present conversation

The Way Back
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Sun seeped through the glass window as she sluggishly open her eyes, adapting herself to the bright surrounding. Feeling her sore arm, she sits straight turning her shoulder and arm around to relief the stiffness.


I hate mornings.


Scolding the early morning, the memories from last night flashes through her mind, causing her to jolt her eyes wide open and wake her up completely. She saw the boy in front of her eyes, sleeping soundly.


Shoot. I got carried away.


She said inside as she gathers her mind to stand up and leave this place. Chanyeol is going to wake up any second and she didn’t want to see or hear on what he’s going to say to her. I know he’s just going to hate me more.


Jinah one week ago would stay and wake him up to hear for his explanation. But Jinah one week later gets tired of waiting, hoping, and moping. She’s tired of breaking down because her hope is not going to be fulfilled, and she’s tired of replaying the same scene of hurtful words Chanyeol said to her. She just assumed that he’s really tired of their relationship so he decided to break it. That’s the closure that she came up for herself to ease her mind.


Sadly, reality put another dilemma on her this moment. She’s in front of him, alone, he could answer to her questions and she would get some real closure. But what if his real closure broke her heart even more? Afterall he said he’s the one who’s at fault. What would be his reaction if she choose to wake him up? Would he just be mad and tell her to go out as he didn’t want to see her face?


She looked at him, and the door, as a couple of unanswered questions passes through her mind. She then made up her mind to just walk away. She doesn’t want to hurt anymore and she knew if she stayed and wake him up, it will cause her pain any other way.


She walked to his bedroom door, stopping to look at him sleeping one last time. I really hope you’re happy. Taking in the surrounding of his messy apartment, she itched to clean them up. Seeing the clock on her phone, she has 2 hour left to go home and prepare for school. She put her bag down on the nearest floor as she decided to make his apartment at least modest.


Starting by throwing the trashes of beer cans, soju bottles and empty bags of snacks, to wiping down the dust on his kitchen counter, to putting the pillow and her fluffly that’s been sitting on the ground back to the sofa. Still feeling weird as why is her fluffly still sitting there unharmed and not dumped. As she wiped down the dust on the coffee table, her eyes go to the pictures that’s still sitting on the TV table. Another odd thing. After she finished wiping down the coffee table, she walked to the pictures and look at them.


A picture of them kissing, on their first date.


A picture of them sightseeing at the zoo.


A picture of them with her aunt.


A picture of them on their uniform at the photobooth.


They sure made a lot of good memories, she thought to herself. Surprisingly she didn’t feel the tears coming up. Maybe after tearing up on God knows how long, her tears are finally drained, or her heart decided to not be weak anymore. She doesn’t know what’s happening but she feels good, not the best but at least she doesn’t tear up on the smallest thing anymore.


Despite not tearing up, her heart still feel sour seeing those pictures that remembered her on how they used to be so happy together, and unfortunately they couldn’t be like that anymore. She flipped one of their photo down, as she felt the ache pinching her heart.


Their last dinner.


She looked around before sighing, feeling content the apparent different surrounding. She picked up her bag, and walked out, not wanting to stay any longer as she didn’t want to encounter sober Chanyeol.


She walks down the hallway, recapping the things she saw on his apartment and what happened a couple of hours ago. Headache came in together with the thoughts as she hang her head low, closing her eyes. She tried to bring her hands up to massage her head as she suddenly bumped into someone.


“Sorry.” Not seeing that person’s face, she muttered a quick apology.


“Careful there.” The person who she bumped into replied.




Chanyeol wake up with a pang in his head from the hangover. He cursed himself a couple times after he struggled on sitting up on his bed. His head is heavy, throat burning, stomach queasy.


I’d never drink that much on a weekday anymore.


Standing up slowly, he walked step by step, holding the wall as he go to the kitchen to get himself a drink. He saw the clock on the wall that showed 12pm. Cursing at himself again as he’d just miss 2 classes.


Holding his bedroom threshold, he looked jadedly around his apartment.


Why is it so clean? Did Kai cleaned this last night? Wait is he the one who brought me home, or is it Baekhyun?


He tried to remember last night’s event but his mind is too puzzled from the leftover booze. He decided to not think too much on the small mystery as he walked to his kitchen to grab a glass of warm water. Chanyeol realizes the reason on why he used to not drink until drunk.


