSK. What we want to know is . . . if it is true," another man from the sponsors side asked.

Fate looked at Michael first, then she stood up bravely. "I'm sorry for making such a big issue. But I just want to make it clear that my relationship with Max doesn't have any connection with my being a race car driver. So I don't see any reason for all of you to make such a big commotion about it."

Michael couldn't help but smile. He knew Fate was really very brave and was such a straight forward girl. It was one of Fate's traits that he just found to be quite admirable. He hasn't met a girl that can be more frank that Fate. She was totally honest with everything.

"Do you know what you are saying young lady?" one of the old men on the sponsors side asked with a raised voice.

Fate took in a deep breath. "I am sorry if I sound too sarcastic or impolite. But I am a race car driver. My personal life isn't in anyway connected with my profession. Yes, I am involved with Max Changmin. But I don't see anything wrong with it."

"You're really involved with that member of that boy band?" the old man who had asked before questioned again.

Fate nodded her head. "Yes."

"But you have only arrived in Japan a few days ago. How can you possibly develop a relationship with someone you just met?" another man from the sponsors' side asked.

"I'm sorry . . . but do I really have to answer that question? I don't see the connection of my personal life with my career life. If you want . . . I am willing to drop out of the competition so that all the issues will stop," Fate said as she looked straight at the sponsors of the race.

The people in Michael and Fate's team were all nervous. They didn't want Fate to drop out of the competition. They had all worked hard for that contest. And they all knew that Fate had worked for months just to prepare. They didn't want all Fate's hard work to go to waste for just a simple matter.

"I think this is going to be bad," one of the mechanics from Fate's team whispered to another mechanic.

Everyone in Fate and Michael's team knew about Fate's character. She was really a very sweet person. But she was also known to the racing world as one of the toughest and most frank of all the drivers. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She was always honest about everything that she felt whether it be bad or good. They all knew that she was very serious with her relationship with Max because she was willing to trade her work with it. . . It was something she hasn't done even once.

"She's really serious with that guy huh?" one of the helpers in Michael and Fate's team uttered.

"This is the first time that she's really willing to trade her work for a guy. She must really be in love with that guy," another man from Fate and Michael's team said as he shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm sorry . . . I will personally make an announcement to the press that I am withdrawing from the race . . .if that is what you want," Fate said bravely.

"If you back out from the race . . . then I am dropping out as well," Michael said seriously.

"Me too," another driver with golden hair said. "The only reason why I joined this competition is because I want to compete with you Fate. So if you're not going to race, I might as well not join too. It will just be a waste of time."

"I am quitting too if Fate quits," another driver from another team shouted.

"I am dropping out too. I don't see the reason why you're all questioning Fate about her love life. It is like intruding in our personal lives. You don't have any right to do that," another fellow driver said seriously.

More than half of the racers in the competition suddenly announced that they were all quitting if Fate was dropped from the competition.

All the sponsors looked at each other. They were all very nervous. Somehow they didn't want Fate to drop out as well. They knew she was one of the most popular racers in the competition. And if she was to back out now would only cause more problems for them. Fate had a large group of followers and supporters. She was also one of the most well-funded and most influential racers in the competition. Messing around with her was like messing around with her father who was very influential in the business industry of almost all of the countries in Asia.

"You don't have to quit. We were just asking . . . because we were a little concerned. But just like what you said . . . your personal life is not related to your professional life. So we don't have any right to intrude. I'm sorry for making you feel uneasy. I hope you can reconsider your decision again. We certainly don't want you to drop out from the competition for such a small misunderstanding," the main sponsor said carefully.

Fate looked at Michael, and then at the other members of their team.

Michael nodded his head, as if saying to Fate that she should just accept what the sponsors were saying.

"I'm sorry too . . . I hope I didn't sound to be so sarcastic or ungrateful," Fate said softly.

"All right . . . Let's just close that topic. No one is dropping out of the competition. Let's move on to the real reason why we are having a meeting today. Please Fate sit down. Let's just forget what had happened. I hope you will stay and race in our competition," a man from the sponsors' side said with a smile.

Fate nodded her head and smiled. Then she sat down beside Michael again.

"Well what is the real reason why you're all suddenly calling for a meeting?" one of the racers asked out loud.

"We just want to make an important announcement. We will be having a little get together party for all the drivers and their team members two days from now. We just want to make sure that all of you will attend the said event since the party will be aired live on TV. It is sort of a promotion for the race. Hope all of you will try to attend," an old man from the sponsors' side said with a smile.

"Can we bring along our dates?" one of the drivers asked.

"Sure. You can bring along anyone you want. It will be dinner and party all in one," one of the men from the sponsors answered.

"Two days from now? I better prepare . . . I need to get a date," Michael uttered with a light laugh.

Fate suddenly giggled. She had already forgotten all the worries she was feeling just a few minutes before. "You don't have to worry. I know you just have to wink and you will instantly get a date," she jokingly said.

"Talk about having a date . . . Do you think your boyfriend can come to our party? Is he allowed to go?" Michael asked.

Fate smiled. "Frankly . . . I don't know. Maybe we can just pair up again . . . just like old times."

Michael let out a sigh. "That's the problem with having a famous boyfriend. You can't easily get him to take you around just like ordinary guys do."

