CH. 6

49th Day
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Chapter 6




Few days after the family day, Seulgi noticed Irene spending more time in her office. She’ll be working overtime and go home looking all spent. She wears a jacket more these days despite the hot weather, Irene would tell her that it got colder inside her office and would apologize for leaving Seo-Woo with her for too long. Seulgi is convinced that there might be something in Irene's office based on the latter’s story.


Irene would tell her about missing papers and some mysterious spilling of coffee on her reports. Sometimes, she would find her important papers on the shredder and that caused her to do all her works over again.


Today, Seulgi decided to give Irene a visit after dropping Seo-Woo at the daycare. But she thought it would be weird to appear there randomly so she went first at Joy’s pub to ask for some advice.


“So, what’s up?” Joy asked her indifferently


“Hey, what’s with the tone?” Seulgi complained


“Well, you always come here whenever you have a problem so why not waste more time and just spill it?” Joy suggested


“I want to go to Irene’s office today…” She answered.


“Then, go?” Joy was busy packing some club sandwiches for display.


“Would it be weird if I appeared suddenly at her office?” Seulgi weighed her options to come up with a perfect excuse to see Irene at her office today.


“Are those red beans?” Joy pertaining to the plastic bag that Seulgi was holding.




“Why do you have that?”


“I feel like there are some ghosts at her office. I would like to chase them away.”


“And you're going to throw those beans at Irene’s office?!” Joy said in horror


“Why, what’s wrong?”


“There are CCTVs on company buildings, they might think you’re a weirdo and kick you out!” Joy smacked her head.


“Yah! Then do you have a better idea?”


Joy sighed and got some incense on her altar, “Here, give this to Irene. My mom used to light some incense to chase away ghosts. I didn't believe it until I saw you again, you make me think that everything is possible.”


“Why, thank you!”


Joy looked at the hanging clock on the wall and packed up some sandwiches for Seulgi.


“Here, take this to her. It’s almost lunchtime.”




Seulgi was about to bust out the door until Joy called her and said, “LEAVE THOSE RED BEANS AT THE TABLE!”


Seulgi is now standing in front of Irene’s office. She looked around and observed the building. There is definitely something inside. Then, she saw Tzuyu go inside the building as she passed through walls.


“What the... CHOU TZUYU?! AGAIN?” she huffed in frustration and briskly walked inside the office entrance.


“Hi, is there something you need, miss?” the security guard asked


“Oh, I am looking for Mrs Bae Irene,” she answered as she eyed on the corner, she saw Tzuyu approaching another ghost as they laughed together.


“YOO JEONGYEON!” she almost yelled but she just bit her lips in a grievance.


“Are you okay, miss?” the guard looked at her oddly.


“Y-Yeah… sorry. It’s just hot outside.” 


Suddenly the papers at the concierge fell on the floor and an employee at the front desk screamed.




Seulgi looked at the source of the commotion, it was Yoo Jeongyeon and Tzuyu scaring the poor man, laughing and giving each other a high-five as they got the energy.


“I told you, this place is better than that daycare.” Jeongyeon showed off a couple of comical dance moves.


“This place is huge! I like it here.” Tzuyu commented


“I thought you like that girl working at the ice cream store?” 


“She’s been sleeping frequently because I got too much of her energy so I’ll leave her alone to rest today.” Tzuyu shrugged


“When did you learn to be considerate? You seemed to be whipped for her scream.” 


“Shut up, Yoo Jeongyeon!”


Jeongyeon laughed and shook her head, “Let’s try the third floor, there’s a pretty lady over there working alone at her station.”


“Isn’t it lunchtime? Maybe she’s at the canteen!”


“Nope, I made sure she’s there. I spilt coffee on her report!” Jeongyeon cackled 


“Is that what you have in the morning these days?”




“Coffee, scream and sugar.”




Jeongyeon was about to pass through walls until Tzuyu called her, “Let’s ride the elevator this time.”




“It raises my spirit.”


“Come to think of it, the elevator is a good place to live for ghosts.”




“Because it’s a dead-end.”


The two entered the elevator filled with employees and looked at each other with knowing looks on their faces.


“Let’s get energized today!”


Seulgi was looking at them intensely as the elevator closed. 


“That better be not Irene or else.” she held the incense on her hand tightly and gritted her teeth.


“Hey, mister!” she called out the frightened employee at the front desk.


“Y-Yes, ma’am?”


“Here, some incense… for good luck.” Seulgi gave some of her incense to the front desk clerk.


“Thank you.”


The security guard approached Seulgi and said, “Mrs Bae is still doing her report, she asked you to come up. You may use the elevator.”


