
After the stayover at Sooyoung’s, we headed back to my place. I still remembered before we left, Sooyoung’s words. “Taengoo ah, we know you carry a lot and understand if you don’t want to share it with us. But talk to her okay? You two are in this together.” 


Is that why we are having this mini-awkward atmosphere now? You busied yourself by playing with Zero at the back, occasionally commenting on the scenes outside. Your smiles, it wasn’t that bright anymore.  


Lucky it was not too long before we reached, you carried Zero while I took the bags and we headed up. In the lift I noticed your jacket was used to wrap Zero, while you were shivering slightly due to the coldness. I stood closer and you asked “Wae?”

“Pabo-ya, you gave Zero the jacket, what about you?” I said while rubbing your arms trying to give you some warmth. “Because I have you” you said that softly. It was just four simple words but the impact on my heart was something I can ever describe. I look into your eyes, I saw your worry, your sadness but most of all, I saw the love. The love you always had for me.

Slowly I leaned in and you closed your eyes, we could feel our breath on and it just dawned me how much I missed those soft pink lips. I can’t wait to feel them again.




Damn the elevator!


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 10: Wow genuine love
Chapter 10: Short and sweet , this is a pieces Of awesome work