
Communication through music~


“Hyungs, have you seen my phone?!” Taemin asked as he stood in the door to Jonghyun and Minho’s shared room with three t-shirts in one hand and a pair of shoes in the other.

“Ask Key,” Jonghyun said from Minho’s suitcase. They were trying to close the damn thing, Jonghyun sitting on it, Minho pulling in the zipper.

“He don’t know,” Taemin said with a pout.

“Have you called it?” Minho asked, “legs up!” he added to Jonghyun as he finally got the zipper half-way around.

“No… can I borrow your phone?” Taemin asked. Minho nodded.

“At my bed,” he said, “Jonghyun, move a bit to your left so that side will be pressed down!”

Today, SHINee was leaving some weeks for traveling around Asia. They should promote their newest album, Lucifer, and even though they were excited they were sure they were going to miss Korea. So every single member made sure to pack as much as possible which resulted that in the end, they all had to do as Minho and Jonghyun.


“NEH HYUNG!” Taemin screamed back and hung up on Minho’s phone,

“Thank you for letting me borrow hyung,” he smiled, “good luck with the suitcases!” and just as he said it, Minho succeed in closing his. Jonghyun smirked.

“Now it’s time for mine!”


At the same time, just in Thailand, you had arrived your new home. The lawyer-school in Bangkok.

Why your dad wanted you to be a lawyer were a mystery for you. You couldn’t even argue against your dad, so how would you be able to do it against other lawyers and their clients?

“Are you new here?” You looked up from that map she walked around with. You were trying to find that place you was going to meet up with the other students before all of you would get their rooms, but the map wasn’t very accurate. You nodded.

“Yes… I can’t find the aula,” you said a bit shy. The girl who had asked was also standing with a big suitcase.

“I’m new too. I asked some students I met before and they said it was that way,” she pointed, “but then I saw you and thought you looked lost. I’m Ratana by the way,” she smiled. You nodded, sat down your suitcase and held your hand against her.

“I’m Tasanee but people call me Tass,” you said with a smile as she shook your hand.

“Nice to meet you! I hope we can be friends!” Ratana said smiling. You nodded.


Together with your new friend, you found the aula where a bunch of new students already were chatting or sitting nervous in corners. You and Ratana went to a free bench and sat down, asking each other questions like how old you were, where you came from and so on.

“What are you going to do within the next week?” Ratana asked curious when the small introducings were past. You tilted your head.

“Study of course. Why?” Ratana widened her eyes in disbelief. Study?!

“Tass, it’s still vacation! We have a week were we only live here, eat together and such before we start study!” she laughed and now it was your turn to widen your eyes.

“W-we has? Ouh…” Ratana smiled and opened her moth, just as a microphone got and the principal of the school asked for silence. He started with a long welcoming speech as only a very few – including you – were listening to, word for word. The principal’s voice was very boring and didn’t change at all. When he finished the few students who had listened clapped and got the others to clap too. After the speech, teachers came around with a folder to each of the students. In it were information about the school, rules, things everybody had to attend, and in the back were things like your schedule, room number and other things to the student itself. As soon as both you and Ratana had gotten yours you compared schedule.

“It’s almost the same!” Ratana beamed happy, “you’ve only chosen English where I chose French!” You nodded with a smile.

“Which room number did you get?” you asked. Ratana swiped page.

“27. And you?” You looked at yours.

“25. We’re neighbours!” Ratana laughed and nodded.

“We are! Now, let’s go!” she got up, “I’ll see my room!”


It kind of surprised you that a suitcase already was placed on the floor as you entered your room. You thought that you were going to live alone.

“Uhm… hello?” you said as you sat your suitcase down. The door to the toilet opened and revealed a very tall, white girl.

“Hello~ My name is Amanda,” she said in English, “are you my new roommate?” You nodded slowly. You were going to share room… with a foreigner?

“Yes I am… uhm…” you hesitated, “I’m Tasanee Nitaya but you can just call me Tass,” you said, “I hope we will get along!” Amanda nodded with a smile.

“Me too!”


“We were going to Taiwan the first couple of days, right?” The members of SHINee were sitting in their van on their way to the airport together with their manager who nodded.

“Yes. Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Japan and then back at Korea,” he said, “we’ll stay five days at Taiwan at first…” The members nodded.

“We will get a translator each place, right?” Onew asked concerned. None of the members were really good at languages. They could a bit Chinese and Japanese but that was all. And then some could English.

“Of course Jinki. We’ll get one in each country who will follow us to the different schedules and help us. Don’t worry,” the manager smiled.

When the members entered the plane, the staff guided them to different seats. Jonghyun and Taemin got two separated from Minho, Key and Onew so the two of them agreed right away on playing card games to let the time go faster. 


A/N: I know that this chapter is kind of boring and without much action. 
It's just to introduce the persons and such~  
Next chapter will have more action :D
I'll probably update within the next couple of days ;D


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Chapter 6: The answer is yes.
I really liked this! Off to read the sequel. :)
LOL. I can't believe I forgot to finish reading this.. :O
Off to the sequel! ^^
new reader! ^^
I think this needs a sequel!!!!
I hope you will make one.
immaninja13 #5
That was a really good story! Whether you make a sequel or not is up to you, but I'm pretty sure everyone wants some questions answered... Lol oh, and I agree with Mia about the SuJu appearance! (ELFs, Fighting!)
Sequel?? 8D It ended to soon~
And why do I love Heechul's line "is it a he or she?" OTL Lol, I guess I love everything about him XD
Let me love you for adding him 8D<3
Naaaw it ended.
Write a sequel please.
Have too ,many conclusions for this story, i want to know if any of mine is the real one. Pleeeaaaaaase write a sequal, <3
Paulajune #8
That was amazing! And please, a sequel will do!
immaninja13 #9
Aww it's ending soon :( I'm curious about what'll happen...
I want to join!!!! SHAKÆAAL;_S:AKHKIA!!!! JONGHYUUUUN~ lol! (er jeg for flabet? lol! Idc~ XD)
Loved the chapter~ Sad it's ending so soon though~!