Pretty Boy

Don't Say You Like Me
“Yunho ya~”

Yunho quickly turned around when he heard someone calling his name and saw his friend running over to him so he stopped his steps, waiting for the other man to reach him.

“What is it Jae?” he asked, raising an eyebrow when the other man was in front of him.

“I…” Jaejoong muttered almost inaudibly as he panted. “I'm looking for you since this morning.” he took a deep breath, trying to control the circulation of his lung and Yunho rubbed his back in cycle motion. “Where were you?” he inquired, eyebrows knitted together.

“I think we should sit first.” Yunho said as he took Jaejoong's wrist and dragged him to the bench just outside of their university.

“So?” Jaejoong asked once they were sitting on the bench. He placed the books that he has been holding onto his laps before he looked back at the man beside him. “Where were you this morning?”

“I'm sorry.” Yunho apologized as he leaned his back onto the bench. “I went with Yoona. She demanded me to accompany her to buy new outfit. She said she wants to look perfect tonight.” Yunho explained as he sighed. “It's not like she has never been perfect, really.”

“Oh...” Jaejoong mumbled. “It .”

“Yes, it does.” Yunho nodded. “So, what do you want to talk to me?” he inquired as he looked at Jaejoong and raised an eyebrow. He figured that the other man wanted to talk to him since he said he had searched him.

“Oh, it’s about tonight event.” Jaejoong countered.

Yunho nodded slightly. “What about it?”

“Erm...” Jaejoong muttered as he played with his fingers. “So, erm... I'm wondering...” he said hesitantly. “Can't you erase my name on the list of the contestants, please?” his voice sounded pleading as he looked up, eyes staring right into Yunho’s.

Yunho sighed as he grabbed Jaejoong's hand. “I'm sorry, but I can't Jae.” he countered and squeezed the hold a bit. “I'm not the one who can pull it out and no one else can. It's been decided by all the students. It's their choice.”

“I know.” Jaejoong sighed as he looked down at Yunho's hand that was on his, wondering why he suddenly felt warm. “But you know I don’t like to join something like that.”

“Ah~” Yunho mumbled and nodded in thought, remembering the time when Jaejoong was asked to be a model for their friend’s photograph project since they needed one but he refused furiously, while saying that he wasn’t good looking or gorgeous enough to do so. He then suggested someone else as his replacement because he felt guilty, had rejected their offer. Sometimes, Yunho thought, Jaejoong should have more confident in himself. “Just bare with it for a while. It will over tonight.”

“…Okay.” Jaejoong countered with a sigh.

“Good.” Yunho smiled as he stood up. “C’mon, stands up.” he said as he offered his hand to Jaejoong which gratefully took by the other man.

“I wonder since when you’re this gentle.” Jaejoong commented randomly as he stood up, grabbing the books and holding them close to his chest. “Sometimes it makes me wish you were single.”

Yunho laughed at that and he ruffled Jaejoong’s hair affectingly. “It’s because I am.” he grinned widely. “You just didn't notice it.”

“Maybe I don't.” Jaejoong nodded as he walked and Yunho followed beside him. “I should pay more attention to you since I considered you as my best friend but then again, you already have a girlfriend.”

“Hey!” Yunho slapped his shoulder softly. “Though I already have one it doesn't mean you shouldn't do that.” he pouted. “I need you.”

“Yea, yea, whatever.” Jaejoong countered as he rolled his eyes.

“Pshh.” Yunho sneered. “Anyway, have you bought your outfit for tonight?” he asked with a grin. “Want me to accompany you?”

“Nah~” Jaejoong muttered as he shook his head. “It’s just an event that I don't care. I don't need to buy anything.” he countered nonchalantly, waving his hand. “Besides, Junsu has lent me the outfit.”

“Oh...” Yunho mumbled as he nodded thoughtfully. “I don't know he has a dress.” he said in disbelief.

“What? Dress?” Jaejoong inquired as he looked at Yunho, his eyebrows knitted together. “He lent me a suit Yunho, not dress.” he shook his head at his friend's words. “And why should I wear dress anyway. You're so funny, Yunho ya.” he added as he chuckled and brought his right hand against his mouth, covering it.

“Huh? You don't know?” Yunho asked in surprise.

“What do I not know?” Jaejoong asked back in confusion.