Hangover .


He took his surrounding once more as he drank his glass of water, noticing the familiar clean surrounding and one particular picture that’s flipped down. It looked just like when Jinah cleaned his place up. The way his sofa is organized, to the missing trashes on his living room, even to the way his kitchen counter is arranged. This room even feels warm like when she used to stay here.


He drank that much to forget about her and all of his feelings towards her, and the next morning he think about her again.


Its just a clean apartment, why did i thought it was her who cleaned it. It could be anyone. Wake the hell up dude.


Chanyeol slapped his cheeks a few times to wake himself up more.


A bowl of chicken congee would be nice now.


He thought to himself as another thought emerged through his memory.


Her chicken congee is unbeatable tho.


Chanyeol curses at his thought once more. Stop thinking about her you damn brain.


With the last hit to his head, he threw away all his thoughts about her and walked to the bathroom to get ready for his afternoon class, that dreaded class where he must see and be in the same room with her.




Chanyeol had thought about the alternative for this upcoming event uncountable times this week. He had thought about what they would do on the same class together now that they’re not together anymore. He had thought about failing this class to not cause her more damage. He had also thought to ask the professor to excuse him for the rest of the semester and let him took all the tasks home.


He had thought about this moment too many times and he didn’t think that he’d choose this option. To just come in and sit in the same class with her. Deep down he knew he had no other choice anyway.


This morning he'd contemplated on skipping this class since he already skipped the previous class, but his body moved on itself to get ready and go to school.


So here he is, on his car, parking on his usual spot, accompanied by the hangover. He grabbed his binder and get out of his car after effortlessly parking, walking to his friends that are usually at the cafeteria this time of the day.


Nearing his group of friends he could hear his friends laughing at a joke Baekhyun threw. Their loudness that’s very noticeable from the distant earned a good amount of stare from people at the cafeteria. His friends is always this loud and they didn’t care about the stare that came from the people around them.


At high school their classmates used to stare because everyone is allegedly scared of them, but now at college everybody is staring mostly because of gossips that came out of no where about them. These college dudes and girls are thirsty on drama and desperate to make any baseless gossip to spice up their boring life. They’d even make some baseless rumor to be the ‘it’ informant.


Despite college being this huge, the people in it is very up to date, nosy and wants to know everything about everyone’s life. Sad truth really. . At least that’s what Chanyeol thought and concluded from hearing his and Jinah’s name rolled out of these people mouths at the hallways after their breakup.


Kai waved at him, smirking after seeing Chanyeol’s visible fatigue. That . Chanyeol rolled his eyes, knowing what his friend is going to say about his drunk act last night.


“So how do you feel?” Kai said, throwing his arm around him after he sat down on the sit beside him. It that the only sit that’s empty is besides him and the opposite of Baekhyun, two people that will the most about last night.


“No sh*t, your face already told us everything.” Baekhyun replied, snickering at his friend.


Chanyeol groans, resisting the u

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New update!! Sorry for being super late and see you next week. Or earlier maybe? Teehee♥


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this look interesting
Chapter 6: He broke up with her because of his dad? Typical but .. If yes, Yoora should know better to say that, shouldn’t her? 🤔

*sigh* CY’s scandal is really hurting me since the whole story and pictures are too stupid and fanfic to be believed but SM decided not to take any action, then it goes all the way wrong.
kpoplover51196 #3
Chapter 5: Oww he still loves her TT.TT Can't wait for the next chapter
GurungL #4
Chapter 5: Loved all the chapters... they both still love each other T^T
About the long & short chapters, i'm happy with anything you post. Thank you & good luck with your exams. Stay safe~
Chapter 5: Ok, that’s sad. Still love each other that much but .. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 5: This is so sad but addicting at the same time!
For me, I like long chapters!❤️
Chapter 4: Drunk Chanyeol is really honest huh? :/
I hope he talk to her in the morning, don’t panic and acting cold when he sober tho or I will send Kai to kick his .

/yesss i do want to read more of their relationship in highschool/
Chapter 4: I hope Chanyeol explain to her what happen and then maybe fix it together :(
Chapter 2: Is it his family? The reason he broke up with her?
I feel bad fr them tho :(
GurungL #10
Chapter 2: I feel bad for both of them. I wonder why chanyeol broke up with her :(
Thank you for the update & stay safe~