"Don't worry. I'm not complaining. And besides I already understood where our relationship stands even before we started it. I understand his situation," Fate said seriously.

Michael stared at Fate. He admired everything about her. She was truly a remarkable woman . . . one in a million. Max was truly very lucky to have her.

"You better call him and just ask him anyway. It doesn't hurt to ask," Michael said with a smile.

Fate nodded. "Yes, I will call him later."

An hour after the meeting . . .

Fate was already in her room. She was standing on the balcony and was looking at the other nearby buildings. Her phone suddenly rang and she hurriedly answered it.

"Fate," Max said sweetly.

"Max, how are you? How is your day?" Fate asked while smiling.

"I should be the one asking you that . . . I already heard that some of my fans went to your hotel and . . ." somehow Max couldn't continue what he wanted to say. He was feeling too embarrassed.

"It's all right Max. It's not your fault. I understand. And besides your fans didn't do anything wrong. They just voiced out what they wanted to say. They're being honest. And being honest isn't wrong. So you don't have to worry about me," Fate said slowly.

"Are you sure . . . you're okay? Aren't you upset . . . even one bit?" Max asked again.

"No . . . I'm fine. How about you? Did your manager or your company have anything to say about us?" Fate asked with concern.

"No, they're totally fine with our relationship," Max answered.

"Thank God, I was really worried on your part. I thought our relationship was going to cause problems on your part," Fate said with a sigh of relief.

"Fate . . ." Max uttered.

"Hmmm? What is it?" she asked.

"Can I see you? I mean . . . do you think we can meet up so we can see each other," Max said with a serious tone.

"Well, aren't you busy? Don't you have a schedule today?" Fate suddenly asked with concern.

"Honestly, I still have several things to attend to . . . But I am really missing you. . . And I really want to see you," Max said with a low voice.

Fate couldn't help but smile with what Max said. "You're really too sweet. How about I go to you now? I don't have any schedule for today. Where are you?"

"I am in a TV station right now. Are you sure you're allowed to see me?" Max asked with worry.

"Of course. Don't worry. I will ask Michael to come with me. So I can have someone to drive once your fans ran after me," Fate said with a laugh.

"Sorry," Max uttered.

"Sorry for what?" she asked as if confused.

"Sorry that my fans are causing you trouble," Max said apologetically.

"Don't worry. Your fans are much nicer compared with my admirers . . . believe me. Good thing that Norman isn't here yet. He can really make your head hurt once you meet him," Fate said with a laugh again.

"Norman? Who is he?" Max asked curiously.

"Norman Horton is one of my suitors. He has been courting me for more than two years now. I know once he learns about us. He will surely make your life a living hell," Fate answered with a laugh.

"Really? He's been courting you for two years?" Max asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Yes, frankly . . . he's quite cute and nice too. But the only problem is I really don't feel anything for him. That's why I have been continuously telling him to find another girl for the last two years. But he's too stubborn. He just keeps on courting over and over again," she said softly.

"Norman . . . what does he do? I mean what kind of work does he do," Max asked.

"He's a businessman. His father is my father's best friend. He just took over his family's business a few months ago. That's why he hasn't been around me for the last few months . . . He said he's too busy. But he still calls me almost everyday," Fate said.

"He calls you everyday? Has he called you today?" Max asked with jealousy filling his entire soul.

"Nope, he only calls me at night," Fate replied.

"Haven't you told him that you're already involved with someone?" Max asked seriously.

"I haven't had the chance to tell him. He hasn't called for me two days now. Maybe he's really busy," Fate answered.

"Oh . . ." Max said with a sigh of relief. "Just make sure that you tell him that you already have a boyfriend . . . maybe that will stop him from courting you."

"Don't worry . . . I'll make sure to tell him . . . Why? Are you jealous?" Fate teased.

Max became silent for a few seconds. "Yes, quite jealous to be exact," he seriously answered.

Somehow Fate's heart jumped with joy. "Max . . ."

"Yes?" he asked.

"I really miss you too. I want to see you and your beautiful eyes," she said lovingly.

"I miss you too. I want to see you as well," Max replied.

"I'll ask Michael to go with me. Where are you exactly? Just give me the address. And I'll try to be there in thirty minutes okay?" she asked sweetly.

"All right. See you after thirty minutes then. . . Take care of your self okay . . ." Max said lovingly.

"Bye . . ." she uttered.

"Bye . . . See you. . ." Max uttered back.

As Fate slowly closed her phone, her heart was like racing. It was beating so fast that she couldn't help but smile. She was already sure . . . She was really in love. . . She was finally in love . . . with Max.

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CassieIndo #1
awwww finish already T_T
finally they are together at the end ..
thanks for this great story ^^ /go to ur next story xD/
CassieIndo #2
Chapter 42: Another awesome story authornim,, i just write long comment abt how great ur story on your another story,, and now i found another great story of yours,,
I rlly dont know what i must say, u'r rlly one of the great author,, please updte this story soon, and your another story as well,, pleeaasseesse... i beg u T_T
yuncasso #3
Chapter 42: Its been a while.glad that you finally update..hope u continue thisss...i' m a fan
Please please please update this? Pleaseeeee~~? (:
OMAIGAWD...found it!
Please continue this.. I cried a bucket on this fic before TT ilovehisfic, daebak! :)
love it read all the chapters cant wait for the update ^_^