Chapter 3

No One But You

Louis returned home to find Jessica sleeping peacefully in their bed. He quickly went for a cold shower. The cold water could not calm him down. It could not wash away his guilt. “What I have done?” he asked himself repeatedly.

He walked out their bathroom and he heard the soft snoring of Jessica. “She must be really tired.” he thought sadly. He climbed under the quilt cover to join her in bed. He lied on his side, looking at her face. He unconsciously started to her hair.

She shifted herself closer to him and buried her face into his chest. She took a deep breath of his familiar scent and let out a whisper, “Sorry.”

Her word heightened his guilt. “I’m the one who done you wrong. Not you.” his heart cried out to her. “You are the only one who I love.” he said silently to her. He needed to prove that he still loved her. He had to claim her tonight and he to her.

He woke her from her sleep with his kisses and caresses. She opened her eyes and saw his hunger for her. He was extremely aggressive this night. She pondered about the reason for less than an instant before she joined him in the mating rhythm.

He cuddled her close to him. “I was making love with Jessica, my wife. I was just having with the other woman.” he tried to convince himself. “I love you.” she said softly as she dozed off. Her words cut his conscience. “You are worst than a beast! How could you do something which will hurt her so much!” he admonished himself. He wished that he could say sorry to her, to own up to his mistake. Yet, he was terrified of telling the truth. He was afraid that she would never forgive him if she ever found out. He could only hope that she would never find out.

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” he tried to convince himself unconvincingly.

It was past 7am and she was still not waking up. He picked up the alarm clock and noticed that it was not set. Louis had not slept well the whole night. He had cuddled Jessica closely as if he would lose her once he let her go. He reluctantly rocked her gently to wake her up.

“It’s past 7am. Time to wake up, honey.” he spoke softly into her ear.

“I have taken the day off. But I’ll wake up to go to the market. I promise to make up to you and I will make you dinner today.” she opened her eyes and said to him dreamily with a wide smile.

She wriggled from his hold and picked up a paper bag from her side of the bed. “I’m sorry. This is for you. Happy belated anniversary. Please don’t be upset with me anymore.” she said while passing the bag to him.

He opened the bag and took out a “Transformers” toy. It was a vintage generation one Megatron figure. It was not the newly re-released one. It was an original one from the 80’s. It was something that he had wanted for a long time. He looked at Jessica in amazement. “How did you find this? How did you know that I wanted this?” he asked her.

“I remembered you asked several vintage toy shops for it. Since I had to stay up for those conference calls with my counterparts in the various countries in the last six months, I might as well spend some of those waiting times to search and bid for this.” she explained to him with another wide grin while pointing to the toy. She knew he would be delighted with the toy.

Another wave of guilt rushed over him. How could he have accused of her of neglecting him? She had taken note of his interests and she was thinking of him while she was working in the middle of those nights. Had she not kissed him each night when she came home to reassure him that she loved him and she cared about him? Had she not forgone her sleep to watch movies with him? Yes, she sometimes fell asleep in the cinemas, but she did make an effort to spend time with him. Why was he so blind to her efforts? He truly regretted his mistake. He held her close to him.

“Where is my anniversary gift?” she asked, gazing up at him while leaning comfortably against him with his arms around her.

He kissed her forehead and said, “Let me get it.” He removed himself from her and picked up his sport jacket. He dug into all the pockets but he could not find it. He looked at her and said worriedly, “I can’t find it. I may have lost it.” He was worried that he might have lost more than the anniversary gift.

She saw that he was worried. She comforted him, “It’s ok, dear. You can always get me another one. Come over, I have something to tell you.”

She positioned herself in between his legs and leaned against his chest with his arms around her. Her head rested against the side of his face. She felt so fortunate to have him with her.

“My counterparts have finally accepted our deliverables without any changes last night!” she said excitedly to him.

“Thanks for being such a supportive and understanding husband. I know it was tough for you for the past nine months. I’m sorry.” she said apologetically. She turned her face to give him a peck on the cheek. A tear escaped from the corner of her eye. She was touched by his support and patience for the past months.

“The project is coming to an end. I’ll let Gallen and Bernice execute the plans.” she continued.

Louis felt uneasy at the mention of Bernice’s name. He felt lucky that he was not facing Jessica at the moment.

“I have told Gallen that I will not take on any more global project. I want to do another project.” She paused. His tanned face darkened when he heard she said “another project.” She felt him went stiff. She quickly clarified, “I want to start another project with you.”

“With me?” he asked in puzzlement. Jessica had not worked with him on any more advertising project after their first meeting. It was an unspoken rule between them not to involve work in their relationship.

“I can’t do this project without you.” she said with a hint of mischief in her voice.

“What do you have up your sleeves, Jessica?” he asked warily.

“I’ve enough fun at work now. I want our little Louises and Jessicas.” she said softly to him, not without blushing.

He was delighted at her suggestion. He too felt that they had enough fun as a couple and he really hoped to tie her down with their little ones. He turned her face to his and gave her a passionate kiss.

When they pulled apart, Jessica said impishly, “I want them made in Hokkaido!”

“NO! I want to make them NOW!” Louis to her, forgetting what he had done last night for the moment.



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