Chapter 6

You need to come home( longer more full version)
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'Word got out that Exo member Lay has booked a flight to Japan, sources say he will be filming a new commercial for Gucci'

kasper laughs at the social post on display on his phone. "They really have no idea do they?"

Lay smiles glancing down at the phone and shakes his head noticing the time. "Lets get ready"

Standing up both dancers walk to the bathroom. Once inside they exchange clothes and wish each other 'good luck.'

Lay stands in the washroom while Kasper walks out, to be greeted by fans and Lays manager.

As all the fans watch as kasper in Lay's clothes enter the flight gate to Japan, Yixing enters the gate for Korea unnoticed by anyone.


Baekhyun is sitting down on

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