Chapter 7 - 11 (rewrite)


chapter 7.

“Minho, were you even thinking straight?”



Jonghyun lectured as he sat opposite Minho in his personal room in the T café, helping to wrap a bandage around Minho’s right forearm after applying ointment to the burnt wounds. Minho let out a hiss when Jonghyun accidentally wrapped too tight, “Hyung, gentle please.”



“Yah sure I would Minho.” Jonghyun snorted, “Can’t believe you did that. Can you imagine the consequences if you did not make it out alive? How am I going to answer to Minseok hyung?” Minho just smiled as he allowed Jonghyun to continue to nag on. “Yah I know you’re going say that because Taemin is inside and you have to safe him bla bla bla.. Seriously Minho, it was so dangerous. Getting yourself killed is not a good way to atone for your past you know.”



“I know hyung, and for the record I wasn’t even trying to make any sort of atonement okay. I just, I just wanted him to be safe, that’s all.” Luck was on his side for sure, with the fire at its heights and the thick smoke, if Minho hadn’t found Taemin quick enough, chances of them surviving were probably less than zero. But Minho felt extremely thankful that he managed to get Taemin out in time, although in the process of exiting the building, he was unsuccessful in dodging a few collapsing burning pillars and got himself burnt. Its okay, Minho thought, he could deal with the physical wounds as long as Taemin is fine now.



Jonghyun let out a sigh and finished up the bandage. “Yes we all know that now superhero. Can’t believe that on top of all that, you even refuse to go to the hospital to get your wounds treated.” Minho pressed his lips against one another and rolled his eyes a little, “Hyung its not really a big deal. I survived worse in the prison.” Actually apart from this reason, Minho didn’t want to go to the hospital because he knew that he might bump into Taemin and not to mention Taemin’s family. He decided that its best if they didn’t know that Minho was the one that saved Taemin, its best to keep his distance. Minho never wanted any form of recognition in the first place, he was contented as long as Taemin is fine. “I don’t know man Minho, from the way I see it, its pretty serious. You have to get it checked by a doctor if it doesn’t get better tomorrow.” Minho nodded swiftly. “Hyung, can you go and check on Taemin, just to see whether he is awake and if h--“ “Yes Minho, I will go this instance.”


“Hyung, please don’t tell Minseok hyung about this too.” Minho called out before Jonghyun left the room, he really couldn’t bring himself to make his elder brother worry.



Jonghyun turned back and rolled his eyes, “Just promise me you will visit the doctors if you don’t feel better tomorrow okay.”



Minho smiled and nodded his head.






“He is awake!”



“Oh Taemin! You got us so worried, are you feeling okay?”



Taemin shifted slowly as he opened his eyes, his brain trying to digest where he currently was and the voices. His body still felt sore and he was having a slight headache. With the help of Kibum and his mother, he slowly sat up on the hospital bed, memories of the fire slowly coming back to his mind. He remembered the fire, the smoke and Minho’s scent and voice. Minho.



“Taemin, are you feeling okay? Appa has went to call the doctors.” His elder brother, Taesun sat next to him and examined him carefully. Still recovering, Taemin nodded his head softly. Taemin’s mother came forward too and clutched Taemin’s shoulders gently, “Oh Taemin-ah, thank the heavens you are alright, if it wasn’t for Kibum, you wouldn’t have survived!” Huh? Taemin was puzzled now, what was he mother saying? Taemin’s mother turned towards Kibum who was seated quietly at his seat next to bed, eyes not willing to meet Taemin’s questioning ones, “Oh Kibum, we are trully grateful to you, for saving Taemin’s life. Its so dangerous of you to enter the building but you did it anyway. We are really grateful to you my dear.” Kibum just smiled sheepishly and nodded his head, hoping to brush the topic aside as quickly as possible. As soon as Taesun and Taemin’s parents left the hospital room to have a discussion with the doctor, Taemin turned towards his best friend. “Hyung…?” Taemin questioned softly, “What was that about? Wasn’t it M—“



“I know what you’re going to ask Taemin. And yes, it was Minho who went in to save you.” Kibum exhaled. Taemin frowned, if it indeed was Minho, why did Kibum lied about it to his family? Before Taemin could open his mouth to voice out his confusion, Kibum already did so, “Don’t ask me why, but it was Minho’s decision, he didn’t want your family to know the truth. He said that it will be better this way, that he didn’t want to make your life even more complicated.” Taemin bit his lips and turned away, a wave of emotions flooded his heart instantly. True, despite Minho’s good intentions, Taemin couldn’t imagine the reaction his family would be giving if they were to find out that he came in such close contact with Choi Minho. Especially Taesun. Taesun had been so protective of him ever since the incident, so much so that he was willing to do anything to keep Taemin happy and unharmed.



“Is he.. is he okay then?” Taemin played with the edges of the cover in his fingers.



“Ahh that frog will survive don’t worry..” Kibum waved his hands and answered casually, completely forgetting his instructions from Minho not to let Taemin know that he is wounded. “I mean! He is fine..!” Kibum instantly corrected the moment he met with Taemin’s worried eyes.



“Hyung, stop lying to me, you said that he will survive, what happened?”






“Kibum hyung please! Please just tell me!” Taemin begged, eyebrows knitted together.



“He.. he got burnt a little, that’s all Taemin.” Kibum instantly regretted his words the moment he saw Taemin covering his mouth with his hands, “But! He is fine okay, its just a small tiny little cute burnt on his arm, that’s all, I swear! So quite worrying okay.” Minho is hurt.. Taemin felt extremely worried. Minho risked his life to save his and know he is got burnt. Ignoring Taemin’s slight state of shock, Kibum stood up and begun pushing Taemin back lying on his bed, adjusting the covers to wrap him up, “Now now, get more rest okay? Everything is fine. All you need to focus on now is to recover Taemin.”



Taemin allowed Kibum to bundle him up but he couldn’t shake away the worry he had for Minho. He really hope that Minho is fine.







Taemin gingerly pushed the T café’s door and made his way into the café after hearing the familiar door bell chiming. The hospital finally allowed him to check out after a day of rest and Taemin insisted that he was fit and well enough to attend classes, despite his family’s constant worries. It was one plus in the afternoon and Taemin felt so tempted to take a peep at Minho, so instead of walking pass the T café, he decided to drop by, despite the unsettleness he had in him, and the fact that he didn’t know what to say to Minho. He could just drop by to read a book and order something, Taemin thought to himself.



“Mr Lee! Good afternoon!”



Taemin lifted his eyes and smiled at the waiter that always greeted him. “The usual?” Taemin blushed a little and shake his head, playing with the hem of his shirt a little, unsure of what he should do or ask for because he took a quick glance around the café and failed to spot Minho anywhere. “Ahh aniyo, thanks. Urmm… I…”



“Yes Mr Lee?” The waiter smiled and waited patiently.



“Urr, I.. I was just wondering.. if.. your boss..” Taemin stuttered in between his words, unsure of how he should make himself sound appropriate but the waiter seemed to understand far better. “Oh Mr Choi you mean? You’re looking for Mr Choi? Mr Choi just left for the doctors actually!”






“Yea, poor thing, apparent he got himself burnt, probably from the kitchen or something, im not sure though. But his wounds were quite bad yesterday, I heard him telling the chef that he couldn’t even pick up a pen to write properly this morning. So he decided to go to the doctors. I hope Mr Choi gets well soon though.” The waiter covered his mouth and whispered to Taemin.



Taemin chewed on his lips and frowned. It must be the burnt wounds that were caused by the fire. “Do you know which doctor he went to?”



“Oh no I don’t. But Mr Choi left just a while ago. And I overheard him saying that he is going to take the bus downtown, poor him couldn’t ride his bike with one hand, and he turned down the chef’s offer to drive him to the clinic.” If Minho has just left and the bus stop is just nearby the university, perhaps if Taemin rushed there he might be able to catch Minho in time. Without delaying much time, Taemin thanked the waiter and dashed out of the café.









Minho bit his lips and frowned as he took a glance at the bandage on his right forearm. The pain was definitely doubling since yesterday and Minho decided that he had to visit a doctor, the sooner and better, things weren’t looking good, he is guessing that the wounds might have been infected too. He clutched his right forearm against his abdomen in attempt to lessen the pain as he waited for the bus to arrive at the bus stop. The bus arrived after a good fifteen minutes of waiting and Minho got himself in the line to board the bus, carefully shielding his bandaged forearm from bumping into any passengers. He stepped into the bus and was about to reach to his pockets to grab his wallet when he saw the tapping machine next to the bus ajusshi and mentally cursed. The buses are operating on pay cards now and he had forgotten to get himself a pay card after the outing he had with Taemin. Minho sighed dejectedly, he was about to turn around and exit the bus when he saw a small hand reached pass him and tapping a card on the machine.



“For two persons please.”



Taemin. Minho turned around to the owner of the voice who just boarded the bus, shocked to be seeing Taemin here. Taemin pressed his lips and lowered his head a little, not willing to meet Minho’s questioning eyes as they made their way into the bus and sat down next to one another.



“I.. I went to the café. The waiter said that you went out.” Taemin glanced over at the bandage on Minho’s forearm and reminded himself to kick Kibum’s the next round he sees Kibum. The wound wasn’t tiny little or cute as described by Kibum, it was pretty serious! Taemin could see blood stains and yellow-ish substances ozzing from inside on the bandage and judging from the way Minho is clutching unto his forearm, it must have been hurting. Taemin frowned.



