Chapter 22:

Believe Me


“Won’t leave your face, Cho Kyuhyun.” Ryeowook muttered and smiled.


“Hello Hyungsik.. Are you still there?” Ryeowook picked the ignored phone. He noticed that the call ended already, so he just put it down. “Maybe Hyungsik put it down because he has something important to do” Ryeowook thought.


He noticed that Hyungsik left a message, so he immediately checked it.


From My Hyungsikkie


Hyung.. I think we really need to talk. I’ll pick you up tomorrow. I love you


He smiled when he saw the “I love you” part, and murmured an “I love you too.” While looking at the screen, he just wished that Hyungsik is really fine because when Hyungsik answered his call, he sounded so down.


“Why are you smiling like that?” Kyuhyun questioned when he saw Ryeowook’s smiling face.

“Nothing. As far as I know, there’s nothing wrong with smiling..” Ryeowook said.

“But that smile is one of a kind. I mean.. it’s weird seeing you like that.”


Ryeowook ignored Kyuhyun and just stood up, ready to leave the room, but Kyuhyun had the chance to snatch his phone. Kyuhuyn looked at the screen as fast as he can and he saw Hyungsik’s message, and “I love you.” He already knew why Ryeowook is smiling like that.


“Cho Kyuhyun! Give me back my phone!” Ryeowook whined as he reached for his phone, and Kyuhyun gave it to him sadly. He held Ryeowook’s shoulder and stared at his eyes, “Ryeowook—Are you that seriously in love with Hyungsik? I’ve never seen you like that ever since.” Kyuhyun questioned with sadness in his voice.


Ryeowook sighed, and walked towards the sofa; he sat down and motioned Kyuhyun to do the same. “To tell you the truth.. I don’t know why I’m like this. I’ve been hopeless since high school. I’ve been crushing on someone who doesn’t like me back. I didn’t experience being loved so dearly. I didn’t experience being cared for. I didn’t experience love at all. And now that Hyungsik is giving me the love that I wanted for so long, I became so thankful that finally I found him. Honestly, I’ve been in love with someone before Hyungsik came. I was loving that person silently because I’m afraid to express my feelings towards him. This guy is really important to me. If Hyungsik didn’t come to my life, I guess I would still be head over heels over this certain guy. He has perfect voice, perfect face… though we quarrel a lot, it’s okay because I love him. And loving someone includes enduring painful memories.”


“Do you still like this certain guy?” Kyuhyun interrupted.

“I guess I still do. But I already have Hyungsik who is giving all his love to me. I feel secured, and loved and cared for.” Ryeowook explained as he looked at Kyuhyun’s eyes.

“Can you tell me more about this certain guy that you like?” Kyuhyun’s curiosity caused him to ask such question.

“That person is someone I treat as a bestfriend. We’ve been together for 5 or 6 years now. I cherish him so much that I don’t want to ruin our friendship. Sometimes he cares for me, but sometimes I doubt it. I don’t know.. I’m confused. Sometimes he’s sweet to me, but sometimes he’s not.” Ryeowook sighed as he stood up.

Kyuhyun furrowed his eyebrows as he catch up with Ryeowook’s words. He put all the details altogether and one question entered his mind, “Is it me? That guy he’s talking about….. is it me?” Kyuhyun half-lied on the sofa and closed his eyes. He was peacefully listening to his heartbeat when suddenly he heard Ryeowook talking.


“Hello~ Is this Minwoo?” Ryeowook spoke up. And there was a sudden silence, in which Kyuhyun thought that the other line is talking.

“Oh. I tried calling him on his phone but he’s not answering so I ended up calling you to ask if you know where he is. I’m sorry for disturbing you but I’m a little worried cos he’s not replying to my messages either. Can you please inform me if you have the chance to know where he is now?” Ryeowook asked Minwoo earnestly. And after a minute or two, Ryeowook ended the call, and Kyuhyun heard a loud sigh.


“Kyuhyun. Get up, I need your help.” Ryeowook nudged Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun returned a questioning look.

