Chapter 21

A Race To My Heart
“So are you happy now?” Micky asked Max as he slowly closed the TV. It was only a day after Fate had announced that she was retiring from racing. . . but she was already the topic of almost all the sports news and stations.

Everyone was giving out reactions and comments. But all in all, the effect was really bad. A lot of Fate’s sponsors and followers were shocked at first but later were dismayed with her decision. All of them were giving out different speculations as to Fate’s real reason for quitting.

“So are you happy?” Jaejoong repeated with an angry tone.

Max slowly looked at his friend. He had managed to hide the emotions that were locked deep inside of him. He was able to put on a cold façade without any difficulty.

Jaejoong shook his head in disbelief. He couldn’t understand what had happened to Max. He had totally transformed into a person that was totally despicable. “You’re beginning to go beyond the limits, Max. I just wish that you won’t pay such a high price for all the wrong things that you are doing now.”

“Wrong doing? I am not doing anything wrong, hyung,” Max uttered.

Jaejoong looked at Max, quite shocked. “You still think that what you are doing is right? For god’s sake, open up your eyes. You’re not only hurting yourself. . . but Fate as well. You’re destroying her. Is that the way you love someone Max? We can all see that you still love her. It’s just that . . . your stupid pride is stopping you from learning how to forgive. She’s given up her dream for you. And you still treat her like dirt. Have a conscience Max. She’s a human being . . . not a toy.”

Max quickly stood up. He didn’t want to argue with Jaejoong. He knew that he was right. But he was too hurt. Somehow he wanted to be alone again. At least, that way he didn’t need to answer all the questions that his friends were throwing at him.

“Max. . . where are you going?” Jaejoong asked. “I am not yet finished talking to you,” he said with more irritation

“I am going to my room. I don’t want to argue with anyone. So I’ll just stay away from your sight for a while,” Max answered with a low voice.

As soon as Max left . . . .

“U-Know, maybe you can talk and put some sense into that guy,” Jaejoong said as he pertains to Max.

U-Know let out a long sigh. “I think even if we talk to him a million times, it would still be useless. It’s like he’s totally shut out his common sense and let his anger control everything. Judging by the way he talks and acts now . . I can say that he’s totally out of control.”

“He’s really getting on my nerves already. A little more and I might end up blowing up right on his face,” Jaejoong said with irritation.

Micky couldn’t help but laugh a bit. “Why are you so affected Jae? Don’t tell me that you’re falling for Fate as well?” he teased.

Jaejoong shot Micky a cold stare. “Just because someone is nice to a girl doesn’t necessarily mean a romantic connection . . . I just pity her, that’s all. Whenever I look at her. . . I couldn’t help but think what if . . . one of my sisters was in her position. Surely I would have rearranged Max’s face already. Just to shake his head a bit and make him think straight already.”

U-Know laughed as well. “You sure are very protected of your sisters huh?” then his expression changed into a serious one. “But honestly I feel the same way too. When I see Fate, I can’t help but think about my younger sister as well. I just hope that Max can realize his mistake already and just get over his broken heart and pride.”

Xiah sighed. “He’s totally blinded. We can’t really expect him to do the right thing now. All he can think about is getting even. Frankly I am quite surprised that all he is getting even with is Fate. He doesn’t even do anything to Michael. Quite unfair . . . but totally understandable. He has a hurting soul right now . . . So we can’t really judge him that easily.”

“Let’s just leave him alone for now. I think he will change his mind sooner or later,” Micky uttered.

“I just hope that he does change his attitude before it’s too late. I really have a bad feeling about what he’s doing. I hope my feeling is wrong,” Jaejoong uttered with worry.

Xiah gave Jaejoong a confused look. “Why? What do you mean?”

Jaejoong just shrugged his shoulders. “Well if Max doesn’t change in due time . . . I think something bad will happen . . . something that he will regret for the rest of his life.”

“What?” Xiah asked again.

“I don’t really know, somehow I just feel something is coming. . . I really wish that I am wrong,” Jaejoong uttered.

Xiah couldn’t help shiver in fear. “You’re making me scared, hyung. Please don’t say such things.”

U-Know laughed. “Let’s just change the topic. I really don’t like talking about bad things like that. Let’s just hope and pray that Max will change in due time. And let’s just keep on reminding him about what he should be doing.”

“Agreed,” Xiah uttered as he nodded.

It was then the door bell started ringing . . . .

“I’ll get it,” Jaejoong uttered as he quickly stood up and went to the front door.

In a few minutes, Jaejoong entered the living room together with Fate.

“Fate,” the other DBSK boys uttered.

“Hello. Am I disturbing?” she asked with a smile. Somehow her sweet smile was hiding something.

“Come on . . . sit,” Jaejoong uttered.

Fate nodded and sat down on one of the chairs near where Jaejoong was sitting.

“Where’s Max?” she curiously asked.

“Locked up in his room,” Jaejoong replied with irritation.

“Why? Is something wrong? Is he all right?” she asked again with concern.

“Why are you so nice to him. . . when he’s so harsh on you? And shouldn’t we be the ones asking you. . . if you are all right,” Jaejoong uttered seriously.

Fate lowered her head. “I’m all right,” she answered with a weak voice.

“No, you’re not. Just be honest okay,” Jaejoong uttered again.

Fate sighed. “Okay . . . Fine . . . I’m not all right. A lot of people are mad at me right now. . . because of what I did. Many people are actually affected by my decision. And because of me a lot of people will be losing their jobs.”