“Oh ya. Ya, just, had to go to town for something.” Minho felt extremely exposed right now. Taemin wasn’t blind, his bandage was huge and thick enough to attract anyone’s attention. And Taemin wasn’t dumb either, he could easily piece the puzzle pieces and conclude that underneath the bandage are the wounds caused by the fire. Minho felt like hiding his bandage behind the bus this very instant. “By the way, the bus fare.. I owe you twice now..”



Taemin chuckled and Minho smiled, “Then let me accompany you to the doctors..” Minho’s smile faded and snapped his head to Taemin, how did Taemin know that he was heading to the clinic. “Its.. oh well, its no big deal really..” Minho gestured to his bandage and tried to act like a tough man. “I already know… Kibum hyung accidentally told me..” Taemin muttered softly as he lowered down his head, playing with his fingers. Witnessing the magnitude of Minho’s wounds made Taemin felt even more sorry. Minho bit his lips, “Oh. Please don’t feel bad. I would do the same again if I have to.” Minho’s words came out so fast from his mouth that he instantly regretted it, he never meant for himself to sound so noble-ish, his only intentions were Taemin’s wellbeing and the last thing he wanted was for Taemin to mistake him as a proud and arrogant person. But all Minho’s regret and insecurities went away the moment he saw the subtle soft smile forming at Taemin’s lips.



“Thank you, hyung.”



Minho broke into a smile too. Hyung. It was so soft, almost inaudible but Minho heard it loud and clear. All of the sudden, the physical pain from his burnt wounds didn’t really bug him that much anymore as they continued their bus ride down town, with Taemin laying down suggestions of which clinic or doctor he knew or went to before to Minho.




to be continued...

double updates! hehehe bcoz im quite free this weekend.. but im quite stressed out from work too :'(
anyway i found this really good 2min fb page, hooray! Was going thru the fb page and after seeing all the sweet 2min moments, i was so fueled up to write another chapter hehehe

thanks to all my subbies, upvoters and comments hehe.. i read every single one of them and appreciate them all ! :) 2min fighting! stay tuned for more! :)

chapter 8.



Taemin dropped his backpack on the ground next to the staircase as he made his way into the kitchen after returning from his trip to the doctors with Minho. “Omma, remember the ointment that you lend Ajushi Soo Joung when he got himself burnt?” Taemin’s mother who was busy washing up the dishes after dinner took a curious glance at her younger son, “The ointment for burnt and cuts, Taemin? The one that Ajushi Soo Joung borrowed from us when he suffered from a minor burnt injury last year?”


“Yes yes! That’s the one!” Taemin nodded in all smiles, “Do you have it omma? Can I borrow it please?” Mrs Lee was instantly quiet as doubts begin to surface in her mind as to Taemin’s sudden need for the ointment. Taemin’s recognized his mother’s questioning face and quickly added, “Its.. a friend of mine! He.. he got burnt, accidentally! Please omma! I promise to return the ointment.” Mrs Lee softened at Taemin’s please and nodded her head, “Taemin ah sure. Its kept at the third shelf in the cupboard next to the television.”


“Thanks omma!” Taemin chirped, giving his mother a quick hug before flying both his legs to the cupboard, digging through the shelf contents. Taemin smiled after retrieving the ointment, this should help Minho’s recovery. Taemin insisted in entering the consultation room with Minho and had a firsthand witness of Minho’s wounds, it was in a pretty bad shape. He happily made his way upstairs to his room, unaware that Taesun whom just got back home was quiet observing him.






Apart from punching numbers into the cashier machine and showing his signature bright handsome smile to his customers, Minho found himself completely useless to his usual busy café. “Crippled” with only his left arm functioning as normal, he couldn’t fire up the kitchen, he couldn’t bake fresh pastries, neither could he serve the dine-in customers without them throwing worry glances at him seeing his bandaged right arm. On the good side though, Minho felt the wounds getting better this morning when he woke up. With the minor operation and the medicines prescribed by the doctor, things were looking positive.



Minor operation.



Minho frowned at the memory of yesterday’s events. He recalled the way he screamed like a ten year old girl going for a dentist appointment and mentally cursed himself for acting like such a wimp in front of Taemin. Minho couldn’t help but to bit his lips and blushed just a tit bit when he recalled how Taemin had to suppress his chuckles inside the treatment room and he decided that he will blame his unwanted embarrassment on the doctor’s anesthesia jab not being powerful enough to numb his senses for the operation.



“Mr Choi, Lee shi told me to deliver this to you.”



Minho lifted his brows hearing the familiar name coming out from his barista’s mouth. He turned to his barista to reach out his ‘normal’ arm to accept the delivery. “Where is he?” An ointment bottle? Minho stared at the bottle with a puzzled look. “Oh Lee shi said he was late for class Mr Choi, he told me to pass this to you, said it was good for your wounds.” Minho immediately searched the compound nearby the café, hoping to see Taemin but spotted none. He took another glance at the bottle and smiled, warmth spreading across his chest as he waved off his barista back to work.





Taemin had no idea how the last three days went pass, he doesn’t has a single clue about it. All he knew was that they were all cramped beyond their means to complete their first draft of thesis for their respective minor electives. Taemin had been camping in Kibum’s house, both of them relying on coffee, lots of coffee to be exact, to stay awake long enough to buy more time to complete their work. They were all zombie-fied, brain suffering from over-capacity and overload of caffeine by now.



Taemin stretched both his arms into the air as he stepped out of the lecture hall, feeling a huge relief after being able to complete his work and submitting it. He inhaled the fresh morning air before smiling as he observed the incoming and outgoing traffic of students entering and exiting the university entrance. Taemin took a glance at the T Café. The T Café was in its usual busy self as students flooded in and out but he spotted something unusual. The seat that Taemin usually occupies, there was a cutely pinned up sign board facing the window on the empty table with a “Reserved” sign next to it. Taemin’s eyes beamed and a small laugh escaped his mouth after he went closer to have a good look at the pinned up sign board.



Thank you. :) Free lunch and latte awaits you.



Bubbles of excitement invaded Taemin’s heart and before his brain could process anything, he found his legs heading towards and T Café and his hands pushing the glass entrance door open on autopilot mode. The sound of the door bells chiming brought Taemin back to reality from the rush of excitement and he instantly froze at the T Café’s entrance, suddenly regretting and not knowing how to react next.



“Lee Shi!!!!”



The waiter rushed over in smiles the moment he spotted Taemin, “You are here!! I shall inform Mr Choi this instance!!” The waiter is expecting his arrival too? Taemin smiled sheepishly at the waiter’s excitement. Before the waiter could dash to inform Minho, Minho appeared from the kitchen carrying a tray of freshly made sandwiches to the counter.



“Mr Choi! Lee Shi is here! Lee Shi saw the sign and he is here!!”



Taemin was blushing even more furiously; he bet the café packed with customers can hear the waiter’s voice now. Minho broke into a wide smile when he spotted Taemin. He quickly placed the tray of sandwiches down and came out from the counter area to greet Taemin.



“Taemin ah, hi.”



Taemin lowered his head and bit his lips, “Hi. I er..” didn’t know how to respond, especially under the waiter’s intense stares and cheeky smiles. Feeling extremely embarrassed and under the waiter’s stares.



“Have you had your lunch?”



“Urrr, nope.. ermm…”



“Its all set then!!! I will guide Lee Shi to his seat!!” The waiter excitedly ushered Taemin away before Minho could reply. Minho just chuckled as he proceeded back to the kitchen.



“Lee Shi, please have a seat!” The waiter, still in smiles, motioned Taemin to take a seat at his usual spot. “Ah! I shall remove this sign, keke!” Taemin gingerly nodded his head as he watched, “You know Lee Shi, Mr Choi has been waiting for you since he put the sign board up yesterday, kekeke. He never said it out, but I can read his mind.” “Oh.” Taemin blushed again under the waiter’s cheeky smile and lowered his head. He watched sheepishly as the waiter removed the sign board from the table and waltzed away, not without throwing a knowing smile to Taemin before he left, one that made Taemin flushed even more.



Oh Lee Taemin, you pabo! Taemin mentally smacked himself, ignoring some curious glances from the tables near him. It must be the lack of sleep and overdose of caffeine, he insisted, that got himself into such an embarrassing situation. Every second passed like eternity for Taemin and he silently thanked his lucky stars when Minho finally approached him with all smiles, looking all suave with a nicely pressed white and light orange collared dress shirt, holding a tray of food. “Sorry for the wait, Taemin-ah.” Minho smiled, he gently placed the tray of food in front of Taemin, retrieving the food and drink from the tray and nicely plating them in front of Taemin.



“Omona! It smells so good!” Taemin was instantly snapped out from his daze of embarrassment when the smell of the freshly cooked food and freshly brewed latte invaded his nostrils. Minho grinned, “Well, this is Bucatini Carbonara pasta with pancetta and egg yolk,” gesturing to the main dish right in front of Taemin, “And for the side dish we have some anchovy and roasted chicken salad with goatcheese, and of course your favourite latte. I added some chocolate sprinklings inside too just to spike up the flavor a little.” Taemin gaped at the array of food, before he could even drool, he picked up the fork n spoon to grab a big bite of the pasta. “OMG. It’s really yummy.” Taemin mumbled in between his bites.



“Really?” Minho grinned even more, feeling much accomplished with Taemin’s compliments. “Well, Im glad you like it. I just, I just wanted to say thank you,” Minho had his hand held at the back of his neck, “Urm, for your medicine, it really helped a lot.”



