Chapter 15

Please Wait For Me
U-Know woke up early the next day. He still remembered the sadness in Lora's eyes. He wanted to talk with her, and ask her what was wrong.

He slowly walked up to her room. He wanted to knock and see if she was already awake. But as soon as he was about to knock, he heard that Lora was talking to someone inside her room.

Inside Lora's room, she was talking with Kyle. She had woken up early and decided to wake Kyle up as well. She needed someone to talk to.

As they were talking, Lora was also trying on the different clothes she had bought. She was in front of the mirror. And she had just put on a short black dress, when she realized her long hair was stuck in the zipper of the dress she was wearing.

“Kyle . . . .Please help me . . . .My hair is caught in the zipper . . . .It hurts,” Lora pleaded.

Kyle immediately went to Lora. The zipper was certainly stuck and wouldn't open. He tried to open the zipper, but Lora's hair was stuck in it, and was being pulled.

Lora cried out in pain as her hair was being pulled as the zipper of the dress was being opened.

Kyle had already opened Lora's dress and pulled out Lora's hair, when the door slowly opened.

U-Know was shocked with what he saw. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Kyle was standing so close behind Lora. But what immediately caught his attention was Lora's dress. The back of her dress was fully open, and Kyle's hand was still holding the back of the dress as if he had just opened it.

The sight U-Know saw was just too obscene for him. His mind suddenly became blank. He couldn't think straight. He immediately went up to Kyle. He pulled him away from Lora and angrily punched him right in the face.

“Oppa . . . .please stop. I think you're making a mistake. It's not like what you think . . . .please,” Lora pleaded. She was trying to pull U-Know away from Kyle.

U-Know was mad . . . .mad with jealousy. He wanted to hurt Kyle badly. He couldn't believe that Kyle could even think of doing such a thing to Lora.

Lora started shouting for help. U-Know was already out of control. He kept on punching Kyle. Jonathan and the other DBSK members had already been awaken by the commotion in Lora's room.

“Hyung . . . .” Max shouted.

“Stop it . . . Kyle's already bleeding,” Jaejoong said to U-Know as he and Micky tried to get him away from Kyle. While Max and Xiah helped Kyle to stand up.

U-Know was still unable to think clearly. He was mad with Kyle. He wanted to hurt him again and again.

“What's wrong? What happened?” Jonathan asked Lora.

“What happened? Can't you even see what's happening? Can you please take a good look at your sister?” U-Know answered angrily.

Jonathan looked at Lora. He noticed that she was wearing a short black dress. Then he also noticed that her back was exposed because the zipper was open.

“Lora . . . .Can you please explain what is happening here?” Jonathan asked Lora angrily.

“Kyle and I were inside my room when Yunho entered. He got mad because he saw Kyle was behind me and he was helping me open my dress,” Lora answered.

“He got mad because of what?” Jonathan still couldn't understand what Lora was trying to say.

“He got mad because he thought Kyle and I were about to do something,” Lora said in a low voice.

Jonathan looked at Lora, then at Kyle, then lastly at U-Know. He suddely laughed.

“What's so funny?” Jaejoong asked with irritation.

Jonathan still couldn't stop himself from laughing. “So this commotion is all because Yunho thought that you and Kyle were about to make out?” he asked still unable to believe.

“You're sister is about to sleep with a guy and you're laughing?” U-Know asked with total disbelief.

“Sleep? Do you really think that I am that kind of a girl?” Lora asked U-Know angrily.

“So how will you explain what I saw?Are you still going to deny it? Are you that kind of a girl that you would actually sleep with anyone who wants to sleep with you? Don't you even have some decency? You were even going to do it inside your own room . . . .You're so disgusting,” U-Know said with anger as well. He couldn't believe that Lora was still denying the truth.

“I'm sorry if you don't believe me. But I can never sleep with Kyle . . . . or with any other guy . . . . I am really hurt that you actually think that I am that low . . . .To even do it in my own house . . . .in my own room . . .But I guess I deserve it after showing you my wild side . . . .But I expected more from you, Yunho. You have been my friend for more than 4 years . . . .At least, that should have accounted for something. Now I know what I am in your eyes . . . But I just want you to know that I may be wild and liberated but I can say straight to anyone that I am still a and will stay one until I can finally give myself to the one I truly love . . . .” Lora said with tears already forming in her eyes and with that she suddenly ran out of the room.

