the meeting

Rich Kid's Fiancee

BOM:    Are you sure about that ahjussi, Dee?

DARA:  Neh, besides I had already received the payment. So i guess there is no backing out.

BOM:    So.... are you really gonna quit school?

DARA:  If not because of my auntie I would'nt be able to go to school up until now.... Thats why i should pay her hospital charges in return.

       Bom was worried about Dara, her BFF, but what else she can do. She know Dara... She will do everything for her family even it means sacrifcing her own future and happiness just to make her love ones not to suffer... She is proud to have a best friend like as her BFF she will support her what ever dicesion her BFF make....

BOM:   Always remember Dee that Im always here for you, Neh.. So whatever your dicesion is, I will support you...

     Dara smiled... she's so lucky to have Bom on her side....

     Then suddenly a black Limo  appear in front of there school... All the students gathered around on the front of the entrance, wondering who would be the person inside the car......

     Then a prince like come out in the car... all student mesmerized... admiring the person who just came out the car... white prcelaine skin... oozing with charisma... Its no other than KIM JAEJOONG... the heire of the KIMS' CORP.... the no. 1 in Asia in terms on making money... they have a lot different kind of business.. name it they have it....


BOM:    I heared he's gonna get married this year. even though were in the same dimension but that guy is surely is a prince after all...


GUARD 1:    Young Master?

KJ:    Dont follow me.

GUARD 2:    We have no reason to do that.

KJ:    Do you guys know what kind of person my fiance' is?

GUARD 1:   No, no one knows yet..

KJ:    Typical of that grandfather of mine...


Jaejoong POV

    I wonder what kind of a woman she is?..... Well i think she is just like those other girls that after my money a gold digger...


GUARD 1:   young Master?

KJ:    Im sure tomorrow would be horrible but let me be alone now just for the time being....

The bodyguards just node......



    While looking at the sky thinking about his merriage, Jaejoong felt that someone  is coming..... and when the door opened a certain girl looking at him while holding some packed snaks..... Jaejong can't help it but to look at the girls' eyes.... mesmerized by that absorbing brown orb eyes......


Sorry for the very late update... 

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jetpitchblack #1
Chapter 9: I hope that you'll not abandon this fic... its interesting...
Chapter 9: Please update the story, authornim. Thank you
LadyNomi #3
Chapter 9: Authornim...

Please update soon~

Thank you
bluefairy07 #4
Chapter 8: authornim please don't abandon this story of yours...i love it,please continue~~~~~~~~
Chapter 8: i am done.
wasn't able to commit earlier.
too excited to go to the next chapter.
please update soon. thank you
kyss_kkd #6
Chapter 9: sobbing heart bleeds for Dara.. update soon please ....
msdeathstalker #7
Chapter 9: jaedara (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ awww.... update soon authornim thanks
Chapter 8: uwaaa, more juseyo ^^
Chapter 7: please update mOre ^^
22 streak #10
Chapter 9: Please update soon, i really love this story... i love the character of Dara in here