Taemin beamed, “Its no problem. Are your wounds better now?” He asked, before stuffing some of the salad into his mouth.



“Oh yes it is, so much better. I am able to cook already. Thanks.” Minho gently gestured to his arm. Taemin smiled and lowered his head, feeling a sense of relief as he continued eating, the feeling of Minho’s nicely cooked food downing into his system after a few days of intense work and sleep deficiency definitely warms his body up. “Thank you, its really yummy. Really.” Minho rested both his arms on the table as he observed Taemin gobbled down the food with much satisfaction. “I am still figuring out the recipe. Been kinda into Italian techniques recently. Once I get it locked down, its going to be the latest addition to the lunch time menu.”



There is something new to the menu? Taemin instantly darted his head upwards, “Oh!” Remembering the collaboration project he is having currently with Minho’s café that is somewhat stuck currently, Taemin thought that maybe the new items in the menu could spice up his current project. Without further hesitation, he unbuckled his backpack to retrieve his drawing boards and the collaboration project after finishing the meal. “I was thinking, if this is the latest new menu items, maybe I could feature them in my advertisement.” Taemin took out drawing pencils and began sketching the concept of the Italian lunch menu.



“Oh yes! I was thinking of creating a menu combo deal kind of thing, for example, a customer that purchases a drink or a dessert, say a frappe or an ice cream, can add on for a lunch set at a cheaper rate as oppose to purchasing the lunch set individually.” Minho said. “That’s a good idea! If that’s the case, I could perhaps sequence the drinks and dessert after the new items!” Taemin spoke with much excitement and Minho chuckled. He observed how concentrated Taemin was when he was sketching, the way his eyebrows furrowed. He picked up a pencil and carefully started adding unto Taemin’s sketch book, “I was thinking, maybe we could add some more texture to this part. And perhaps some shades of brown?”



Taemin paused shortly and focused on Minho, “Oh that is a good idea! And perhaps, I could animate this part as well. What about a mascot? Do you have a mascot for your café?”



“Urrmmmmm,” Minho dropped the pencil and placed his hand on his chin, “Well, I do have a favourite plant that I place at the entrance, can that be the mascot?” Minho joked. The green weird looking bonzai? Taemin erupted into a fit of laughter, “Okay, that shall be the mascot then.”



“Yah! I was just joking!” Minho quickly added seeing that Taemin was about to scribble notes and Taemin chuckled. “What about me as the mascot? I think I am quite a match to my plant.” Taemin erupted into another fit of laughter as Minho placed a V motion around his chin and smirked, “My sharp jawline and deep eyes. Wathca think?”



Minho had no idea what came across him today that gave him the guts to talk and joke around with Taemin so casually as his usual self is too worried about making Taemin uncomfortable to go beyond formal and ‘proper’ conversations. All he knew was he had a great time making the younger boy laugh and discussing about the collaboration project until he had no choice but to leave Taemin for the evening rush. As for Taemin, he beamed with satisfaction as he took another glance at the sketches and notes he took before he packed up to head back home, he let out a small laughter seeing the small doodles Minho left on his sketchbook about how the ‘Minho mascot’ or the ‘plant mascot’ should look like and felt absolutely warm. He had some new concepts he would want to experiment and work with after the discussion with Minho, he had to admit, it felt so much better with input and ideas from Minho.






“Minho, take more. You should eat more. This is your favourite.”



“Neh. You still remember, hyung.” Minho laughed as he took more of the stewed beef with his chopsticks. He was seated in front of Minseok in a small, busy and slightly cramped eatery three blocks away from the Choi Corporation that serves authentic Korean food for lunch.



“Of course. I love the food here as well.” Minseok chuckled.



“Ahjumma really is a force to be reckoned with. After so many years, the food still tastes so good.” Minho joked. This eatery was a place that Minseok and Minho used to frequent when they were both still schooling. The generous portions of food were the best choice for teenagers like them that were constantly hungry. Minho initially thought that Minseok would turn down his suggestion to lunch here, after all the so called ‘upper class of the society’ would prefer fine dining places instead of simple eateries like this, but Minseok instantly agreed, ‘I haven’t been there for quite some time, lets go.’. Although Minseok’s dark and expensive looking business suit attire wasn’t really fitting into the environment.



“I remember you mentioning something about studying in the phone yesterday, Minho.” Minseok was pleasantly surprised when Minho informed him of his intentions of studying. His brother never got to finish his college studies, not after he was put into the jail to serve his sentence. “Oh yes hyung.” Minho mumbled in between bites. “You found a university already? You have any one in particular that you are interested in? I have contacts everywhere, everything can be arranged.” Minseok said. Visiting his brother in and out of the jail throughout the ten years, he had always hoped that with his ability now, he could help his brother more to fit back into society.



Minho stopped chewing and smiled, “Hyung, thanks. But I do not have any particular university in mind yet, Im still surveying. And I want to get into a university base on my own abilities.”



“I know, Minho. I understand. Tuition fees shouldn’t be a matter, Minho. I can prov--”



“Hyung, thanks.” Minho politely interrupted Minseok, “Hyung I really appreciate it. I want to pay for my own tuition fees. You have helped me so much with the opening of the café, I wouldn’t want to burden you financially again with my desire to study, Hyung.” It was afterall his own fault that he couldn’t finish his studies back then.



Minseok frowned and shake his head, “Its not a burden at all Minho, it really isn’t.” With the current status of Choi Corporation, funding Minho’s studies were as easy as peanuts. But Minseok knew that Minho wouldn’t want his assistance and he had to support his brother’s desire for independence. “Okay. But promise me, you will approach me if you need help, okay?”



Minho beamed, “Hyung thanks. Okay.” Minseok smiled too.






Minho closed the T Café as soon as he and his crew finished serving the afternoon lunch crowd. He planned to spend the entire afternoon till evening attending the tertiary education fair that was scheduled to be held at a downtown convention center to survey his study options. The crew was nothing but happy, as Minho declared the second half of the day as a free holiday thingie.



Minho was done with the education fair around five plus in the evening, feeling entirely exhausted by the immense amount of talking and discussion he had with almost every single booth, reading and examining the brochures and the large crowd of students that were squeezing and pushing through the fair. He finally exited the convention hall, feeling that he was indeed old compared to the energetic youngsters at the fair and was trying to catch his breath along the streets before retrieving his motorbike to head back home when he heard a familiar voice.



“Minho.. hyung..?”



Minho spun around and spotted Taemin nearby, smiling with his usual backpack slung against his shoulder and hands carrying some project boards. “Taemin ah? Hi.” He smiled too, straightening his body and trying to hide his tired face.



“What are you doing here? And all these bags!” Taemin pointed to the numerous goodie bags that Minho was currently carrying. So far Taemin met the elder boy in the café most of the time whereby he was always dressed up properly in long sleeve shirts and pants, it was different, to see Minho looking so casual, in a simple short sleeved black tee and short Khaki pants.



Minho laughed and gestured to the convention hall behind him, “My harvest from the education fair.” He joked.



“Oh? You attended the education fair?” Lots of promotion was done to spread the news of the fair. It was a massive scale education fair of which Taemin’s lecturers encourage them to attend if they have the time to spare. “You….want to study?” Taemin was confused.



“Yea. I plan to. I mean, I never got to finish my college studies.”



Oh yes, Minho had to serve jail sentence.



“Oh.” Taemin muttered and lowered his head, unsure of how to respond and Minho started to panic when he realized that he accidentally reminded both of them of the incident, “Ah yea but, the fair was awesome. Lots of choices n etc. Probably won’t be that hard to find a part time course that accepts people like me, ex-convict with criminal record and old.” Minho chuckled.



Taemin looked up and lowered his head back down once more, “Oh..”



Minho wanted to smack himself now. The atmosphere was so tensed and he blamed his tiredness of uttering such stupid words, again, to cause discomfort between himself and Taemin. “I’m sorry Taemin, I mean.. people like me, with special needs.” Minho joked, trying his very best to salvage the situation now.



Taemin looked to the left a little and laughed, “Special needs.. they are going to think that you’re handicap..”



Minho smiled. “What are those things? You school work?” His eyes fell onto the project boards Taemin was holding and thanked god for those objects as he quickly changed the topic. Taemin instantly brightened up, “These are our collaboration project’s advert boards, hehe.” The younger boy’s eyes were sparkling as he enthused about the status of the project to Minho, “I am at the final stages of the video! Hehe, I should be able to finish it by tomorrow. And then, with the rendering and after productions, you should be able to see it on Friday!”



Minho laughed, “We shall meet up then to see the final product?” Taemin is always so excited and focused when the topic is about his forte. “Yes! Of course! You can then tell me whether you hate it or like it.” Taemin pouted. The collaborating entrepreneur’s feedback was vital in deciding the project mark. “I am very certain that I will like it.” Minho assured.






“Yea,” Minho smiled, “I plan to use it as my café’s first broadcasting promotional advertisement too.”



“REALLY!!” Taemin gaped. Collaboration projects are usually just projects for university students like himself to have a taste of what working with real clients in the market is like. To have Minho actually running Taemin’s advert as his promotional campaign would meant a lot.



“With your permission of course, its your coursework after all.”



“But you haven’t seen the final product, what if you don’t like it?” Taemin asked softly, not wanting to get his hopes up high. Minho could easily find better options outside in the market, professional designers with much advanced techniques and experience, and etc. Media design is not an easy road. Taemin knew that competition is real and fierce in the market. To have a project entirely designed and completed by yourself running in the market is a big deal for a newbie like Taemin.



