SPECIAL PROMO: order one friend and get another one for free.


hello, thank you for at least clicking on this. 

yesterday i was just chilling and suddenly my friend hit me with the idea that he wanted to...expand his horizons (hoe around, for the locals). but apart from hoeing around, he is actually a really nice person and amazing company.

so if you are also a lonely soul looking for more mutuals, friends and / or a possible oomf, this is the right ad for you.

about my friend:

  • he is on the minus side of the world but he usually sleeps around 2 am? so timezones aren't a problem.
  • he is a major ml enthusiast so if you are looking for someone to play with, he is the one! (not to mention he can carry you to victory because bestest player).
  • apart from ml he also plays some other games like animal crossing, overwatch and splatoon 2 on the switch.
  • he is really funny and super nice, for real, you need to meet him.
  • a doyoung fc, he will introduce you to some new thangz...ig.
  • a switch (not the console) that loves girls and boys the same way.
  • he is of age so if you are interested in the...y part please also be of age.

about me:

  • i play all games except ml, i can't understand...
  • we are a 2 in 1 package, mostly so you don't feel too awkward and i can like...help him not feel too awkward.
  • i'm super friendly, or that's what i want to believe.

if you read all of thet and you are still interested, it's time to talk about the terms and conditions:

  • he is only on twitter at the moment, but if you have any other platform, i can bug him to create it,
  • drop your @ on the comments or message me with it so we can follow you!



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i know this might not be 1x1, but if you're interested of joining in a community, you should definitely check us out!

velvetami #2
This is the cutest ad I’ve seen oh my god
Hi, I'm interested!