Chapter 3

Please Wait For Me
Six years ago . . . . .

“Oppa .... Wait for me,” a ten year old girl shouted as she was running to catch up with her brother and their friend, both sixteen years old. She was trying to hurry that he accidentally dropped the books that she was carrying.

The two boys she was trying to catch up with suddenly stopped walking and laughed after seeing her books were scattered on the side of the road.

One of the boys walked to where the girl was busy picking up her books. He immediately helped picking up her books.

“I'll carry them,” the boy said to the girl.

The girl smiled sweetly at the boy.

“Thank you, oppa. You're really very nice,” she said to him.

“Hey! Yunho,Lora...We're going to be late. Will you guys please hurry up,” the other boy said to his friend and sister.

Just go ahead without me. I'll just walk with Lora. These books are too heavy. She can't carry them all by herself,” Yunho said to Jonathan.

“Suit yourself. I have to buy something first. So I'll certainly be going ahead. Yunho, take care of my sister okay? See you later,” Jonathan shouted as he suddenly started running while waving his hand to say goodbye.

Yunho and Lora both laughed as Jonathan hurriedly ran to buy her new girlfriend a gift.

“My brother is really such a playboy,” Lora commented.

Yunho laughed. “Playboy? Yeah, you could say he is,” he said.

“Frankly, I don't know how the two of you became best of friends. You're complete opposites. You're serious while he's so playful. He's a complete playboy while you're straight ...." Lora commented.

"Me straight? How can you know? What if I say I am also a playboy? Yunho asked jokingly.

"Then I won't believe you," Lora immediately replied.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because I have known you for four years already. And I know that you're not like that," she replied again.

"Do you know me that much?" Yunho asked again.

"Yes, like the back of my hand," Lora answered with a smile.

Yunho smiled. Lora had grown up to be a very charming girl. She also had been very strong. Because from the day that he met her on the park four years ago, she hasn't cried ever since.

"This will be the last time you'll walking me to school," Lora said with a sad tone.

"I know," Yunho answered.

"I'll miss walking to school with you and Jonathan. I won't be able to play games with you anymore. I won't be able to hear you sing anymore. I won't be able to see you anymore,” Lora said with extreme sadness.

Yunho became very silent. He couldn't say a single word. His heart was breaking hearing her say that she won't be able to see him anymore. He didn't want her to go. She had been with her for four years now. She has been a part of her life. A part that he can't seem to live without.

“When is your flight?” he finally had the strength to ask.

“6 in the morning,” she replied.

“Take care of yourself okay?” he managed to say.

“Thanks for caring,” she said with a sweet smile.

Lora suddenly stopped walking. She suddenly faced Yunho. She looked at him as if thinking of something.

“Do you still remember when you first met me?” she suddenly asked.

“Yes, why,” he asked.

“Do you still remember when I said that if you ever courted me I would answer you right away?” Lora asked.

“Why are you asking this?” Yunho asked as if confused.

“Don't laugh okay? What I am going to say is the truth so please don't laugh,” Lora said with a serious look on her face.

“Okay,” he said.

Lora drew in a deep breath.

“I love you,” Lora said to Yunho.

Yunho was shocked. He never expected that Lora would ever say that to him. She was only 10 years old and here she was in front of him saying she loved him.

Yunho tried to smile. “You're only ten years old. You can't go around telling guys that you love them,” he lectured her.

“And why not?” she suddenly asked with fire in her eyes.

“Because....because it is uncommon for a girl to do it, that's all,” he answered.

“Why can't a girl tell a guy that she likes him? A guy can always tell a girl that he likes her, so why not a girl?” Lora asked again.

U-Know didn't know what to say. Lora had always been very rebellious. She was always going against the rules and doing things in her own way.

“Lora, you're only ten years old. I am already sixteen years old. Don't you find that a little odd?” Yunho asked.

“No, my dad is ten years older than my mom when they got married,” she answered.

U-Know was suddenly stuck with nothing else to say. Lora was always able to come up with reasons for everything.

“You're still too young to say you like me. What do you think your brother will say when he finds out that you've told me that you love me? Do you even know what love means?” Yunho asked Lora. He wanted to wake Lora from her fantasy about him.

“I'm not forcing you to like me too. I just said I love you because that's what I really feel. And frankly I don't care whether you like me or not. I just want to be true to myself,” Lora said.

“Lora, you're like a sister to me,” Yunho uttered.

“I know,” Lora smiled bitterly. “You only like me as a sister. That's why I am going away. I want to be away from you and grow up really fast so when I come back you can love me more than a sister then,” she said.

Yunho couldn't find the right words to say to her. Ever since he met her there has always been a special part for her in his heart. He didn't know if what he felt was just brotherly love or something deeper. But what he is very sure of is the fact that they can never be more than friends. He was six years older than her.

He has always been the type to always be responsible for everything. He has always followed the rules and always stood for what is right. But right at that exact moment, he wanted to do something wrong. He wanted to do something that he knew wasn't right. He wanted to tell Lora that he loved her too. But even if his heart is telling him to tell her how he truly feels, his mind is still controlling his whole being. He can never tell her. He was too afraid about what other people might say. And he was too afraid of what Jonathan would say if he found out.

Lora looked at Yunho. He was looking at her with such a serious expression on his face. She wasn't very proud of what she just did. But she was glad that she had finally found the courage to do it before she left. She was afraid that if she didn't do it now, she will never have the chance to ever do it.

She knew that when she leaves, the gap between them will be much bigger than just their age. But she wanted to be away from him to be able to truly understand whether what she was feeling for him was just a simple admiration or the actual love that she often hears. She knew that Yunho was right. She was still too young to even know what love means. But she was willing to learn.

Yunho was about to say something when Lora suddenly started walking away from him.

"I have to go oppa... I'm already late," she said as she hurriedly entered her school.

Yunho was left looking at Lora as she disappeared among a group of students. He wanted to ran after her and tell her how he feels but he just stopped himself. He told himself that it wasn't right.

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koreankendi #1
I love this storyyyy!
I love the rollercoaster of emotions i went through!
I love the drama!
Very nice! :)
Hello! I've just read your story and I really enjoyed this a lot. :)
Great job! :)

Just a note:
I'm a Yunho fanatic and I was surprised to see that there is really so little subbers and comments for this. But I'm still subscribing to this even though it's already finished.
QueenB_doll #3
what a nice story, i love it..but i kinda hate yunho's character here when it comes to soomin..hufft..anyway thank you for making this's really touching ^_^