“I have seen enough to know that I will like it.” Minho assured and Taemin giggled. “Okay deal. Im saying yes to it now. You will have to run the actual campaign later on, whether you like the final product or not, no turning back.” Taemin stuck out his tongue and Minho chuckled.



“How are you going back home?” Minho asked. It was getting dark.



“Bus stop in front.”



“Let me get my bike and walk you there.” The younger boy smiled and nodded his head.






“You do realize that this looks weird right?” Taemin laughed. He noticed people passing by them on the streets, throwing weird stares at both of them.



Minho glanced at himself pushing his bike and Taemin walking next to himself, he laughed, “Oh yes it does, a little actually. They can always reason to themselves that my bike broke down.” Taemin chuckled, Minho’s bike looks extremely fine to him.



The continued to walk in silence for twenty seconds until Taemin looked to Minho’s side, “I was wondering…”



“Urmm?” Minho joined eyes with Taemin now.



“Kibum hyung is throwing me a beach party this Sunday, for my birthday… would you want to come too?” Taemin muttered softly.



“Its your birthday this Sunday?” Minho smiled.



“Its next Tuesday actually, hehe. But you know Kibum, he said we should have fun and etc..” Taemin pouted, “If you are free, you can drop by.. Kibum hyung invited Jonghyun hyung too… we invited our mutual friends, classmates mostly.. there will be food too…”



Minho broke into a wide smile, “Yes! Of course, thanks for inviting me Taemin ah. I will come.” He couldn’t explain the sense of relief and happiness that he was feeling right now. Taemin actually invited him to his birthday party, it really means a lot to Minho, Minho could even sense drops of atonement among the mixture of his happiness right now.



“Okay.” Taemin bit his lip and smiled too. Kibum is going to say that he is crazy for inviting Minho hyung, the Choi Minho. But Taemin couldn’t really care much. Couldn’t really explain it, but he felt prone to invite Minho and he did. And seeing how happy Minho is after receiving the invitation only made Taemin even more certain about his decision.






“Jong, what are you looking for to be exact?”



Minho thought that he could have a good rest after the exhausting long day at the fair. He bid Taemin goodbye at the bus stop and headed back home. But as soon as he finished his bath and was ready to hop straight into his bed, he received a phone call from Jonghyun, saying that he is waiting for Minho downstairs at his apartment and they got to go this very instant. Minho was expecting something bad as Jonghyun cited ‘Urgent, this is a great emergency’ but as soon as Jonghyun drove them to the nearest shopping mall, Minho knew outright that he was cheated by his cousin.



“Something that impresses.” Jonghyun answered absent-mindedly as he fudged through the rows of display items, too focused. Minho followed like puppy behind Jonghyun.



“…..” Something that impresses? Minho pressed his lips against one another and rolled his eyes a little. He did not understand Jonghyun’s words, at all. They have been roaming the Men’s Department for ages now but Jonghyun has yet to reveal what he needs to buy, the thing that is so important to Jonghyun, the thing that he cited as an emergency.



“Arghh!!!!” Jonghyun grunted as he grabbed his hair with both his hands. Minho chuckled as he watch Jonghyun acting so restless, “Can you now tell me what on earth you are looking to buy?”



“Okay, the story is, Kibummie has invited me to Taemin’s birthday party this weekend. OMG!! It’s a big deal okay Minho! I need something that impresses him!!” Jonghyun cried out, “Something pretty, y and attractive!! I want him be impressed!! URGH!!!” Minho deadpanned, his cousin is really an idiot, all this commotion just because of the birthday party with Kibum.


“I don’t get it hyung. Aren’t you two already aware that you guys are soulmates?”


“Well yes Minho! Being soulmates is one thing, and whether or not we are able to click and build a relationship is another thing! Can’t always conveniently rely on what the Moon Lord has planned for the rest of your life, can you?” Jonghyun rebutted.


Minho rolled his eyes, again. He heard of stories about the soulmates in wolves. However ever since the modern age, wolves have integrated into human society, some wolves intermarry into human society, this soulmate tradition or topic has since been less popularly observed. It would be nice one day if he could be with his soulmate too, maybe one day. “It’s a beach party Jong, why don’t you get something for the beach then?” Minho actively searched his brains for ideas, hoping to end his misery as soon as possible. “Perhaps a swimming pants? You wouldn’t want Kibum to miss out on your body right? I’m not even asking, I am very much certain that you plan to go topless at the beach.”



Jonghyun let go of his grasp on his hair abruptly, eyes blinking with hope all of the sudden, “OMG Minho, you are such a genius! Yes! Beach! You are right! I should totally get a new y swim pants!” He instantly left his current section and headed to the swimwear section with Minho tailing behind. “By the way how do you know it’s a beach party? I don’t think I mentioned it, or I did..”



“Taemin invited me too.”



“What?!” Jonghyun snapped his head to Minho, almost dropping the few swimming trunks that he was examining at the moment from his hands. “Taemin invited you?!” Minho nodded his head repeatedly. “Hmmmm… interesting.. so you guys are like, friends now? On talking terms?” Jonghyun placed his hand on his chin and narrowed his eyes. “Urmm yea, I mean, you know Jong, I wouldn’t do anything that will upset or make Taemin uncomfortable. We talk to each other, especially for the project. I was pretty surprised when he invited me.”



“You are going for the party then, Minho?”



“Yes I am going.”



“You want to get one of these too then? Beaches are places filled with pretty girls if you want to impress. I bet there will be single omegas or betas.” Jonghyun snickered and Minho rolled his eyes, “No thanks Jong. I will be fully clothed.”



“I cannot decide, Minho. Do you think Kibum will like blue or pink more? Hmmm… I do not fancy the ‘boxer style like’ pants, too much covering of the skin. I have to show Kibummie my strong and y thighs.”



Minho facepalmed himself.






“Seriously Taemin, you invited Minho?!”



Taemin bit his lips. “What? Don’t give me that look Kibum hyung.” He tried to avoid Kibum’s gaze and continue with his essay writing.



“I mean, you really invited him?” Kibum dropped his pen and shifted closer to Taemin’s side as both of them spent the last hour seated at the student’s lounge, completing their work. “I know he saved your life once Taemin, but you are not obligated to repay his kindness! I mean, he ran into the fire on his own will, right……”



“I did not feel obligated when I invited Minho hyung, Kibum.” Taemin paused from his writing at looked at Kibum, “I just genuinely wanted him to come too, that’s all. Even if I did feel obligated, I am perfectly fine with it. Minho did save my life.” Taemin cannot look pass the fact that Minho risked his own life to save Taemin, despite their awful past, he really appreciated it.



“What.. I thought you were extremely uncomfortable n uneasy with Choi Minho near you, Taemin? You did not forget did you? Choi Minho is the alpha that rap---“



“Yes hyung! I remember!” Taemin interrupted quickly, eyes as big as saucers, “I do remember everything okay, don’t have to remind me.” “I’m sorry Taemin ah, I just don’t want you to feel uneasy during your own birthday party, Its going to be a really awesome party, you are the birthday boy you must enjoy yourself and be the wildest animal there. Plus I do not want you to feel threatened with Minho present.” Kibum was worried. Taemin rolled his eyes at the ‘wildest-animal’ part.



“Hyung, don’t worry please. I wouldn’t have invited Minho hyung if I felt uncomfortable with him. And I do not feel threatened. We.. we are on speaking terms you know. I do enjoy my conversations and discussions with him. I never felt threatened.” Taemin said.



“What… Are you saying you met up frequently with that dude and had more than a few conversations Taemin? So you are very comfortable talking and hanging out with Minho now?”



“I don’t mean that either, Kibum hyung,” Taemin pouted, “Urm, we talked a lot, especially for the collab project.”



“Tch, no wonder, no more postman delivery needs from you these few weeks.” Kibum eyed Taemin and the younger boy just smiled, “But it didn’t stop you from meeting Jonghyun hyung, did it? You guys still met up and dated on your own accords.” Taemin teased and Kibum blushed, “YAH! Lee Taemin, you are still too young to know all these okay.” Taemin laughed.



“Come to think of it, I don’t recall hearing you mention having nightmares recently Taemin ah.” Kibum recalls that his bestfriend struggles with nightmares every now and then. Poor Taemin will show up with dark eye circles the next morning. But recently Taemin never mention anything about nightmares.



Taemin continued his writing, eyes glued to his writing pad but he was stunt slightly inside. “Urmmm…” Indeed, he had not been having nightmares these few weeks come to think of it. Ever since he started talking and ‘befriending’ Choi Minho, his nightmares weren’t coming, up till now it hasn’t. “I guess Im just too tired recently, I fall into deep sleep..” Taemin reasoned. “Oh that’s good then.” Kibum laughed as they both continued their work in silence, leaving Taemin pondering on the real reason for his nightmares’ departure.




to be continued...


OMG, i thank the heavens that I am finally able to update T.T sorry to all my subies for the wait.. more updates to come hehe.. 2min jongkey fighting! thanks for reading <3

chapter 9.

“Kibum Hyung---“


Taemin whined. He has been sitting on Kibum’s bed and waiting for Kibum to be ready enough to take off to the beach for the birthday party for ages. The feline boy seems to be taking forever to get his sun screen on and it has been almost half an hour since he stepped foot into the toilet.


