134 Rue de Paradis


To work through a particularly strong bout of self-pity, Jaehyun starts writing letters to a fictional address. It comes as a surprise when someone responds.



There's a book called the The Hour Past Midnight in this fic. This has nothing to do with the book that actually is published. Please don't misunderstand and associate my writing to the respectable work that the author has done. That would be a complete and utter disservice to the author. ;O;


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1005 streak #1
I read the summary of The Lunch Box.
Did Jaehyun, by any chance, see Johnny in their supposedly meeting place? Did he feel cold feet and left without meeting Johnny?
I'm so curious as to what is in Jaehyun's letter now that brought a smile to Johnny!
Please don't take a year to update.
1005 streak #2
Chapter 8: I was really surprised to see your update. Oh dear! They didn't meet at all.
What's happening now?
Jaehyun got scared and stood him up?
Thank you so much for the update.
1005 streak #3
Chapter 7: I'm so happy you're back.
I'm glad that Jaehyun is ready to meet Johnny after so many years of correspondence. He probably has to thank Hendery for helping him reach that decision. Perhaps, he feels that that is the relevant action to take now.
Thank you so much for the update.
MeinAltire #4
Chapter 6: Their letters is nice to read...
It must be interesting to have a pen pal on these days.
Great update :)
Chapter 6: I feel this fic so well written, so smart and clever.
1005 streak #6
Chapter 6: I really love the exchange of letters. It seems to me that they are skirting the issue of their relationship. Or was it just Jaehyun who is trying to ignore the "issue".
Johnny has always been straight forward with his thoughts and actions even to explain why it is only now that he gave Jaehyun the book and the white rose.
I love their discussion on birthdays coinciding with holidays like Christmas and New Year.
Thank you so much for the update.
Chapter 5: Definitely worth my time. Loved every bit of it. Waiting for more
1005 streak #8
Chapter 5: I'm so glad that you updated.
It seems that Jaehyun didn't get the confession. He is even wondering about Johnny mentioning about him being set up with a co-worker. Is he annoyed?
Johnny kept referring to friends to lovers in Friends. Is Johnny alluding to the kind of relationship he wants with Jaehyun? Is that why he addressed Jaehyun as friend toward the end of the letter? Or, did he think he was friendzoned by Jaehyun?
Chapter 4: I bet Johnny staring at Jeahyun's photos for a long time and suddenly he's writing another letter to Jaehyun... His confession.....!!!!!

Awwwwwww...... Kudo's to Yuta for taking the gorgeous pictures of Jaehyun....

1005 streak #10
Chapter 4: Oh dear!
Johnny has fallen for him. How would Jaehyun react?
Thank you so much for the update.