Then, the janitor approached them and said, “The elevator is under maintenance. Some error occurred causing the employees to be trapped inside.” he informed


‘THOSE TWO GHOSTS!’ Seulgi thought


“Then, you may use the stairs to go up to the third floor.”


“Thank you.”


As Seulgi made her way up, she prepared the incense on her hands, “The third floor, that alone girl is Irene!” Then she rushed her way up and ran through the stairs.




Irene was busy typing her report as she rushed to catch up on the deadline until her computer turned off. She looked at what’s the problem and saw it was unplugged.


“Great.” she sighed, massaging her temple.   


It’s been days that she experienced these misfortunes in the office. She even stopped drinking coffee because her coffee keeps on mysteriously being spilt on her papers.


A loud sound came from the shredder machine, she stood up to give it a check, it was another important report being shredded and a red stiletto?




She looked around to see if someone was giving her a prank but everybody took their lunch at the canteen already and she was all alone in her cubicle busy catching the deadlines. She was being delusional, she thought.


Suddenly her stomach growled, “What the...Gosh, I must be hungry.”


Then, she remembered that someone phoned her post to notify her that someone was looking for her.


“I forgot to ask who it was.” Irene sighed in annoyance as she slumped her head on her desk, “Gosh, I’m sleepy.” her eyes were about to close until she heard someone knock and opened the door.


“Seulbi?” she stood up to collect herself together, “What are you doing here?” she asked. Feeling half surprised and half happy for the sudden visit. 


Seulgi looked around and saw Tzuyu and Jeongyeon at the shredder doing their dance party. They seemed to get much of Irene’s energy and that was enough for Seulgi to frown and glare at the two.


“Have you seen her face? HAHAHA! She looked so terrified!” Jeongyeon babbled.


“My red stilettos do wonders!” Tzuyu proudly stated.




“Not again!”


“YOU SHOULDN’T BE HERE!” Seulgi couldn’t hold her anger anymore and yelled at the two ghosts. Irene gasped, looking at her in horror, “A-are you okay?”


“I-I mean, it’s lunchtime… So uh, you shouldn’t be here.”


“I have lots of things to finish.”


Seulgi showed her plastic bag and said, “I brought you some lunch.”


“Oh, we’re safe. It’s not red beans and holy water.” Jeongyeon sighed in relief. 


“Should we take Kang Seulgi’s energy too?” Tzuyu smirked. 


“Great idea!” the two wickedly smiled and made their way to Seulgi.


“Thank you, I am hungry but I have a lot to do. Maybe I’ll eat it later.” Irene exhaled her stress away, slumped on her seat and put her hands over as she stifled a yawn, “I’m sleepy too.”


“STOP!” Seulgi yelled at the two ghosts and Irene looked at her weirdly...


“I-I mean… You should take it easy. Stop overworking yourself.” Seulgi quickly regained her composure. 


“It’s just, I finished all my reports and all of a sudden, my computer would turn off itself leaving my files unsaved or the reports that I’ve done always mysteriously ends up on the shredder. I really can’t believe my luck. I’m hungry, I’m cold, I’m tired.”


“You should take care of yourself.” Seulgi makes her way behind Irene to give her a massage. Irene closed her eyes involuntarily, enjoying the ‘treatment’. 


“I know that. It’s just, I’m too stressed out.” Irene sighed. 


Seulgi smirked as she looked at the two ghosts and back to slumping Irene, “They said lighting incense alleviates stress and being burned out, should we light some? Here, I brought some for you. You could share these with your officemates too.”


“Oh, . Not again!” 


“What’s that?” Jeongyeon innocently asked


“If those red beans hurt like firecrackers, then incense is nuclear that could send you to heaven.”


“I forgot to bring a lighter.”


Then, the two ghosts burst into victorious laughter.


“Give it up, Kang Seulgi. Just give us a scream and recharge our batteries.” the two ghosts are coming closer, Seulgi just closed her eyes and heard the door open.


“I’m sorry ma’am, but you forgot to log.” it was the security guard panting as he came up from the stairs. Irene was too tired to even look at him.


“Oh, sorry.”


‘He smells like tobacco.’ Seulgi noticed, she wrote her name on the log and asked a question as she eyed the two ghosts who were celebrating for another energy opportunity from the guard.


“Sir, do you have a lighter?”


“Ah, what for?”


“We’ll just light up some incense for a good vibe in this office.”


“Here.” the security guard gave her the lighter and she saw the horrified looks from the two ghosts.


“Thanks.” Seulgi slyly smirked as she lit up the fire close to the incense.




