Chapter 3: One Slice of Pizza, Two liters of Beer

Y.Y.Y (You, yes. You.)
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Chapter III: One Slice of Pizza, Two liters of Beer

Just a few things before the chapter starts, the hotel is true. So is the island. Anyone wanted to have a glimpse of it? So that you can imagine the place better. It's an amazing place. Here's the link, enjoy. 

Needless to say, she was very loud. In all my life I had never ever encountered a loudmouth like hers. 

It was all appearing like she was in some sort of a forum where it requires her to talk and talk for hours and everyone should listen. No qualms about it, I will listen and be mesmerized by her beauty however it won’t be conversational, to say the least. With soda in my hands and a piece of spicy chicken on the other, I look like a dork.


Tiffany was on her third slice of pizza, her story about her father mumbling lewd words after the New Year’s Eve party way back in 2017 ending with a triumphant nod. Basically, she was unto the start of a new story about her brother, Jaehyun when she remembered that she needs to talk to me too. She gulped the pizza down and elegantly lifted the straw to her lips, crescent eyes smiling, she said, “How about you Taeyeon? How is your day off?”


“I went off the island,” I spoke rather glumly. Was I ever allowed to speak more than one sentence though? Definitely not.


“Ah, then why is Prince with you? You knew Sandra?” Tiffany asked with a tilt of her head. Prince is sleeping soundly at her lap and made a fuss earlier when he smelled that intoxicating perfume Tiffany has on.


For the sheer amount of gratitude, she wanted to treat me with a meal. 

So here we are.


“Mr. Smith asked me for a favor,” I spoke briefly. My tongue probably rolled back to my throat. I can’t seem to conjure coherent sentences, perhaps it is best to just answer with a grin or a nod.


I am not like this, usually, I handle the conversation. Why does it seem like I am undermined by her way of talking? Was it really the case? Yes. Probably.


“Ah, he mentioned that. Maybe he needed a dog to accompany him. The island can be a little bit sad no?” She grinned.


The other dogs in the basket were also asleep and Tiffany managed to squeeze Prince to the side. She then looked back at me, “Mr. Smith must only need one I presume? Hotel management does not permit any tenants to have two or more pets. Clearly, you’ve read the handbook, so of course, he did too.” 


I nodded, I know that. My body was suddenly frail, “I intend to keep the other one.”


Tiffany smiled, pearly white teeth came out and it was beautiful. 

I choked.  


“Right. You should! Where do you live?” She grabbed another slice of pizza. Not that I mind the new knowledge that she eats like a pig. 

Nevertheless, women with an appetite like that are attractive. I like squishy things.



But asking me where I live? Too fast. Whoa there horse, I ended up assuming at my seat. Then the day cleared when I realized that she has a boyfriend, oh my god.


“Grand Cottage. The dorm by the end of the hill.” I grabbed a pizza slice too, I even forgot how to eat.


“Hmmm. You know the housekeeping ladies don’t like pets in there.”


“I am aware that pets aren’t really allowed in there.”


She leans back on her seat then crossed her arms, eyeing me slowly. 




“I’ll talk to Patrick.” In fact, I need to visit the Human Resource office to freaking return Sunny’s spare key. I don’t want to pay an extra five dollars just because I lost it.


“Changing dorms, what dedication did that dog brought to you, Miss Kim?” She leans unto the table, somehow the position of the fork between her teeth looks sensual.  


On that note, Tiffany Hwang’s game started. On cue.  


“A new chapter perhaps. I’ve been there for five years. Wouldn’t hurt if I change scenery now right?”


She clicks her tongue. “Hmmm. The dorm located at the back of the hotel, there’s a shortcut by the stables. Sure you knew of that.”


“As a matter of fact, I do. But that particular dorm is loud.”


Tiffany laughs, “Ah. I get your point. You like it peaceful, I see. Hmmm. Where to put you though? Daddy values your comfort you know.”


I will have to agree with that. Her father is the best.


Her grin reappeared, and when her gaze dropped dead on the base of my lips, I suddenly wanted to taste something sweet. “Woodville.”


