
Because she loves him

The next day, Soo Mi went to school as usual. She knew that avoiding was a worse option. The rumours would only get more ridiculous and absurd. As expected, she earned stares from everywhere. She braced herself and continued walking, ignoring the others. Walking along the corridor, she heard one of the girls say something.

“Oh, isn’t that the shameless girl?! You know… It seemed like it was her who photocopied her own confession letter, pasted it around the school and acted innocent. She pretended to be the victim so as to attract Hoya oppa’s attention. Such a ... Don't you agree?”

Her followers nodded in agreement and laughed. Soo Mi heard her clearly and anger was boiling inside her. She turned around and stared at the girl furiously.

“WHAT?! Got a problem huh?” The girl advanced towards her menacingly.

Soo Mi walked off, not wanting to mess around with them. Returning to class, she sat down on her seat and heaved a sigh of relief. She knew that words were merely the beginning. Such rumours spread from one person to another and eventually it gets recognised as the truth. Across the school, Park Soo Mi was known as the girl who shamelessly put up her letters to attract attention. She predicted worse things to come in her way now.

“I am so going to be targeted by Hoya’s fan girls. Darn.” Soo Mi thought as she placed her head on the table restlessly.

Walking along the corridor, she heard many people talking about how Soo Mi was a and an actress. She smiled with satisfaction as she walked past them. The purple keychain was bouncing off her bag as she walked.

“R…I….N….G!~” The school bell went off, signifying the break between lessons. Soo Mi needed to use the toilet. She left class and headed to the ‘haunted’ toilet in school. There was a story behind the toilet talking about how a young girl was found dead in the cubicle. Thereafter, the toilet was more or less deserted and avoided. Soo Mi decided to use it though as she did not want to meet some Hoya fan girls in the washroom and get cornered. She knew they were capable of such things.

She had never believed in such things, knowing that they were just make-up stories which gullible people believed without a second thought. Entering the toilet, she locked the cubicle door behind her. She heard some noises but brushed away the thought, thinking it was her own imagination. The group of girls from before followed her into toilet and entered the cubicle beside Soo Mi’s. Standing on the toilet bowl cover, she poured a pail of cold water down on her and jumped off.

The group quickly took their flight after which. The leader of the group, who was glared at by Soo Mi just now, grabbed a mop by the basin and stoppered her door. As the door was opened outwards, Soo Mi ended up being trapped inside the cubicle. Smirking, the leader left after checking herself in the mirror.

“Ahhh~ What the heck...? Anyone out there?! Please help me! I am trapped…” Soo Mi yelled as she tried to push the door forcefully.

The mop wobbled a little but was stuck firmly in position. After some time, the sensor of the toilet switched off the lights. As it was in the late afternoon, there was still some light in the toilet so it was still not too bad. Soo Mi knocked onto the door loudly and continued shouting. She was shivering a little from the cold water splashed all over her. Unfortunately, she was drenched from head to toe.

After some time, she gave up on shouting and sat on the toilet bowl cover, irritated. Walking past the ‘haunted’ toilet, a girl smiled and left. The bell on the purple keychain sounded as she walked away. Soo Mi heard the bell sounding and she jumped up from the seat hopefully. She knocked on the door again, in an attempt to ask for help. The girl heard her cry for help clearly but she merely walked off with a hideous smile plastered across her face.

With no response, Soo Mi sat back down onto the toilet bowl cover disappointedly. It was getting late and the sun was setting soon. The atmosphere inside was getting creepier with the darkness creeping in. Soo Mi looked around and felt goosebumps on her limbs. She took a deep breath to brace herself and to stop her imagination from running wild.

“Park Soo Mi, don’t be scared. Everything will be fine. All the ghost talks are lies. Lies.” Soo Mi mumbled to herself as she inhaled deeply.

Then, she heard some sounds. She swallowed hard as her heart raced faster. There were certainly some noises outside but she didn’t know whether it was… that thing. Then, she heard a loud impact. She jumped a little and screamed. The cubicle door opened slowly with a creaking sound. She shut her eyes real tight and did some prayers.

“What are you doing here?” The old lady asked.

She opened her eyes and heaved a sigh of relief, realising it was the janitor of the school.

“I was trapped. Thank you so much!!” Soo Mi beamed as she exited the cubicle.

“That totally scared the hell out of me…Phews! Damn.Those es that trapped me, I hope you will fall on your way home. Gah.” Soo Mi cursed.


Soo Mi rubbed her reddened nose as she hugged herself. She was getting cold as her damp clothes were still on. It was relatively cold in school with all the gushes of wind here and there. Then, Soo Mi bumped into someone. It was a human. She apologised as she moved a few steps back from the impact.

“Who would be in school at this time?” Soo Mi thought as she looked up.

To her surprise, it was Hoya.

“It…it…is you?!” Soo Mi stammered a little.

“Yea? I was doing some research in the library and didn’t look at the time.” He explained with an awkward smile.

Another gush of wind blew past. Soo Mi shivered a little and sneezed again.

“Anyway, why are you… wet?” Hoya asked as he looked down at her.

“Oh.” Soo Mi looked down, embarrassed.

“What a state I am in now…” Soo Mi thought.

“Take this.” Hoya said as he handed her his jacket.

“For…for me?” Soo Mi asked with open.

“You have got to return to me tomorrow but for now, you can use it first. It seems like you will be sick if you go home like this huh?” Hoya said as he placed the jacket in her hands and smiled.

“Th-thank you…” Soo Mi mumbled.

Hoya nodded his head and walked off in the opposite direction. After he disappeared from her sight, Soo Mi put on his jacket carefully. Indeed, it felt warmer than before. She smiled idiotically at herself as she zipped up his jacket.

 Author's Note:
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Thank you!:D ~
Nice story^^
Thank you !:D ~
Eirenne #4
i like your story!! :)
@Pistachio: Heh. Thanks ^^ ~
@LPianoKeys: Thank you for loving and the compliment ~ :)
@elilovehana: Yea.. :D ~
Happy Ending ^^
LPianoKeys #7
I love this. It's written well (:
Aw, his confession was straightforward but nonetheless, it was still sweet! <3
@Woohyunrapeme: Thank you :D ~ Heh.
@countcain00: Heh. :) So he moved up in your bais list alrd? ^^
countcain00 #10
Hoargi youre make me fall for u evenmore