Interlude : Let it go

Don't Say You Like Me



Im Yoona was a beautiful girl. Her father was a doctor, while her mother was a model. Being a new chef of surgery, her father practically spent all his time in the hospital. She was never close with her father, but he had heard a lot of people saying that her father were a famous surgeon and very good at that. Perhaps, she thought, those people had clearly never seen his father at home. Maybe her father was a cardio god in the hospital, but when he was at home, he had been nothing but a mere mortal with innumerable flaws.


When she was a child, she spent most of her days with her only brother but then their father had forced him to be a doctor like him, being an obedient son he was, he obliged. And thus, made him didn’t have more time with her as he had to study hard. He spent less and less time with her until at the end, it was stopped.


She felt lonely, being left playing alone as she didn’t have any friends. She was a shy girl, she didn’t good at talking and her silent made her friend misunderstood her and thus made them keep their distance with her.


But everything changed when she was in high school. She met a boy, a new transfer student. They clicked so well, everything happened so fast and she found herself slowly falling in love with him day by day and they became a couple not long after. He was her first friend, her first love, as well as her first boyfriend.


But life wasn’t like a fairy tale when you got a happy ending. Her happiness was crashed after she found out that her boyfriend was only using her, that she was only his bet with his friends. The fact that she was betrayed made her thought that she didn’t want to live anymore if not for her mother.


Her mother brought her to a model agency, thinking that she would recover from her broken heart. And she did. Yoona got a new life where every time she saw was a sparkling life. Her life as a model got her many friends, and fans. However, it made her changed, the old Yoona was no longer alive. Her model friends taught her that she shouldn’t get look down by men instead she should get them in the palm of her hand.


And then, she met Jung Yunho.


Their first meeting was when she came to Jessica’s party, her model friend. She got introduced to him by her. Apparently, Yunho was her cousin. She still remembered Yunho was dressing in a dark blue jacket and black jeans, dancing oh so awesomely to the beat of the music. His movement was powerful and y and it made her heart began to pound in her chest, however when he was finally standing in front of her, offering his hand with a smile and saying ‘nice to meet you’, she was sure she was going to melt into the floor.


It was love at first sight and she determined to make him hers, and she successes. They were finally going out after her attempt to be close to him. She knew Yunho had not fully fallen in love with her butshe also knew, that time was all that she needed. She was really happy, thinking that she has got him, him, Jung Yunho, her dream man. She wanted their relationship to last longer and she believed, Yunhowould fully love her back someday. But then, she got to know Kim Jaejoong and she had noticed the way Jaejoong has those longing look on his eyes whenever he saw her boyfriend. However, she didn’t feel insecure, for she thought that Yunho wasn’t interest with him. But the longer she was with Yunho, the stronger she felt that Yunho was slowly slipping out of her palm. She felt mixed emotions of anger at Jaejoong who had got Yunho’s attention, and although she didn’t want to admit it, he got his love.


On that day, she wore a very beautiful dress, designed by a famous designer. She was beautiful Yunho said so, and she was also a model so she believed she would win the contest but it turned out, Jaejoong was the winner. And that night, she lost control.


She had been trying hard to keep Yunho by her side, however she couldn’t avoid a few fought here and there. To be honest, she was getting tired of it, and she wanted no more. So she chose what she thought the best, she let him go.

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Chapter 4: Sweet,,
Ah so proud of yoona
fallenA #2
thanks for writing this, really good!! :)
SHINee4ever5 #3
Nawwwwww, the ending is the BEST!!!! I love it <333
Nice story...
pinklie #5
so cute <3
janno1470 #6
Its a great story. Thank you. Pls write some more.
awww, yay finally YunJae's together ^ ^, love love this, waah, i can breath normally now, hehehehehe finally things are clear why Jae refuse at firsrt anyways good job, thanks for sharing us great fic.... ^ ^, looking forward to your future works ^ ^,
That was good. Yoona made the rigt choice and I'm glad you didn't make a her a . Love Yunho and Jaejoong!!! <3
poor Yoona but she did a great thing of letting Yun go.... anyways thanks for this update, please update soon, hwaiting!!! ^ ^,