Taemin was excited, a little at least. He wasn’t the kind to celebrate birthdays with parties, he would usually opt for small gatherings or a quiet meal or chillout session alone to reflect, but he was looking forward to the party, especially with the fact that he invited Minho. Will Minho hyung actually turn up? Taemin wondered. Since Jonghyun hyung will be there, for sure, Minho hyung would naturally be comfortable enough to come, Taemin pondered.


“Kibum hyung, are you done?” Taemin took a glance at his wrist watch and pouted, “Its five minutes past five already, hyung.” They promised to arrive at five.


“I’m almost done! Just give me two more minutes!!” Kibum’s muffled voice came through the toilet door and Taemin sighed. The toilet door finally flung open and out came Kibum dressed in his brand new beach shorts and a loose shirt. “Chill Taemin, I have already asked Jonghyun and the guys to set up the barbeque pit and tables. By the time we reach the beach, everything will be ready.”


Taemin scanned Kibum from head to toe, leaving the feline boy giving him a questioning look, “Hyung, I thought you said that you were going to put on sun screen? Howcome there is make up on your face? Not to mention you gel-ed your hair too.” Taemin poked his fingers against Kibum’s cheek of which Kibum swatted Taemin’s finger away, trying to hide the tint blush forming at his cheeks. “You gotto look good every day and every second, Taeminie..”


“Or its because Jonghyun hyung will be there?” Taemin gave Kibum a knowing smile.




Kibum and Taemin arrived at the beach half an hour later and were joined by their friends who arrived earlier than both of them. Taemin smiled shyly and thanked his friends as they showered him with birthday wishes and gifts as soon as he stepped foot into their barbeque pit area. Taemin glanced a bit further for a brief moment and spotted Minho and Jonghyun behind the people crowding him. Minho looking fresh and suave with his knee length surf pants and a loose white buttoned shirt, a casual aura that Taemin seldom see as the elder is always neatly dressed in shirts and long pants at the cafe. Their eyes joint briefly and Minho gave Taemin a gentle nod and smile. Taemin smiled back, silently felt glad that Minho came.


“Oh whao! I can see that the barbeque pit is definitely going good!” Kibum chirped as he observed Kikwang and Hyoyeon flipping the wings, the smell of honey barbequed on the wings were definitely inviting. He brought out two buckets of beer from his car boot and everyone cheered, with Taemin laughing and shaking his head at a side, ‘no party is complete without alcohol’, Kim Kibum’s wise words.


“Let the party begin!!”


Kibum was in the midst of assisting with the food when Krystal and Jiae suddenly came and grabbed his arm, “Oh Kibum, those two friends of yours is definitely hot looking!” Krystal winked and gestured Kibum to look at the bunch of boys that are currently having a beach volleyball session a few feet away from the barbeque pit. Minho, Jonghyun and a few of the boys were in all smiles enjoying their time playing volleyball and it was definitely a nice sight to watch a bunch of good looking boys in actions. He fisted the spatula that he was holding in his right hand as Krystal rambled on, “That Jonghyun shi, oh my gawd… can you see his abs, not to mention his skin looks so hawt---“ Kibum bit his lips and tightened his grip even more as Krystal continued to enthuse on Jonghyun’s body. “You know what, Krystal you can continue talking about Jonghyun shi here, Imma go introduce myself.” Jiae stuck out her tongue and left towards the boys, leaving a flustered Krystal that joined her swiftly, “YAH! Jiaee!! Wait for me too!!”


Kibum girthed his teeth as he watch the two girls slowly approaching the group of boys, not before taking off their outer shirts to expose their bikinis. “Kibum hyung, you shouldn’t be mad,” Taemin who overheard the conversation approached Kibum and laughed. “Grrrr… that idiotic dino, I can’t believe he has the guts to attend your birthday party with just swimming trunks!! How can I not be mad!!! I bet he did it on purposes and he is enjoying all the attention now!” Tamine laughed at Kibum’s pure eruption of jealousy, “Well I bet Jonghyun hyung’s target is neither Krystal nor Jiae.” Taemin finishes and trails his gaze to Kibum. “…. Well I don’t care! I am not talking to that stupid dino ever!!! And no honey for Krystal and Jiae!!” Taemin laughed as Kibum dressed honey on top of all the chickens except the last two.


The volleyball game soon became the main attraction of the party, aside from the chit chatting and card playing sessions in between the food and beer. Taemin smiled and cheered as Minho’s team managed to nail yet another score, he had to admit, Minho is really athletic with his agile movements and jumps which helped his team a lot.


“You look completely spent, hyung.” Taemin teased as Kibum slumped to the spot next to Taemin, panting while Junho replaced him. “Yea, you can go ahead and try a few rounds, Minho’s team is good. No joke.” Taemin chuckled, “No thanks. Im fine watching here.” He took a glance at Jonghyun who was forced to be clothed with Kibum’s overly floral and colorful beach shirt (looking awfully hilarious) when Kibum threw a fit a while ago, and tore his gaze towards Krystal and Jiae who resorted to hanging out with the other boys since Jonghyun ignored them.


“Taemin ah, I hope you are enjoying the party so far.” Kibum smiled and looked at Taemin, who nodded his head in reply, “Yes I am, hyung. Thanks.” Kibum beamed, he was about to say something when they heard shouts from the volleyball pit and some commotion going on. Apparently, Minho and Kikwang accidentally bumped into each other while trying to save the opponent team’s smash. Kibum and Taemin watched with concern as the other boys crowded around Minho and Kikwang while both of them stood up rubbing their arms and head a little, not before laughing and decided to continue with the game. Minho’s shirt however, was slightly torn at the hem between the right sleeve and the bodice, and Taemin can’t help but to notice that there seem to be markings at Minho’s slightly exposed right shoulder back, dark red markings that are slightly bulging out from the surface of his back. “Hyung, there is something on Minho’s back..”


Kibum took one glance and nodded casually before taking another sip of beer, “Oh that, scars.” Kibum said absent-mindedly, “Jong told me. Twenty stokes of canning. I doubt the scars will ever heal, Jong said that it was brutal. They never give much time for healing until the next one comes.”


Taemin knew what Kibum was referring to by now. It was part of the judge’s verdict, ten years of jail sentence and twenty of canning, for committing a crime against a minor. Taemin bit his lip as mixture emotions rushed through inside while he observed Minho, who was actively participating in the volleyball game, flashing smiles at his team members when they manage to nail another score, totally unaware that his shirt was torn, unaware of the sea of thoughts going through Taemin’s mind right now.

“Oh..” Taemin muttered, conflicting emotions stirring up.


“I’m sorry Taemin, did I.. made you--?I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned it, it made you thi----“


“Its okay hyung!” Taemin shrug his shoulders, “Its fine. I am fine.”


The rest of the party continued with a fun as they played games, feasted and danced. Around seven when the sun was almost done setting, everyone was just laying around the pit, chatting and finishing up whatever left over foods and taking strolls along the beach to admire the sunset.


Taemin seated himself few meters to the shore from their pit. He smiled, the orange and yellow sunset was glistering a thousand pieces on the ocean and it looked extremely beautiful and gentle. Not to mention the breezy sunset wind was so comforting. He always loved sunsets.




Taemin turned his head and smiled when he spotted Minho walking towards his spot, probably the only few left that were still sober at this point as he firmly declined everyone’s offer for beer and settled for soda instead.

“May i?” Taemin smiled and nodded his head as Minho comfortably seated himself next to Taemin.


“I can’t seem to find Jonghyun, any chance you know where he is?”


“Keke, I can’t find Kibum hyung either. I bet they sneaked off to somewhere to have their alone time.” Taemin smiled. Minho chuckled and nodded his head in agreement


“Its so beautiful.”


Minho nodded and looked at Taemin, too mesmerized by the sheer joy that Taemin had on his face right now, It was a thousand times more beautiful than the glistering ocean. “Thanks, for inviting me.”


“Did you have fun?” Taemin smiled.


“Yes! Yes I did. It.. has been a while. Hanging out with bunch of friends, it has been a while.” Minho nodded and smiled, it definitely felt nice, having friends or people to talk to, having people to connect to.


Taemin’s smile falters slightly, and pondered on the weight of Minho’s words. Serving ten years of jail sentence in solitude, not being able to be surrounded by friends or family. Taemin always believed that every human being deserves the right to belong to a community of people, even convicts, especially one that has repented.


“I… ermm, I got something for you Taemin.” Minho nervously retrieved something that he hid behind his back. “Taemin ah, happy birthday.” Taemin beamed in excitement as Minho handed him a baking gift box, a book wrapped in red ribbons and a small bunch of baby-breaths. “I ermmm… I hope you like it, you like to drink latte so I made latte cream tarts for you,”

Taemin chuckled, latte cream tarts? He had never heard of latte cream tarts before, was it even legitimate? He wasn’t sure.

“and that’s the latest book by Murakami.” Taemin smiled as he looked at the gifts placed on his lap, before joining eyes with Minho, “Thanks, I really like it.”


Minho let out a smile of relief. He wasn’t done yet, he was sweating from head to toe, the hardest part is yet to come. His lips tremble a little as he gathered all the courage he had, he had to do this, he had to set things right tonight. He had to keep reminding himself that Taemin is all grown up and deserves a happy life, a life that is free from a daunting past that keeps holding him back because he was beyond terrified of the subject that he was about to bring up next.


“Taemin ah, I—“


Taemin looked at Minho, puzzled by Minho’s sudden nervousness. “I—I just wanted to tell you that….. I’m sorry.”


And Taemin froze at Minho’s words. Those fragile words.


