The Discovery of the First Relic, Summi



Inside Yutaka’s subconscious: Crandor’s whiskers were drawn in Yutaka’s chi in order for him to maintain “Elemental Possession.”
Crandor: “Your chi is pure.”
Yutaka’s soul (keeping hands out for Crandor): “Thank you, Crandor.”
Crandor: “No… thank you, Yutaka.”
Outside of Yutaka’s head: Raitrious punched Yutaka awake, by punching him in the stomach.
Yutaka spitted blood and it landed on the ground. Raitrious jumped back a few feet and stared at the vomiting Yutaka. 
Raitrious (crossing arms): “That’s what you get when you challenge someone as powerful as me!”
Yutaka (getting up and dropping blood onto the sand as he talks): “You’re nothing but a coward. You killed my father and brother. You killed Tobias’ father. And for what? I ask you.”
Raitrious (adjusting mask): “To gain control of the one thing everybody in the entire world wants, and what the 500 sages has been guarding since the discovery of Sage Craft.”
Kaiya (looking at the cold eyes of Raitrious): “What is it?”
Raitrious(looking back at Kaiya’s ‘full of life’ eyes): “You’ll see.”
Yutaka (Semi transforming into Crandor): “You won’t get that chance.”
Yutaka placed his open palmed hands on the sand.
Yutaka (eyes turning Emerald Green): “Hi Hashira!” (Fire Pillars) 
Two large pillars jumped from the ground and combined to make one huge pillar. Then it skated  across the sand. 
Raitrious (shifting electrified hand in front of him): “HA!”
He fired a blast of electricity from his palm but it did not stop the pillar. The pillar rammed into Raitrious and it took him into the ocean, where it dissolved. 
Yutaka didn’t waste anytime and he started to throw fireballs at him. After each one hit , a plume of ash and fire lingered around Raitrious. 
He had enough and leapt into the sky. And charged his two fingers. 
Raitrious (pointing the fingers at Kaiya’s location): “And now, SUMMI ARISE!” 
He released all of the lightning he built up into his fingers. The stream of lightning ran to Kaiya’s Location. 
Yutaka pushed Kaiya out of the way and the streak of lightning slammed into the ground and dug a hole. 
The streak struck Summi’s relic and beams of ocean blue shot up from under the ground. 
Raitrious smiled at the thought of at last seeing his youngest brother. 
The sand cracked like an earthquake had moved it. 
A huge hand, arm and forearm erupted from the ground on the left side and likewise for the right side. 
Yutaka (watching the ground break apart as Summi emerged): “This is it.” 
The rest of Summi’s body erupted from the ground and he stood on his demonic, three toed ,webbed feet. 
Kaiya (looking at Summi): “Silted shark eyes, scaly grey skin, sharp dagger like claws, demonic webbed feet, bald, sharp shark-like teeth, and an octopus tentacle for a tail.”
Yutaka (looking at Summi’s terrible, true form): “All hell has broken loose.”
Summi let out a huge roar that was like 2000 lions roaring at the same time. Just by that roar, the ocean ran from Summi by creating tsunamis and tidal waves, killing anybody and everybody in it’s path, just to escape him. 
To Be Continued…
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please update authornim.....
luckyxstarz #2
it's a orginal story like he said on the top
...this isn't a fanfic.
Sonicman0123456789 #4
Nice...nice. Oh btw I'm waiting for the rest of the post so keep em comin :)