Part 1: You always manage to take my breath away

The Push and Pull of You
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The air that greeted me was cold but artificial – which kind of set the tone for everything I’ve been seeing since I landed in sunny Singapore 15 minutes ago. Their world-class airport is clean, impressive and efficient, if not even extremely high tech, and tells all of the passengers of what to expect throughout the small island, maybe. But while everything is indeed remarkable, my mind is not allowing me to wander.


If only it weren’t for this small boulder in the pit of my stomach that started growing since I caught sight of the island’s neat and impressive structures visible from the window seat while my plane was hovering around the air minutes ago, then maybe I would feel excited for Singapore. But right now, I’m a small ball of anxiety and excitement.


My phone vibrates. I adjust my leather sling bag and fish my phone out of my right pocket, while still walking on the long stretch of brown carpeted area of Changi Airport. Everything feels international here indeed, but there are obvious choices that still make it distinctly Asian – for example, Newark’s all about long stretches of marble floors but it felt a lot more western neutral. Changi’s interiors still make me feel foreign, though not entirely not at home. I guess that’s what airports are supposed to do.


Your name pops up on my screen. I feel a small easy smile spread across my face, somehow trying to ease the anxiety that’s making itself at home in my stomach.



Lisa, I’m just running a little late. The immigration should be a breeze, so you should be out soon. You’re not going to be waiting for luggage, are you?



I look a little bit at your name, my thumb poised at the keyboard to reply.



: I just landed, take your time. My luggage goes straight to my connecting flight. Don’t worry about it.


Okay, you’ll be out of the airport in about 15 minutes, then. Gosh. I’m sorry.


: I still need to go through immigration, don’t worry. Take your time.


Yeah, but that’s just 5, 10 minutes tops. I told you they’re efficient.


There’s a new mall called Jewel that connects to the airport, they have this indoor falls there that most people find impressive. You might want to see it to kill time. I can meet you there?



Am I most people? I don’t particularly find indoor falls impressive, but I kind of balk a little at how easily I got categorized as generic.


I chuckled bitterly at myself. Yeah, shut up Lisa. You’re not special.


I smile at the suggestion anyway.



: Yeah, I can see you there. If there’s an Apple Store there I’ll probably go straight to it. Meet you there?


Some things don’t change. You’re still an Apple fangirl, lol


See you.


: See you.



I nervously flip my phone in my hand and rush a little towards immigration, feeling a distinct hop in my steps.




You’re right, immigration was a breeze. I easily locate the signs pointing towards “Jewel” and navigate towards the area. I pause a little over at the Duty-Free cosmetics and wine area and wondered if I should get you something before I go out, then again I’m not really sure what’s you’re into nowadays. I shrug it off and start going to the mall you mentioned.


Jewel is as impressive as they come, but I take only 10 seconds and leave the indoor falls everyone raved about. I’ve read about it before but these aren’t things that capture me nowadays. I still like the idea of natural things.


I guess I really am not ‘most people’ then.


I head towards the second floor and locate the Apple Store. I look around a little bit in the area and it’s crowded with people killing time before their flight, with their luggage beside them while looking at the new phones. Made me feel thankful I didn’t have to take out my luggage myself. I deftly navigated around the crowd and my eyes looked for a few pieces, before finally finding the section that I need, located on the other side of the area. I start walking towards that section when a pair of arms hug me from behind, an excited squeal heard through my left ear.


“Lisa!” The excited voice perked me.


My defences kind of left me in a bit of shock, so I wasn’t immediately able to process these things. You have to forgive me, I lived in New York for 6 months. In New York, someone hugging you could also be someone either mugging you or molesting you, you’ll never know. But realising I’m in an Apple Store in one of the safest cities in the world, it took me a good 5 seconds to calm myself down and slowly look at the mysterious hugger, finding a set of cat eyes almost dissolving into the wide excited smile occupying your whole face.


It took me a beat to kind of take this in, before getting assaulted by another warm hug. Your body moulded well into my own as you yourself towards my neck, and while I was awkwardly bent from the surprise back hug you gave me earlier, you managed to fit yourself in every space to find my frame. I tentatively wrap my right hand around your waist to support you. I knew these were those hugs that are meant to be a quick welcome and I was bracing myself to let your lithe body go, but you seemed to have hugged tighter and warmer and lingered into my embrace. So, like perhaps anyone whose defences finally broke down, I finally melt into your wrap and allow my head to rest on your shoulders and bask in your affection.


“Someone missed me,” I utter into your freshly shampooed hair. I suddenly felt a little conscious that I probably smell of an 18-hour flight and cursed myself for not even bringing a travel-size perfume in my bag, but your tightening hug doesn’t seem to care. I feel a playful slap hit my back before you let go of me and grab both of my cheeks and stared at me with that usual grin of yours.


“Cocky,” You roll your eyes.


It was only now that I was able to take a good look at your face, understanding why I didn’t recognize you earlier in the first place: Wow, you got gorgeous, Ruby Jane. Is this what 2 or so years of living in Singapore does to you?


I see your cheeks blush and realize that I apparently uttered those thoughts out loud.


“Shut up, Lisa. You’re just jet-lagged.”


“No, seriously, Jennie, you look more beautiful now.” We start walking out of the store and towards the mall entrance. I’m starting to feel the heat of Singapore on my skin. It’s not an unwelcome feeling, but just…something new.


“Are you saying I wasn’t beautiful before?”


“I said MORE beautiful,” I look at you, checking you out from head to toe. You’re wearing a simple white oversized long-sleeved cotton shirt with sleeves folded neatly under your elbow and the hem tucked under a pair of light blue denim shorts, with a slouchy pair of brown boots. Your dark brown hair’s all free and wavy, a huge departure from the straight prim jet-black hair you’ve had since our University days. Your make up style has changed as well, highlighting all the best parts of your face.


I’m not lying. There’s something about you that changed – better. Like a Jennie 2.0. I mean, I’ve seen your face in some of the updates you post online, but wow, seeing you in person, you’re just…different. Better different. Overwhelmingly different.


You roll your eyes and try to fiddle with your phone, but there’s an obvious shy grin on your face. We leave the store and I follow you as you start walking towards the exit.


“I am booking a car to go to this place so you can have a little bit of food before our late lunch later at 2 pm. Jisoo has set up a reservation for us so she said to take our time.”


Ah. I almost forgot that we’re supposed to be meeting old friends at 2 pm. Your face distracted me from everything at the moment.


“How far is the brunch place from the late lunch place?” I worriedly ask while we step outside of the mall entrance, where a few people were milling about, waiting for their own car pickups. Not that I don’t trust your navigation judgments but everywhere in New York is traffic; it’s already 11:40 am so I’m not sure we have enough time to even go around.


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CxrgnR #1
Chapter 7: I love this! This made me realize things. Thank you so much for this piece, author.