“I’m going on a trip tomorrow with Hyungsik, and I’m planning to pack my things now. Can you please help me?” Ryeowook pleaded and Kyuhyun just stood up, held Ryeowook’s hands and dragged him to their shared room.

“Anything for you, Ryeowook-ah” Kyuhyun warm-heartedly answered, and Ryeowook blushed at the sound of it, but he brushed the thought away.


“How many days is that trip?” Kyuhyun asked while getting a bag at the cabinet.

“It’s for 3 days only. Let’s start packing my shirts first.” Ryeowook said as he reached for the bag that Kyuhyun got.

Ryeowook pulled all his shirts from his cabinet and scattered it on his bed. Kyuhyun started picking and folding them. Ryeowook saw what Kyuhyun did, and started teasing Kyuhyun. “It’s my first time seeing you being so helpful like that Kyu. What’s gotten into you?” He questioned with a hint of happiness on his voice.


“It’s not bad to help, and besides, it’s you who I’m helping, so I don’t care that much.” Kyuhyun picked up a blue shirt and threw it at Ryeowook’s face. Ryeowook, who was shocked at the sudden action, just stared at Kyuhyun, and when he finally realized what just happened, he did the same. This time, he picked a leather jacket and threw it at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun was not ready for the sudden counter attack, and the jacket hit his face.


“Owh~ that hurts!” Kyuhyun shouted and held his eyes. “The zipper hit my eyes!” He shouted again, and Ryeowook can trace the hurt in Kyuhyun’s voice.

“I’m sorry” Ryeowook suddenly stood up and went near Kyuhyun. He held Kyuhyun’s hands that were holding his eyes. “Do your eyes hurt too much Kyuhyun-ah?” I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. I was just joking around, and I was not aware that the jacket might hurt you.” Ryeowook was nearly in tears while saying those words. “I’m sorry Kyuhyun-ah. Sorry” He started removing Kyuhyun’s hands from his eyes, but Kyuhyun refused to.


“It hurts Ryeowook-ah.” Kyuhyun said.

“Where? Where does it hurt? Tell me.” Ryeowook was obviously worried. He heard Kyuhyun’s soft sob, and his worries were doubled; therefore, he hugged Kyuhyun tightly, and started racking him back and forth.

Kyuhyun returned the hug, and laughed loudly “I like this!” Ryeowook was shocked with the sudden mood shift, so he removed his hug and stared at Kyuhyun who is smiling sweetly at him. “What is this all about, Cho Kyuhyun?”


“Nothing.” And Kyuhyun stood up and started packing the shirts already. Ryeowook can’t get the meaning of everything, so he stared at Kyuhyun. “Are you not going to help me?” Kyuhyun questioned him. Ryeowook picked up a shirt and threw it at Kyuhyun, “You jerk!” and he went near Kyuhyun and helped with the packing of the things.


They would steal glances at each other, and would laugh silently whenever their eyes meet. It was a wonderful night for both of them. Doing simple things is what they love the most. Both hearts wishing that the other loves them back. Kyuhyun wished that Ryeowook would notice the feelings he had for him. And Ryeowook wished that the one loving him is Kyuhyun instead of Hyungsik. 

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Dont worry, im not going to abandon this story.. BELIEVE ME :)) I just have to figure out how t retrieve files from a broken laptop>__


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Chapter 43: What ??? Where is end??
hohhgoo #2
Chapter 43: Please update this story make me up all night and I still need to know the end
sominlee10 #3
Chapter 2: Ryeoshik!! Hyungshik-ah~~
Chapter 43: Please update on this story.. It's been more than a year already.. WAAAAA
Chapter 43: Still no update?:( please update s0on...
Chapter 43: New reader and i dont want Kyu to die!!! ;A; i have a feeling he will and i hope im wrong i feel sorry for Hyungshik though he deserves to be loved~update soon~^^
wookie24 #7
update soon!!!
amaralilac #8
Chapter 43: hyungshik...!!!!!! i love kyuwook....
but poor hyungshik.......... =,=
ur writing is really good....
please update soon author ssi.... :-)
katharine #9
update soon
Chapter 43: I was shocked. OTL. I thought Kyu was sick? Why did he ride a roller coaster?