Perfect. Perfect suggestion.


“I like it there. Perfect.”


“I have time.” She looks at her nails like it is the most interesting thing in the world. She appears nonchalant of course, it was easy to depict the mask she chose to put up.


“You’ll help me relocate?”


“If that’s what you want.” Hot eyes. Very hot gaze.


“I will appreciate it.”


“You should, Miss Kim.”

I do like the sound of that husky voice addressing me of my last name. 

I grinned like an idiot again, finding the balance of this so to be flirting game. Tiffany knows she is flirting, she wouldn’t be that dense to figure things out on her own. I have a reputation, I banged her twin sister almost every weekend last summer. Sure, she wants to get even. Maybe she wants revenge or maybe she just wants to play a game.


Let’s see. I am interested in her. But I will make sure she breaks it off with her boyfriend first. For starters, I am not a relationship wrecker. I start on a clean slate. Besides, having no quality games inside my sleeves for this season isn’t exactly what am I known for.


I looked into her eyes and interestingly it is filled with a brown hue that certainly aligns with her dark eyebrows. So beautiful.


Maybe I will like this game. 



I decided that the dog will be named Zero. I like it. End of discussion.


He wagged his tail when I offered him treats and then sulked at the corner when I took a rest on my bed. There are a few things I need to pack if I want to relocate dorms. Imagine the things I need to transfer, this has been my home for over five years. Surely I had a pile of worthless things stacked underneath my bed or in my closet for example.


“You stay quiet of that lady by the hall would hear you.” I shushed him. Zero looks at me expectedly, eyes black and big and fur so black like midnight.


Tiffany says he would turn gray when he gets older, I will look forward to that then. For now, he is my black ball of fur.  


There was a knock on the door, I grudgingly dragged my feet to open it. Not that I assumed (again) that it is Tiffany but after saying our goodbyes in the restaurant, I never saw her after that. I went to work a day after, expecting her in the dining room because usually, she would have lunch there with Jessica and Jaehyun, but nothing.


I shrugged it off and went to settle things about my new home. 

I let Zero stay with Mr. Smith for the meantime. I informed Sunny about my plan too, she was less elated about that because she lives in Woodville. I won’t be a nuisance if that what’s she’s worried about.


Woodville is the small neighborhood Tiffany’s father gave the hotel employees. Located on the 7th street on the highest part of the island, hills and hills and hills and did I say hills? It’s quite far but it is peaceful, more beautiful too than Grand Cottage, cons of it are that it requires an ample amount of strength to pedal my bike to go home. Aside from that, it’s perfect. 


When I opened the door, Sunny peeked inside. Her thick jacket wrapped around her nicely and a lollipop stick protruding right out of .


“The carriage is ready milady. Is this all?” She looked at the trash on my floor.


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ashcole0726 #1
Chapter 4: I AM HOOKED.
clover6 #2
very interesting story. you got me hooked. waiting for your updates. Fighting!
CrissYoung #3
Chapter 4: Now this is getting more and more interesting as the story goes on.. i'm getting curious why they only need one to trust and stay...
Chapter 4: Lordt, this is getting crazy interesting.
Chapter 3: One thing im only confused in this chap is the keeper that jessica mentioned lol. Idk which one of the meanings is correct. Anyway thank you for the update author-ssi!
NessieW #6
Chapter 3: Jessica- manipulative much. Will Taeny forgive her when they realize she is the puppet master in their romance, staged for her entertainment or is it really to protect the family? Is she the eldest twin? Jessica must have done something first to not make Taeyeon care enough to keep silent about their fling? Questions I hope are answered in this interesting tale.
wanderluzt05 #7
Chapter 3: i like how jessica is turning out in this chapter. i was preparing myself for some good old sibling 3rd party awkward lousy fights, but jessica proved herself to be instrumental for taeny to happen
byun09 #8
Twitter crush ko tong si Jam eh heheehe
Chapter 2: If tiffany thinks taeyeon with a dog and a basket is endearing then i would definitely agree hahah
Chapter 2: Naks naman jam nasa aff ka na hehehe. Cute story.. I hope to see more updates!