Lf: no longer looking T__T.


*record scratch* *freeze frame* yep that’s me, you’re probably wondering how i ended up in this situation...


gonna get straight to the point with this! we are three friends looking for two more people to join us on our journey to find the Power of Friendship™, and on the way hopefully we get to experience the joys of pain from laughing too hard as well as the pain of comforting a friend who's been hurt by the world..... <3 we only ask that you don't ghost us! fcs don't matter to us, be comfortable with who you want to be!

a few tidbits: 

  • two of us are in the negative timezones while the other one is a plus!
  • we might come off shy and awkward but we promise we just want to be your friend (SO bad, we're desperate). you will also soon realize we're just a bunch of annoying, loud dorks.. (and a bit clingy)
  • only looking for two people to fill the gc with us because we are shy and get overwhelmed easily, sorry! mainly looking for at least one plus to help balance out the group! 


our platform is kakaotalk! pm us with your id, timezone, and a bit about yourself (pretend this is ur resume, haha kidding). some things you could answer: do you think you're funny? give us your best pun or joke! what are your favorite things to do in your spare time? what conspiracy theory would you like to make about yourself if you had the chance? etc.


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