“Oh my...” Yunho exclaimed as he slammed his hand to his forehead. He then grabbed Jaejoong's hand and dragged him towards his car. “We really should go to the mall.” he said as he opened the passenger's door and pushed the confuse Jaejoong inside. He then quickly walked over to the driver's door and went in. “I can't believe they didn't tell you.”

“Yah!” Jaejoong exclaimed in confusion. “What are you talking about? Where are we going?” he inquired when he saw Yunho pressed the pedal and drove off.

“We are going to the mall.” Yunho countered, eyes looking at the road in front of him. “You have to buy your outfit for tonight.”

“Haven't I said that Junsu has lent me his suit?” Jaejoong tilted his head to the side. “I don't have to buy anything!”

“You aren't suppose to wear a suit tonight Jae.” Yunho said as he turned his car to the left. “All the contestants wear dress and so—”

“Wait.” Jaejoong lifted his hand up, preventing Yunho to continue. “It’s my ears that couldn’t hear clearly or you really said that all the contestants wear dress?” he asked as his mind hoping that he heard wrong.

“Yes, I said that.” Yunho confirmed as he nodded. “That's why we are going to the mall right now. You have to wear a dress tonight and I figure you don't have dress so we have to buy it now.”

Right after Yunho finished his explanation, Jaejoong bang his head to the dashboard, ignoring the pain on his head and he surely would jump out of the car in frustration if Yunho didn't lock up the door.


“WHAT?!” Junsu exclaimed—almost like a squealed— as he turned his head around to face the other man at breakneck speed. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”

“Well, I'm sorry.” Yoochun said as he stretched the back of his head and smiled sheepishly. “I forgot about it.”

“There is no way you'd forget this.” Junsu retorted as he snorted. “And I know you must be enjoying it.”

“Fine! It was Changmin's idea actually.” Yoochun pouted. “You know me too well.”

“I do.” Junsu sneered. “So, how shall we tell about it to Jaejoong-hyung?”


“Yes, we, dolt!” Junsu whacked Yoochun’s head and rolled his eyes. “You’re the one who didn’t tell me and him, so you should take a responsibility too.”

“Aish, okay okay.” Yoochun gave up and sighed weakly.

“Junsu! Yoochun!”

“Oh no.” Yoochun mumbled frantically and looked at Junsu who has the same expression as he has. Both of them quickly ran away from the other man but failed miserably as they were caught off guard.

“Yah! Don’t run!” Jaejoong exclaimed indignantly and rushed towards them. “Why did you run?” he asked, eyes menacing.

“O-oh, um…” Yoochun muttered.

“I’m dying to pee!” Junsu answered too quickly, making him almost choked on his own saliva.

“Yes yes.” Yoochun nodded furiously but Jaejoong didn’t buy their lie.

“Pssh. Don’t lies.” Jaejoong retorted. “Come with me.” He motioned for both of them to come with him and sat on the coach.

Both of them sighed heavily because they knew that they would get another lecture from the older man and they weren’t the least bit excited about it at all. Yoochun cursed under his breath about the Shim jerk Changmin and such, which he didn’t have to suffer from Jaejoong’s wrath.


Some of the contestants were already showing up on the catwalk, greeting and such, earning a loud applause from the students and the juries.

Jaejoong was sitting uncomfortable on the chair in the backstage and occasionally shifting, playing with his fingers. He felt restless, nervous, anxious and all. He had tried to calm himself by breathing in and out but it was useless. The long white dress with floral design on the edge of the dress and a rope shaped butterfly on the back didn’t help loosen his nerve at all but making it worst. The dress he wore wasn’t comfortable enough for him. True, it wasn’t the first time he had dressed as a woman, blamed his mother who liked to dress him in girly outfits when he was still a child. Perhaps she had seriously assumed that dressing him in flowery dresses and cute ponytails would change the obstructive thing growing between his legs. And when he had had enough, did he protest furiously and thus made his mother gave up. He could finally wear simple clothes such as jeans and shirt. Never cross his mind that he would wear dress ever again.

“Jae, are you ready?” Yunho came out and Jaejoong looked up at him. The taller man was clad in a black trouser and grey vest covered the white shirt he wore, making Jaejoong swallowed his saliva. “It’ll be your turn in 2 minutes.” He pointed out.