“Oh, I am sorry to hear that,” Jaejoong uttered softly. “But you should have expected it . . . since you know how your life is linked up to a lot of people. . . Just like us, our lives are in constant link to the people who we all work with everyday.”

Fate nodded. “I know. But . . . but . . . Oh, let’s just changed the conversation for now please.”

“Very well. So why did you come here? Do you need to see Max? Would you like me to call him?” U-Know asked.

Fate stared at Jaejoong with sad eyes. “Frankly I just wanted some company. . . someone I can talk to . . . Michael just went to Germany yesterday. So I am alone in the hotel right now.”

“How can he leave you . . . when you’re facing a problem? What kind of a friend is that,” Xiah uttered.

Fate just let out a long sigh. “Well the reason why he went to Germany is to fix the problem I have there. You see, I have a sponsor who is going to sue me. I totally forgot that I had a contract with a certain company . . . My sudden retiring is in clear violation of my contract with them. Michael volunteered to go there . . . to fix the problem.”

“Oh, so this thing that Max made you did is really making such a big fuss in your life right now. Why did you agree in the first place? Don’t tell me . . . you haven’t thought about the consequences,” Micky uttered.

She then smiled bitterly. “I did think about all the consequences. But he’s more important to me right now. And I am willing to trade my career and even my future for him.”

Micky just shook his head. “I really can’t understand what is going on. How come you can easily trade your career for Max . . . but . . . tell me . . . what is your connection with Michael?. Is he really just your friend or something more? And how come Max saw the two of you kissing each other on the parking lot. What is the story about that?”

Fate was shocked with Micky’s question. “What?”

“Micky! You have no right to ask that,” Jaejoong uttered angrily.

“Micky, I think you should apologize. We don’t have the right to ask such personal questions,” U-Know said as well.

Micky gave Fate a quick look and just lowered his head. “I’m sorry. I guess I was going to far.”

“Max told you? . . . He told all of you? I should have known. He wouldn’t keep secrets from you. . . Micky, you don’t have to apologize. I know you just want to clear up everything. Look . . . about what Max saw . . . Yes, it is true. He did saw Michael kissing me in the parking lot of the race track. I know I shouldn’t have allowed him to do it. But I . . . I really don’t know what to say or how to justify what I did. . . . That day I just made a big mistake in the race track . . . and it almost cost me my life. Michael was so upset with me at first . . . And then . . . he finally confessed his love for me. He said that while he was watching me as my car was out of control. He was thinking that he didn’t even get the chance to tell me that he loved me. So after that incident and I was able to pull through my little mistake on the race track. Michael and I had a talk on the parking lot, and that was when he confessed and kissed me. I didn’t know that Max was there and that he saw us. I guess that it was the main reason why he hates me right now. He’s thinking that I cheated on him and that I just played around with him. I know I shouldn’t have allowed Michael to kiss me . . . But at that moment, I was shocked and I didn’t know how to react without hurting his feelings and how to do it in a way that our friendship wouldn’t be affected. I know I have such silly reasons . . . But please believe me . . . that I really love Max. And I am willing to do anything just to make him love me back.”

“Oh, so that’s the whole story? Thank you for telling us,” Jaejoong uttered.

“You know . . . losing a love one’s trust is really hard to get back. You will really need to work hard . . . and if you did manage to get it back . . . there is still the chance that it won’t be the same like it was before,” Micky uttered.

“I know. But I will try and try until I get back what I lost,” Fate replied.

“Well we are all here . . . and if you need our help. . . Don’t be afraid to ask,” U-Know added.

Fate stared at the other DBSK boys. She was deeply touched by their actions. “Thank you for being so nice. I just wish that I would really be able to make him forgive me and love me again.” She uttered with a heavy heart.

It was then that Max entered the room. . . . “Oh, you’re here,” he uttered with a cold expression on his face.

“Hello Max, “ Fate uttered with a smile.

“Oh, I was about to call you. But good thing, you’re here already. Do you think you can fix my room for me?” Max asked politely.

Fate was somehow shocked with Max’s sudden change. “Oh . . . okay,” she managed to utter.

“Max, you’re asking her to clean your room? Isn’t that too much already? She’s not your maid,” Jaejoong said with a raised tone.

Fate worriedly looked at Jaejoong. “Jae, it’s all right. I don’t have anything to do anyway. So please . . . don’t argue anymore okay.”

Jaejoong sighed. “Fine, whatever you say.”

Max smiled mischievously. “Well while you’re cleaning, I will go out for a while. See you tonight,” he said as he then gave Fate a quick kiss on the cheek.

Fate was again left speechless and wondering. “Has he forgiven me? Why do I feel like everything is so easy? Why do I fear the fact that he is being nice to me? Why . . . . Why am I suddenly more afraid of him now? What is going to happen next?”

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CassieIndo #1
awwww finish already T_T
finally they are together at the end ..
thanks for this great story ^^ /go to ur next story xD/
CassieIndo #2
Chapter 42: Another awesome story authornim,, i just write long comment abt how great ur story on your another story,, and now i found another great story of yours,,
I rlly dont know what i must say, u'r rlly one of the great author,, please updte this story soon, and your another story as well,, pleeaasseesse... i beg u T_T
yuncasso #3
Chapter 42: Its been a while.glad that you finally update..hope u continue thisss...i' m a fan
Please please please update this? Pleaseeeee~~? (:
OMAIGAWD...found it!
Please continue this.. I cried a bucket on this fic before TT ilovehisfic, daebak! :)
love it read all the chapters cant wait for the update ^_^