“N-No, I was just sending my letter, I thought that this was a ghost-office. I’ll just take my leave.” Jeongyeon was on her way out of the window until Tzuyu called her out, “YAH, YOO COWARD!”


“WE’LL JUST LEAVE, AGAIN!” Tzuyu followed Jeongyeon into the window and the two made their escape before Seulgi could light the incense.


Seulgi sighed in contentment, the guard bowed before he left and she checked on Irene.


“Hey, are you okay?” Seulgi asked worriedly.


“I’m too tired.” Irene sighed.


“I think you could use sick leave,” Seulgi suggested.


“Maybe I will.” Irene smiled. She doesn’t know why, but Seulgi’s presence really affected her mood. And with the younger now being attentive to her, she feels in a way better mood now. 


“I’ll take you home.” Seulgi helped Irene to gather her stuff. Irene just let her, as she’s eyeing Seulgi with her soft eyes. 


“Oh, Seulbi?”




“Thanks for being here today.” Irene gave her a sincere smile that’s enough to light up her day.


“I’m glad to be here too.” Seulgi gave Irene her infamous playful grin that earned a chuckle from the older. 


Seulgi took Irene home to rest. She watched Irene sleep peacefully.


She pulls the blanket higher so it can cover Irene’s body better.


“Don’t worry. You won’t have a hard time again.” Seulgi softly whispered to the sleeping Irene. And then Seulgi leaves the room, totally missing how Irene’s lips curved up into a small smile. 




“So, where are we going now?” Jeongyeon asked Tzuyu who was stomping her feet on the sidewalk.


“I guess, I’ll just go to the ice cream store and preserve myself so I won’t spoil,” Tzuyu said and suddenly stopped her tracks.


“Can I come with you?”


“Not when you escape that thing.” then, Jeongyeon followed Tzuyu’s eyesight. 


It was the grim reaper.




“H-Hi, Nayeon-unnie!”


“I’m outta here.”


“Yah, help me!”


“Just give her a compliment then you’re good to go.” Tzuyu made her escape.




Jeongyeon looked at the glaring grim reaper in front of her and decided to follow Tzuyu’s advice.


“So…” she gave out a sweet smile and said, “You look beautiful today, Nayeon-unnie.”








And it works!


After a few minutes of Tzuyu ditching her friend, she decided to visit the ice cream store again to get some energy from the girl at the cashier.


‘Kim Dahyun.’ her face lit up when she saw the girl busy counting the money at the cashier as she listened to the music on her earplugs.


“My dubu!” Tzuyu enthusiastically said as she was about to pass through walls until she felt something wet on her shoulders.


‘Holy water and sounds of bells.’


“Holy !”


It was that evil shaman.


‘Kim Yeri.’


“Where do you think you’re going?”


“I-I was just leaving…” she laughed awkwardly and the shaman sprinkled some holy water at her again.




“You’re not getting my sister’s energies today!” 




One night, at Joy’s pub after a chaotic event…


“Let us have cheers for defeating those old devils. FOR US!” Seulgi raised her glass with a proud smile. Soon the other four followed her, raising their glass in the air before clanking their glass with each other.


They were laughing and talking about the eventful day they had today when Irene suddenly stood up from her seat, slightly alerting everyone there. 


“Ahem.” Irene awkwardly coughs. “May I say something?” Irene hesitantly looks at them one by one as she asks.


“Sure thing, Irene-ssi.” Seulgi is the first to answer, encouraging Irene with a s

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Maclobo_95 #1
Chapter 10: Loved the story. Funny and heart warming. You made me feel the emotions with them in the end. Thanks for sharing with us
Chapter 9: just reread, still makes my heart ache badly and at the same it soothes it. ahh, truly a work of art
Chapter 10: Also, I loved Hi, Bye Mama and this made me want to rewatch it again.
Chapter 9: This is so cute and so amazing written. I felt literally every emotion along with the characters, and it was so nice to read this story. It felt so refreshing compared to the angsty sad ones I've read recently. Thank you for writing this incredible story. Stay happy and healthy <3
Sir_Loin #5
The premise screams angst. But the tags say fluff. Imma read.
congratulations on getting featured! you totally deserve it! ✨
brdfillet #7
Chapter 10: my stomach did acrobatics, and my breath went somewhere and dissipated. i—yes, because i felt everything simultaneously and yes, it scared me coz i didn't expect any of it to just run wildly around me. you surprised me, author-nim, you've done well.
Blooody #8
Loved the story! Congrats on getting featured btw
Chapter 10: Very sweet and cute story.. thank you
Chapter 10: Very nice story.. thank you