Minho frowned, unable to hide the glaze of water over his eyes as he continued, “I know, its useless and too late to apologize for what I have done, but I still want you to hear it from me, you deserve it. I-- I am really sorry.”

Minho bit his lips as he lowered his head, unable to look at Taemin now, the thickness of shame he couldn’t put aside as he apologized, “I-- I cannot phantom the depths of the pain and struggle you went through because of my wrongdoings, I- I have no one to blame but myself for inflicting such pain upon you. And…. when I got to know you better, I felt even more regretful. You are such a nice person, so kind and talented, you definitely have a bright future ahead. I--- my wrongdoings have caused you much suffering and I am deeply ashamed of myself.”


Minho wiped his tears away with one hand, “If I could turn back time, I would. I would, I swear.”


Taemin stared at Minho, mortified as flashbacks of the past were happening in his mind right now. All the nightmares that haunted him, all the sleepless nights, all the depression, all the things that he couldn’t do because he grew up not as a normally, but as a teenage omega with burdens and shadows too great for his age to bear.


“I—I never plan to appear in front of you after all these years, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine us meeting again, Taemin. I never meant to make things even harder for you, I swear. Believe me please.” Minho continued, “But I am glad, I am glad to see that you are doing okay, I really am. God knows how thankful I am to see you okay. I don’t know whether I can ever forgive myself if you are not okay. ”


Taemin shed a tear, he recalled the image, his nightmare of the person that inflicted all the pain that he had to endure, that caused him so much trauma, and he looked at that very person in front of him right now that screams the total opposite of the destructive youngster boy whose alcohol stench terrified him every night. I’m sorry. Minho’s apology echoed through Taemin’s mind. Taemin tore his gaze away from Minho, the way Minho’s brows furrowed as he wiped his tears away, trying his best not to appear too sentimental or emotional in front of the younger boy, the way Minho bit his slight trembling lips and he smiled a little, as if trying to console himself or perhaps finding courage.


I’m sorry.


The deep silence growing in between both probably left Minho feeling regretful of his decision to bring up the subject, but Taemin on the other side felt the tightness around his chest that he has been carrying with all these years being lifted gradually and exhaled. His lips were trembling too, “Thanks, Minho hyung.” Although Minho’s apology was useless in contrast to both the emotional pain that both of them had to wrestle, or still wrestling perhaps, nevertheless is was still something heartfelt to Taemin. “Thank you.”


Those were the last words exchanged between the two, as they quietly sat there and allowed the breezy sea wind to dry their tears and the soft sunset orange tuck away whatever heaviness left, and hopefully whatever pain and regrets they both had.




Taemin can’t help but let out a smile as he opened his eyes to greet the gentle morning sunlight. It has been the same the past two days ever since the beach party, he woke up with a lightness that was surrounding his chest, or perhaps, it was the heaviness that has left him, he wouldn’t be sure and he couldn’t care much, all he knew was that he felt happy and it was his birthday today.


He giggly flipped his blankets away and jumped down his bed (literally) and chuckled as he landed his stomach on the carpeted floor next to his bed and laughed. There was such lightness in the air and Taemin was savouring it. Taemin smiled, he pulled the baking gift box that Minho gave him close to him and played with the baby-breathes that he spent his last two days starring at. Deciding that today is the day he will eat the latte cream tarts that Minho made, he gingerly opened it and laughed (mentally cursing himself for laughing the n-th time for the past few days), excitement building up until he heard a gentle knock at his door and in came his mother smiling.


“Taemin dear, happy birthday.”


“Thanks omma!” Taemin chirped, barely able to contain the happiness. Eyes forming in a crescent shape.


“I made you your favourite for breakfast since it’s your birthday dear, don’t forget to eat before you head to class.”


“Okie! Omma thanks so much!” Taemin beamed, eyes still glued on the baking gift box. Mrs Lee smiled before closing the door, though seemingly puzzled but glad to see her son’s unusual chirpiness.


Taemin untied the ribbons and gently lifted the tray of latte cream tarts from the light brown box containing them to his eye level to examine. He crocked an eyebrow upwards, before reaching to his backpack to retrieve his notebook and pencil, his playful side kicking in as he decided that he will write Minho a review on the cream latte tarts.


Reviewer: Lee Tae Min
Subject/Object of review: Choi Min Ho’s cream latte tarts

First impression: nice and cute. Brown box complements the light green color of the latte tarts well.


Taemin dropped his pencil and sent a piece of the tart into his mouth. Pressing a finger against his lip as he savoured and tart. Since the tarts were a size of an Asian saucer, he easily finished one within ten seconds.


Second thoughts after eating: taste really good! The texture of the cream is just nice when munched together with the crispiness of the base. But!!!! It’s too small. T.T And you only made four. T.T Is this the way you should treat a birthday boy… :P
PS. I think the cream might go nice with some lemon.

Taemin giggled as he read through his ‘review paper’. He quickly gobbled down the remaining three tarts and got himself up from the floor to start preparing for classes. Taemin laughed, he can’t wait to send this to Minho.



im backie hehe.. finally done with year end accounting close, phew~~ and here i am updating hehe.. I felt tat it was really important for Minho to apologize to Taemin for their past, or at least, for Taemin to hear Minho's apology in the form of audible words.. the first step of healing is always an apology right? hehe..
2min jongkey onew fighting! btw, thanks for all the comments :) i read all of them seriously.. they motivate n inspire me so much..

and a special thanks to sakura_5000 for the banner! :) i love it so much and its going to be up once i posted this chapter hehe.. pls feel free to give me yourr art work :D i will definitely credit you hehehe..







chapter 10.

“Mr Choi, this is from Mr Lee.”


Minho nearly dropped the glass cake dome too hard upon hearing the waiter boy mentioning Taemin’s name. He placed the covered cake stand holding the freshly baked carrot cream cake back into the display counter quickly but carefully though, without shattering the glass of course, as he already nearly broke the glass dome, wiped his hands against the dark green apron tied across his waist before reaching out his hand to accept a piece of scrolled paper from the waiter boy.


Urmm? What..what was this? Minho was half puzzled and half excited. He wasn’t expecting this, he never expected Taemin to reach out to him, not after the ‘beach chit chat session’ that in his opinion, would have triggered the unpleasant past and upset Taemin.


“I think Mr Lee had to rush for classes, he seems in a hurry.” Unwilling to remove his presence, yet, he was waiting for his boss to open and read the paper.


Minho’s mind was half registering the waiter’s words, the other half occupied with calming his shaking hands down enough to open up the scrolled paper to read its contents. His lips curved upwards and eyes formed crescents, unable to contain his smiles after finish reading the last word written on the paper.


Minho’s reactions only made the waiter boy even more curious about the paper’s contents, whatever it was, it made his boss smiled like a Cheshire cat. Eyes darting between the paper in Minho’s hands and Minho’s face, he decided to make a little tippie toe to peek into the paper’s contents, but unfortunately Minho caught his attempt and instantly hid the paper away, giving out an uncomfortable cough and resumed his normal facial expression.


“I will be in the kitchen for an hour and a half or so. Take care of the counter yah.”


“Yes. Mr Choi.” The waiter boy answered in an indifferent tone, seemingly annoyed that his boss wouldn’t disclose the paper’s contents to him. Minho gave the waiter boy a glare before heading towards the kitchen.





Taemin never expected his coursemates for Media Social Studies, an elective that he had chosen, to actually remembers his birthday and got him a cake to celebrate. He always regarded himself as the most quiet or un-noticeable student in the small class, but until his coursemates surprised him earlier in the morning class they had along with the lecturer, Taemin was in all smiles.


He held a piece of the hazelnut cake that he had kept carefully in a mug as he approached the university entrance compound. Since Kibum did not have to attend any classes today, Taemin thought that he might as well share the cake with Minho then. He was in too good of a mood to hesitate or carry any much concerns as his legs quickly marched towards the unversity's entrance. As soon as he neared the T Café, he couldn’t help but laugh out when he saw a glaring sign board pinned up on his usual seat, facing the window and the crowd of students.



Improved version now available.

Calling for the birthday boy to come forward and claim his improved-tart. :D



Eyes still forming crescents, the café’s door chimed as Taemin made his way into the café. Perhaps it was Taemin’s blonde hair that stood out amongst the students packed in the café, or perhaps it was his presence, though Minho was busy supervising his staff’s progress in learning how to use the new Point-Of-Sale software that Minho had recently implemented, he instantly sniffed and identified the blonde boy and smiled. He whispered to his staff to continue and exited the counter area to meet up with Taemin.



“Hi. Happy birthday.” Minho smiled, noticing the unusually cheerful demeanor that Taemin had today.



“Thanks, hyung.” Taemin giggled, hands grabbing unto the mug of cake a little bit more.



“So, have you had your lunch? I hope not..” Minho teased, he gently wiped his hands against his dark green apron around his waist as he ushered Taemin to the usual seat.



“And why is that so?” Taemin eyed Minho playfully as he sat down, “Don’t tell me you made the latte cream tart as big as a soup bowl.”



Minho chuckled, “Be right back okay.” He then swiftly left for the kitchen. Taemin placed the mug of cake on the table and turned his attention to observe the scenery of the bustling students and people around the university entrance, versus the calm atmosphere inside T Café, soft chattering and laughters accompanied by the smell of coffee in the air and soft music at the background. Before Taemin could further indulge, Minho reappeared at his table with a tray of food and drinks. Taemin couldn’t help but to let out a soft ‘wow’ as he looked at the freshly brewed latte, the plate of beautifully wrapped chicken tortillas and last but not least, the improved version of Minho’s latte cream tart. The latte tart was as big as the size of a plate now, and on top of the layer of pale yellow latte cream, Minho drew a cartoon version of a boy of which Taemin presume it’s himself why drizzles of chocolate. He laughed out a little, eyes beaming as Minho passed the cutlery to him, “Please tell me my tart now qualifies for a 11/10 review score from you.” Minho joked.