“Ah, um… I try.” Jaejoong mumbled softly and looked down.

“Jae…” Yunho sighed as he sat down beside him and reached out a hand to grab Jaejoong’s hand, squeezing the hold a bit in attempt to give him the courage he needed. “It’ll be over soon.”

Jaejoong nodded and Yunho smiled.

“Next, Jaejoong-ssi.” Donghae called out from behind the curtain and Jaejoong slowly got up, but halted his steps when a hand grabbed his wrist.

“You’re beautiful.” Yunho said softly and smiled. “You should know that.”

And Jaejoong smiled back, feeling grateful at the other man because he suddenly got the strong courage built up inside him.

“Thank you. And you’re really handsome, Yunho-ya.”


“Congratulations, Jaejoong-ssi!” Kangin exclaimed mirthfully as he handed Jaejoong the chalice.

The show up section was over and now was the time for the juries to announce the winner and as expected, Jaejoong won —much to his surprise.

“Eh? Ah, thank you.” Jaejoong took the chalice and bowed clumsily. He didn’t believe he won, though he didn’t want to. He thought he didn’t deserve it as he wasn’t good-looking nor pretty enough. But then when he looked up, he saw all the people’s eyes were on him, their eyes were smiling in glee and he couldn’t help but smiled back.

Maybe it wasn’t that bad at all.

“And we have our pretty boy now!” Kangin shouted through the microphone and grinned. “Kim Jaejoong-ssi! Give him applause please.”

Jaejoong stepped up and he could hear a boy shouted ‘Jaejoong-shii, please be mine!’ echoing through the loud applause from the audience.

“I object!” A girl suddenly exclaimed indignantly, making the audience stopped their joy as she walked over to the seat where all the juries sat. “It must be wrong! How could that guy won?! You all must be blind!”

“Oh !” Yunho cursed as he ran over to the stage and grabbed Yoona’s wrist, pulling her away from the juries. “There is nothing wrong, Yoona.”

“No!” Yoona retracted her hand. “There must be something wrong! He isn’t pretty! That guy must be use spell or something so that he could win!” she snarled.

“Stop!” Yunho exclaimed as he dragged his girlfriend out of the room. How strong the urge to slap his own girlfriend but Yunho restrained himself, because one of his principles was that a man couldn’t and mustn’t hit a girl.

“Yah! What are you doing?!” Yoona shouted with her high-pitched voice and back away. “Why are you dragging me out? I still don’t finish my protest inside!” she attempted to walk back inside but Yunho had grabbed her wrist.

“Can you calm down from a second?!”

“No I can’t!” She tapped her foot indignantly on the ground. “There is something wrong with the juries and all, Yunho! There is no way that guy could win!” she hissed.

“He can win, Yoona.”

“Why are you defending him now?! Do you like him?!”

“It’s not what I said.”

“No!” Yoona exclaimed quickly. “I’ve known it from the start. You treat him distinctively. You like him don’t you?”

“You deviate from the topic...” Yunho sighed as he tried to grab her hand. “Why are you suddenly act like this? Please calm down…”

Yoona shook her head. “You date me out of love right? I know it.”


“…Tell me.” She punctuated.


“If you really don’t like him, tell me… and tell him that you love me.” She demanded.

“What?!” Yunho exclaimed in surprise. “I…”

“You can’t do it, don’t you?” She smirked a little. “I shouldn’t ask it at the first place because I have guessed your answer already and I’m right.”

“Yoona.” Yunho said softly and moved closer to touch her but she stepped backward. Yunho looked at her and there was a look of deep sadness in her eyes, although a flicker of bitterness filled them for a moment. “C’mon. We better get home. I’ll take you home.”

“To hell with that. I hate you and we’re over!”

“Yoona!” Yunho reached out his hand, tying to grab her hand but she already ran away.


Yunho looked up at the sky and sighed blissfully when he felt the wind brushing his hair. He was currently sitting on the bench near the park. After his fought with his girlfriend, no ex-girlfriend, he walked to the park and sat there, thinking over of what she had said and figured out about his own feeling.


Yunho turned around when a voice called him and saw Jaejoong walked over to him. The shorter man apparently had changed his dress as he was now cladding in indigo jeans and white shirt. “What is it, Jae?”

“I’m sorry.” Jaejoong murmured softly as he sat beside Yunho.