As Lora was leaving the room, her tears were already flowing. She wanted to die right at that exact moment. She had never imagined that she would actually hear such hurtful words from U-Know. She was really embarrassed and hurt at the same time. She didn't know what she was feeling right at that exact moment. She wanted to ran away and hide.

U-Know somehow snapped out of his madness and quickly returned to his consciousness after hearing what Lora said. He knew that Lora was hurt by his assumption. And he felt so sorry that he didn't believe her at the very start. He then looked at Jonathan, and then at Kyle. Kyle's lower lip was already swollen. U-Know felt bad that he had hurt Kyle. He should have been more mature and he should have tried to settle everything calmly.

“Hyung . . . “ Max said as he noticed that U-Know had suddenly become very pale.

“I'm sorry . . . .I didn't know what I was doing,” U-Know said with a low voice. “Kyle, I'm sorry. I can't say anything to make up for what I have done to you . . . .but again . . . .I am sorry.”

Kyle looked at U-Know. He wasn't angry because somehow he understood his situation.

“It's all right. Somehow I can understand your situation and why you acted so violently. But please next time . . . be a little bit more calm. You can't possibly beat up all the guys that Lora comes close with. And she's right . . .you should have given her more trust . . . .” Kyle said.

U-Know didn't know what to say. It was as if his whole world was spinning out of control. He wanted to turn back the time, and correct what he had just done.

“U-Know . . . .the reason why I was laughing . . . .is because . . . .” Jonathan suddenly stopped talking and looked at Kyle. “Kyle . . . . .I think it is time that they all know the truth just to clear up all the confusion . . . .” he said again.

Kyle just nodded as a sign that he agreed.

“The reason why Lora and Kyle can never fall in love with each other is because . . . .Kyle is gay. He has been a gay since he and Lora met six years ago. Lora and I know about it but we all keep it as a secret because Kyle's parents still doesn't know,” Jonathan said.

The DBSK boys were shocked with what they learned. U-Know felt that someone had suddenly poured him with cold water. He was very embarrassed at what he had done to Kyle and what he thought about him and Lora. He suddenly remembered Lora. He was angry with himself. He said so many hurtful things to Lora.

“Lora . . . .” U-Know uttered.

“I think you better find Lora and apologize Yunho. You were wrong and you said such cruel words to her. I think the two of you should talk,” Jonathan said with concern.

“I don't know what to say to her . . . .”U-Know suddenly said.

“Then try to find the right words . . . .or you won't have the chance to talk with her again and you will eventually lose her forever,” Jonathan said.

Suddenly the housekeeper came into the room.

“Jonathan . . . . Lora left. I am really worried . . . . . She was crying when she left,” the old lady said.

The other DBSK boys suddenly became worried . U-Know was suddenly alarmed as well. He quickly ran out the room. His heart was beating very fast. He had to find Lora.

Lora was walking on the side of the road. She was still sobbing and crying. She didn't know where she was going. She was very confused and hurt. She was thinking that she wanted to go away. And that she didn't want to see U-Know anymore. She needed someone to talk to right at that moment but she couldn't think of anyone. She needed someone . . . .

Suddenly a car stopped by the side of the road and she looked at the driver of the car.

U-Know ran as fast as he could. He knew that Lora couldn't be far away. He frantically tried to search for Lora. He could feel she was nearby. He was already calling out her name. He was desperate to find her. He needed to talk with her and clear everything . . .and ask her forgiveness. He needed to say what he truly feels. It was already maddening . . .He couldn't find her. Where could she be? He asked himself over and over again.

Then as he was turning around the corner. Something caught his eye, it was Lora. But she wasn't alone. She was crying . . . .in Shiro's arms. His heart suddenly became numb. He was too late.

He was already too late . . . .

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koreankendi #1
I love this storyyyy!
I love the rollercoaster of emotions i went through!
I love the drama!
Very nice! :)
Hello! I've just read your story and I really enjoyed this a lot. :)
Great job! :)

Just a note:
I'm a Yunho fanatic and I was surprised to see that there is really so little subbers and comments for this. But I'm still subscribing to this even though it's already finished.
QueenB_doll #3
what a nice story, i love it..but i kinda hate yunho's character here when it comes to soomin..hufft..anyway thank you for making this's really touching ^_^