Taemin smiled, “Yes it does,” fetching a bite of the cream tart into his mouth, “Thank you, hyung. It really tastes nice.” Minho smiled too, happiness bubbling inside of him as he watch Taemin taking bite after bite of the food he made for him. He just wanted to make Taemin happy, especially today since it’s his birthday.



“Oh before I forgot,” Taemin handed the mug of hazelnut cake to Minho, “I kept this for you, its hazelnut cake from my classmates, it taste really good.”



“Thanks Taemin-ah,” Minho smiled, picking up a fork himself to taste the cake. He never had eaten a cake from a mug before, he found it quite amusing. “Your classmates celebrated your birthday?”



“Yea! I was totally surprised, hehe. I mean, I didn’t expect them to remember my birthday. I mean, I was kind of the quiet one in the group you know.” Taemin laughed, unable to hide the sheer happiness that he was feeling today. “Aw, that’s really sweet of them.” and Minho smiled too, he decided that he liked Taemin like this, being all happy and smiley, he was practically beaming happiness rays from head to toe.



“I will be meeting Kibum, Kikwang and the guys later tonight for some snacks.” Taemin enthused, he never expected Kibum to arrange for a meet up tonight for his birthday, but then being the party animal Kibum is, he should have known that a mere birthday party wouldn’t be enough.



“Oh that’s cool!” Minho remembers, the boys that he got to know via Taemin’s birthday party over last weekend.



“Yea! They are going to head for the futsal court after that though, keke.” And the thought suddenly hit Taemin’s mind that he had a message to pass to Minho, “Oh ya! I almost forgotten, Kikwang and the rest are asking you to join their sports dates some day.”



Minho beamed, pleasant feelings felt when the boys actually remembers him. Jonghyun was the only friend that Minho had, he lost all contact with high school and college friends before he served prison sentence, and though he made a few real good friends in the prison, most of them were either still serving sentence or was due for life sentence. “Sure, I would love to.” Minho loves everything that has to do with sports or sweat or getting physical. “I forgot to get their numbers during your birthday party, or rather, most of them were pretty knocked out by that time.”



Tamine chuckled, “Oh yesh they were. By the way, hyung you should add them on Facebook, Kikwang hyung and the rest of them actually post updates on their weekly sports dates in their Facebook group.”



“Oh, urmm..” Facebook huh…



Taemin’s eyes widened, “Don’t tell me you don’t have Facebook……..”



“…….” Minho clammed his lips as his eyes met Teamin’s round ones.



“OH MY GAWD hyung, how can you not have Facebook!” Taemin dropped his cutleries and exasperated.



“Well…” They didn’t have any sorts of connection with the outside from the prison within, phone calls were scarcity, let alone internet connections. Beside, Minho don’t remember Facebook being a popular thingie during his high school or college times. He tiled his head, a tint shade of red covering his face, feeling a bit embarrassed having Taemin examining him like an ancient caveman or sort.



“Hyung, do you know who Mark Zuckerberg is?” Now Taemin was definitely eyeing him like a Paleolithic age caveman, Minho thought.

“Yah! of course I know,” It was Minho’s turn to exasperated, He might not be engaged with the latest social media sharing platforms, but he was sure to keep himself up to date with news and happenings around the world as soon as he got out of the prison.



“Then you must have a Facebook hyung!” Taemin pulled his cellphone out from his backpack and begin tapping it. “Cre…ate…a…new…pro..file…”



“Taemin-ah, what are you doing?” Minho questioned.



“I am going to get you a Facebook,” Taemin glanced up in between his tapping, flashing a wide smile to Minho, “Oh we need a profile picture hyung.” Minho probably had less than half a second to react, before Taemin’s words could register its meaning into Minho’s brain, Taemin already lifted this cellphone and positioned to snap a very recent picture of Minho.



“Y…Yah! I wasn’t prepared at all!” Minho whined. But Taemin only held his stomach and laughed lightly as he flashed his cellphone to show Minho’s candid profile picture: Minho caught off guard with eyes round and a blank look. Minho only shakes his head and laughed helplessly as the younger boy announced the verdict, “Okay set! Welcome to the Facebook world! Hehe, I friended myself on your behalf too,” Taemin then crouched closer and muttered lowly, “By the way, the password is password.” Minho laughed heartily, he wanted to ruffle Taemin’s hair this very instant so badly and gleed when Taemin pointed to the “Friends” section and he saw “Lee Taemin” with a thumbnail of Taemin’s selfie, he beamed at the connection.



“Taemin-ah, thanks.”



Taemin giggled and picked up his fork and spoon to continue eating, “You’re welcome hyung. Thanks too by the way..”



“Urmmm…?” Minho mumbled, taking a mouthful of the hazelnut cake slice.



Taemin smiled and lowered his gaze, “We got our scores and feedback from our lecturer for the collab project yesterday.”



“I hope you got a good score Taemin-ah, you did a great job and your designs and ideas were really nice, you deserve it.” Of course, Minho had just submitted the feedback review form to Taemin’s lecturer a few days ago.



Taemin blushed upon hearing Minho’s compliment; he actually got more than just a passing grade, he was amongst the top scoring bunch of his intake for this major collab project, and the very few to actually have a collab project turned into an actual advertising campaign. “Yeah, hehe. Thanks for the feedback, helps and ideas. It was a collaboration project, I couldn’t have done it without your input either. Thanks.” Taemin smiled, he was very certain that Minho gave above average review points and good feedback on Taemin to his lecturer.



“I am really glad ah Taemin,” Minho smiled with meaningful eyes, and Taemin blushed slightly, averting his gaze to the surrounding of the café behind Minho, taking in the warm atmosphere and the smell of coffee and pastries invading his nostrils as he briefly registered how gleeful he was feeling today.



“Oh!! Does T Café have a Facebook page hyung?”



“Urmm.. nope.” Minho grinned apologetically. T café has a website now, thanks to the collaboration project with Taemin, but Facebook page, nope.



“Aigoo hyung!!” Taemin whined, “Aikss you must have a Facebook page hyung, it’s a trend nowadays to check in to a café in Facebook. Not to mention customers can leave reviews and search for quick information about the café via Facebook if they need to.” Minho chuckled, Taemin looked really cute when he is whining, “That sounds really good Taemin, I will go back and spend some time figuring Facebook out when I am free.” Minho had always thought that it was high time he get more promotional techniques for T Café, so it was only logical that sooner or later he will have to engage in social media platforms.



“Its okay, let me create T Café’s Facebook for you okay? Hehe, I bet you are going to take the next one or two years, at least, to figure out Facebook.” Tamine stared at Minho with hopeful eyes and stuck out a tongue, which made Minho chuckled, “Just take it as a way of me saying thank you for the collaboration project?”



Minho melted, “Okay Taemin-ah. But, only if you have free time okay? I don’t want to occupy your study time..”



“Okay, hehe.” Taemin beamed, he already had a thousand ideas of how he wanted to structure the layout and etc, “But you have to allow me to use the pictures though, the ones that I took for the collab project.”



“Sure, you can do whatever you want with the all pictures and the Facebook page, Taemin.”



“Are you indirectly giving me all rights to T Café’s pictures and sole authority to the Facebook page? I just might misuse them or sell them for money, or post something weird….” Taemin naughtily joked and Minho laughed. He eyed the laughing blonde seated opposite him, “Well you sure can try, I will come after you for sure if you do anything hanky panky.” Taemin laughed, smiles never leaving his angelic face as they continued to talk and eat that afternoon. For Taemin, it had been a great birthday for him this year. For Minho, it was the best day of his life so far after leaving the prison, seeing all these different, carefree and cheerful sides of Taemin dissolved parts of the clouds of depression in his soul, the only thing that replaced those clouds were prayers, prayers that Minho muttered to the heavens to keep Taemin this happy forever.






Minho was glancing all over, right and left, up and down, scrutinizing the surroundings as he sat down at Jonghyun’s couch.



“And why are you doing that?” Jonghyun’s voice came questioning from the mini bar three feet away from the living room area.



“Nothing.” Jonghyun owns a small bungalow in Yeomsam-dong area. It was a nice, not too big, modern looking two storey bungalow that Jonghyun designed himself. Minho recall Jonghyun telling him the story of how his parents practically gave him a warning and lecture that he should be moving out of the Kim Mansion by now and learn to live independently few years back then. Jonghyun has a great taste when it comes to designing, but he definitely needs some teaching on how to keep a house clean. Since Jonghyun doesn’t fancy keeping maids in his house, he only gets the cleaner to come every week to clean the house. Minho was just shocked to see the house in a clean state, considering the fact that today is Tuesday and the cleaners usually come on Fridays. Usually Jonghyun couldn't get his home to stay clean past Sunday.



“Why are you eye-ing my living room like its strange…?” Jonghyun drop his glass of whiskey on the coffee table as he offered Minho soda and lime.