“I take it as you have heard our fight, right?”

“Yes.” Jaejoong nodded. “I was just worried so I followed you. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Yunho shook his head. “I know it’ll be happen because we have been fighting over silly thing.” He sighed softly.

“But still…” This time, Jaejoong took Yunho’s hand in his. “I’m the cause of your fight this time.”

Yunho merely smiled and tightened the hold.

“Are you mad at me?”


Jaejoong sighed in relief. “Yunho...” He said hesitantly. “I can speak to her and explain everything if it could make you two together again.” he said as he bit his lips and closed his eyes.

“It’s okay Jae-ya.” Yunho shook his head. “Because I know, even though we’re back together, everything won’t work well because I realized, she’s right.”

“Yes?” Jaejoong raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Because, it’ll be fruitless.”

Fruit?” Jaejoong looked up at him in confusion. “Fruit?”

“Not that fruit, dummy.” Yunho laughed as he flicked Jaejoong’s forehead. “Fruitless. Useless.”

“Oo…” Jaejoong’s mouth formed an ‘o’.

“You’re so adorable, you know that?”

“Eh? Ah, em… Thank you?” he said uncertainly, making Yunho burst out laughing. “Yah!” he nudged Yunho’s arms and pouted.

“I’m sorry.” Yunho said as he wiped his tears away. “But you’re so funny sometimes.” He smiled but then sighed and looked up at the sky.

There was a silence. They didn’t know what to do until Jaejoong spoke up.

“Aren’t you cold?”

“Are you?” Yunho asked back and quickly took off his vest when he saw Jaejoong shivering, hands rubbing his arms.

“Thank you.” Jaejoong said as Yunho swung his vest to his body.

Yunho merely smiled.

“You know what, Jae? She’s right after all.”

“Yes?” Jaejoong looked up, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

“I’ve liked you from the start. I just don’t want to admit it until now.”

His confession made Jaejoong’s eyes widened.

“I like you, Jaejoong-ah.” Yunho said firmly as he smiled, making Jaejoong felt pleasant warmth pooled in his stomach.

“Yu-yunho...” Jaejoong murmured timidly as he bit his lips and looked down but a hand held his chin, making him look up at the other man and he didn’t refuse nor back away as he was still surprise when Yunho came closer and kissed his lips.

“Jae-hyungie! There you are— Oopps!” Junsu shrieked, hands clapping against his cheek in surprise. “Did I come at the wrong time?”

Junsu’s voice snapped Jaejoong out of his shock and he quickly broke away from the kiss. Jaejoong looked at Junsu for awhile and Junsu nodded, it seemed he understand what he should do so he went away.

Jaejoong turned his gaze at Yunho. “What did you do that?”

“Because I like you Jaejoong-ah. And I’d like you to be my boyfriend.” Yunho said confidently as he held Jaejoong’s hands in his. “Will you be my boyfriend?”

Jaejoong stared at him, nothing came out from the short man, and it seemed like forever until Yunho heard Jaejoong’s answer.


Yunho burrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Why? You don’t like me?”

“It’s not that.” Jaejoong shook his head.

“Then why? Why can’t you be my boyfriend?”

“Just because.” Jaejoong sighed. “No, Yunho, I’m sorry.” He hugged Yunho, stood up and walked away.


edited- a.n okay, before you mad at me... i think I'll continue this story (although i like the way it is) but yea, i'll think of an idea and write again as the continuation of this story... should I unmark story complete?
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Chapter 4: Sweet,,
Ah so proud of yoona
fallenA #2
thanks for writing this, really good!! :)
SHINee4ever5 #3
Nawwwwww, the ending is the BEST!!!! I love it <333
Nice story...
pinklie #5
so cute <3
janno1470 #6
Its a great story. Thank you. Pls write some more.
awww, yay finally YunJae's together ^ ^, love love this, waah, i can breath normally now, hehehehehe finally things are clear why Jae refuse at firsrt anyways good job, thanks for sharing us great fic.... ^ ^, looking forward to your future works ^ ^,
That was good. Yoona made the rigt choice and I'm glad you didn't make a her a . Love Yunho and Jaejoong!!! <3
poor Yoona but she did a great thing of letting Yun go.... anyways thanks for this update, please update soon, hwaiting!!! ^ ^,