Engagement Rings and Guitar Picks

"Wow. They are really dreamy..." I was looking at EXO-K's new MV at an Appliances store near our house, admiring each move they made. "Perfect.. Just too Perfect.. Wow."

Leaning in the table, I put my both of my elbow in the table supporting both of my hands which is now in my chin. I looked at them dreamily, smiling like crazy. Se Hun and Kai did some dance moves during the chorus of the song. Wow.... just WOW.. kekke, I'm fangirling right now, Hope no one sees me :) keke

"Hee Young!" 

I jolted back to my seat properly and wear my glasses. Who dared interupting my EXO moment ???? I didnt look at the person calling me. grr. 

"Hee Young!"

I sat contently at the chair not looking back. I heard the MV song again. wow. they're asking me WHAT IS LOVE? 

"YAh! Hee Young!"  Someone breathing heavily patted my back.

I turn around. "Min Ah!" i said irritatedly. "what now? need heelp over Geometry? Chemistry , Physics? WHAT?"

"Hee Young..." she said still catching her breath. " L-look at your watch"

"So.. you went all the way here just to ask me what time is it?"


I was shocked with the sudden rise of her tone that I looked at my watch unconciously.

OMO! It's 10 am! Krystal's gonna kill me! Gosh Why did I forgot the time? EXO you'll recieve beating when I come home!   [lol. Her Exo stuff toy that she sew :) ]

I ran as fast as I could just arrive to the SMent Building. Not taking any ride 'cause there's currently a traffic.

I'm so gonna get killed!  I entered the SMent panting heavily. I took the elevator ang went to F(x)'s Dressing room. Not here. Hmmmm... where could they be? 

Realization enveloped me. GOSH! How could I forget? I am asked to buy fruits and beverages before coming here! aisht. 

I directly went down stairs, patted the SMent Guard three times when I reached the guardhous signing that I need to borrow his bike.

"Be careful Hee Young-ah" He smiled. "tsk3 always forgetting errands."

"Ne~~!" I rode the bike and paddled fast to the nearest convenience store. I directly grab all the needed fruits and vegetables once I enetr the store. After paying for it using the F(X) atm card. I drove fast back to SMent and ran upstairs.

I reached the F(x) practice room. Sigh. I hope I won't be killed. I knocked the door three times.

"Come in" I heard Amber said while opening the door,

I entered and closed the door.

"What took you so long?!" Krystal grabbed the brown bags I'm holding and get a milk bottle inside.She returned the bags to me. 

My brow raised. Hmmm? only what-took-you-so-long statement? no slapping or overtime command? eh? 

I suddenly heard her phone beeped. ah... It must be Se Hun. I shrugged. I wish I'm a trainee or an Idol. huhuhu.

I put the fruits and beverages in the fridge and sat at the old coush beside it. Why did they have this old couch? It even smells. yuck.

"Hee Young-sshi" Luna came near me, handling me a book. "Can you teach me about this one?"

kekeke. My partner on being a smartie pants.I looked at the book. Hmmm... Chemistry. My favorite subject. "Sure" 

She opened the book. Finding a certain page. 

While she scans the book, my eyes roamed aroung their practice room. Victoria is doing her gymnast stunts. Ouch. It looks like her bones are cracking. erase erase. She's so flexible.

Amber is playing the piano. Moonlight Sonata. wow. I wish I am as good as Amber.

Sulli kept dancing to HOt Summer.

Krystal is busy looking at her phone. Pfft. 

"Here." Luna gave me the book. "pH? Molar concentration?? pfft.  this is simple." Is this gonna be another score battle?

Luna laughed, " I can sense great epic fail confidence" 

I laughed at her. "It goes like this- the pH or pOH is equal to the negative log of the hydronium oxide's concentration" I said giving her the formula. 

"arra" she simply said

I doubted if she understood it so I get my sci calculator from my locker near the couch along with a paper and a pen.

"Here, try this " I gave her a sample problem

To my surprise, she answered it fastly. And when I checked, her answer is correct. hah! I knew it! She wants a score battle!

As if on cue she looked at me and handed me another problem with brows raised. "HAH! You'll never beat me"

"Let's see" she smirked

I answered it correctly. wanting to won over this battle I gave her a hard one.

She answered it.

"Try this" she gave me a tough one.

I answered it correctly again and give her another problem.

Time passed by and we we're still in that manner. 

Each of us answered 15 problems. 

I wrote in the paper another tough question --not wanting that she will win against me. Luna suddenly squealed excitingly. I didn't pay attention to her squealing. I made the problem very hard. But before I could give it to her.....


"Try this" My body froze. Gulp. That manly sound.



XD LOL Cant think of a title for this chapppieee haha. i think i am a little bit too fast. :)

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I'm still waiting for you to update Y_Y Please update!!
2pmSoShinee #2
Oooh, I like the story. I think I might subscribe. I just hope you update soon. You haven't updated in like a month.... D:
I hope that see is with sehun they look really cute together.. Sehun when will you just admit that u like her.. LOL.. Naughty Sehun :P
shawols4lyf #4
I want her to be with Kai not with evil kiss stealer Se Hun >.<
miyi_strawberry #5
update soon!
shawols4lyf #6
gosh just admit that u like the girl already Se Hun! ugh!DAHKDFHH i'm going crazy ~~ update soon!
miyi_strawberry #7
sehun... he's sooo in denial!
Update soon!
This Guy.-_____-
miyi_strawberry #9
He's jealous??? I thought he 'loved' krystal??? lol
Update soon!
Sommmones jealous