“Its just… its so… clean…… and tidy……” Minho trailed off. He wasn’t quite used to this sight, usually he would be seeing a sock lying at the stairsway, the couch pillows in a mess, some papers or the latest car magazine left on the coffee table; but right now, the entire living room area is clean and tidy. Even the dining area and kitchen smells clean. “Hyung I am glad you finally decided to get the cleaners to come more frequently.” One thing Minho couldn’t understand about his cousin is how sloppy he can be sometimes especially when he is too busy with his work. He beamed at Jonghyun, only to have the elder avert his gazes uncomfortably.



“You did not hire extra cleaning didn’t you…” Minho eyed Jonghyun suspiciously now, the elder pretended that he was hearing nothing, he continued sipping his whiskey and flipping some magazines. Minho squint his eyes, he would bet his life that it wasn’t Jonghyun; if it wasn’t Jonghyun, someone must have did the cleaning…….


“Its Kibum isn’t it….”



Jonghyun’s round eyes upon the mentioning of Kibum’s name only made Minho hundred percent sure of his guess. Minho sat up straight, facing Jonghyun now, “Whao, I mean… hyung you brought Kibum home already? And I’m guessing its not just one or twice.” Never thought that things would progress this fast between Jonghyun and Kibum. Jonghyun was famous for being a Casanova during college times, dating was his number one hobby and switching girlfriends or boyfriends was as fast as changing clothes, it went as far until his parents started to intervene.



“Yah yah! If you’re thinking what I am thinking right now, the answer is no okay Minho, I have not done it with Kibum yet.” Jonghyun flushed. After finishing college, he took over his family’s trading company and had a complete change of perspective in terms of his love life. He wanted a relationship that bonds emotionally, not just physically. He started to yearn for a relationship that lasts.



“Yet?” Minho laughed.



“I mean..” Jonghyun flushed again, Minho couldn’t believe that his ex-Casanova cousin was actually blushing like a sixteen year old teen, “I want to take things slow. I don’t want to scare Kibum off…. I mean, I am really happy with him you know, for now I am satisfied with cuddling, holding hands and kissing…. ” Kibum was perfect, Jonghyun thought. He comes over every now and then, and they would cuddle, watch movies and kiss, and talk about random things, and bicker about random things. Somedays Kibum would make dinner for them, else he would stay over for the night and Jonghyun would have hot and yummy breakfast for the following morning. Jonghyun felt perfect, he loved the sense of stability and happiness that Kibum was giving him. Minho laughed, he bet Jonghyun’s parents would have their jaws dropped to the floor if they could personally hear those words coming out of their son’s mouth.



“Kibum can be feisty some times, but deep inside, he is really just a kind, loving, wonderful and attractive omega you will ever know…” Jonghyun was starting to gush on Kibum.



Minho chuckled, “Hyung I’m glad for you. I’m sure Uncle and Aunty Kim would be absolutely overjoyed if they knew this.”



Jonghyun grinned, “Yea! Mum and dad is going to like Kibum so much, I swear they will like him more than their own son.”


Jonghyun continued the rest of the night blabbering on and on about Kibum and Minho just listened and laughed along. He was really contented that night, it was a great way to unwind the night before heading back to sleep, knowing that Jonghyun was really happy in his relationship and images of Taemin’s carefree and cheerful smiles replaying in his mind.




omg im so glad i updated hehe.. sorry for the wait.. thanks for reading :)
2min jongkey onew fighting! I will continue to update!! thanks for each and every single comments and upvotes. Thankiu :)

chapter 11.

Taemin swear that he had no intentions of prying. But even though it was half past six in the evening and he knew that the T Café should be empty and close by now, he couldn’t help but to take a glance at the café on his way exiting the university. The sun was setting and the wind was blowing breezily, sounds of students and people making their way in and out of the university, aside from the morning and lunch hours, the entrance is usually busier during the evenings too.


And Taemin took a look, expecting the T Café to be closed by now and empty.


His eyes rounded slightly when he spotted the dimmed yellow lights in the café. Curious, Taemin halted his footsteps and detoured towards the café entrance. The “Sorry, we are close” sigh was greeting him, all of the chairs were placed upside down on the tables except for one table and the yellow-ish lights were on, centering that table. Taemin squint his eyes, a laptop was propped open and several books were sprawled open but no one was there. He glanced towards the empty counter area, chalkboard sign was empty, traces of white chalk still evident. Taemin noticed the lights coming from the kitchen area, he was about to shift himself towards the left to peer into the kitchen area as much as he could from outside but he must have accidentally laid his palms against the glass door entrance because the next thing he knew, a blasting alarm sound went off and Taemin froze. Oh my gawd, he thought.


Minho was shocked when he heard the café’s alarm went off. He was about to place the washed mugs unto the tray and close off the kitchen area when the alarm went off. Minho dropped the clothe that he was holding, wiped his hands against the dark green apron tied around his waist as he quickly stride out of the kitchen, towards the outer café area to check on the alarm. What Minho never had expected was to see a person, Taemin in particular, standing outside the entrance door with both hands covering his mouth, eyes opened wide as saucers staring at the door not knowing what to do. His backpack was slung against his thin frame and Minho was guessing the two books left scattered opened on the floor around Taemin must be coming from his hands. Minho smiled, he wanted so badly to pause and take a picture of this priceless expression of Taemin’s. He quickly pressed the buttons next to the entrance door to stop the blazing alarm that was attracting a lot of attention from the passing by people and opened the café door.


“I… I am so sorry.. I didn’t know that there was an alarm…” Taemin, eyes still wide as saucers, felt utmost embarrassed, so much for his busybody-ness.


Minho wanted to chuckle, “It is fine, Taemin-ah.” They both squatted down to pick up Taemin’s books, Taemin still flustered in embarrassment until they heard a voice.


“Everything okay here Mr Choi?” Taemin mentally face palmed himself, the university security guards were here as well to check on the café. “Yes we are fine, ajushii, my friend here accidentally triggered the alarm. Everything is fine, no worries” Minho smiled politely and the security guards retrieved, not after Taemin flashing them an apologetic smile though.


Taemin’s embarrassment slowly diminished as Minho ushered him into the welcoming warm atmosphere of the café, towards the table that Minho was half way through his studies and offered Taemin a sit with a soft smile. “Can I get you something to drink, and to eat perhaps?” Taemin bit his lips, “I, er--,” eyes glancing all over Minho’s mathematics and economics textbooks, “I- I’m rather ful—“It was as if his body wanted to embarrass him even more at that moment, his stomach started to let out a loud rumbling sound.


Minho laughed, “Okay, noted Taemin’s-stomach.” And Taemin flushed even more, mentally smacking his stomach before Minho disappeared into the café’s kitchen, giving Taemin some more time recompose himself, or rather, get a grip on himself while eye-ing all the books and reading materials sprawled in front of him.


“Hyung, you’re studying..” Taemin asked, as Minho approached him, placing a tray of hot milk, chocolate cookies and chicken sandwich in front of Taemin. The younger boy instantly lit up at the sight of the food, all embarrassment forgotten and Minho smiled. “Yea, night classes, part time course. I’ve run out of latte, I hope you’re fine with just milk.”


Taemin smiled, mouth stuffed with bits of sandwich, “It’s fine! I am fine with anything, hehe.” Minho smiled again, nothing beats the sight of a happy and contented Taemin.


“Isn’t mathematics and economics tough?”


Minho placed his glasses on and begun to use his laptop, of which Taemin thought he looked even more handsome with glasses on, more mysterious? He would say. “Not really actually. I used to major in engineering when I was in college.” Minho smiled, a sad smile though, he never got to complete his engineering degree. And right now, he figured that an econs degree would be more suitable for his current situation. Minho decided not to further elaborate, not wanting to bring up the past that could make Taemin uncomfortable, such moments with Taemin were amongst the very few things that he held dear to his heart right now. Moments that they could converse like friends, moments that Taemin seems comfortable with Minho, not being raked up by their past.


Taemin nodded, shoving another piece of cookie into his mouth, “Engineering sounds tougher.”


“Running a café might be tougher,” Minho chuckled.


Taemin laughed, “Well, I might as well enlighten you that there are more people that liked your café’s Facebook page over the last few days. See what a good job I am doing, spreading your café’s name.” Taemin smugged and stuck his tongue out towards Minho, earning a laugh from the older boy. “Well I guess I have not placed the fate of my café in wrong hands.” Minho joked.


“Yah, don’t you know, advertising is a very powerful tool. Imagine if one person liked T Café’s Facebook page and shares it to his friends, and his friends will start to check out the café and tell his friends, and his friend’s friend’s will share and his friend’s friend’s friend’s might know as well.” Taemin blabbered, hands moving in the air holding a cookie. Minho could only laugh, it looked as if the cookie is making a dance in the air itself as Taemin blabbered on and on.


“How are you?”


Taemin was brought back from his blabbering by Minho’s sudden question, “I mean, how are you doing? Its been a few days since I last seen you.” Minho was looking at him with such sincerity and gentleness in his eyes that made Taemin melted abit. He brought the cookie into his mouth, lowering his gaze before joining eyes with Minho, as he mumbled in between chewing, “I—I’m fine. Aside from stressing out slightly for the coming mid terms and a fully-packed-not-seats-available-library everyday, I think I’m cool, hehe.” Minho laughed helplessly at Taemin’s adorableness, “You know, you can always come by here to study. Its not too noisy here, apart from the lunch hour rush. And I will be studying here often in the evenings to night probably, you’re welcome to join me.” Minho smiled, “Food is on da house too.” That’s a bonus, Taemin thought.


Taemin’s heart was swelling with warmth; he lowered his gaze and smiled. But he decided to release his hidden cheekiness today, “Sounds much more welcoming that the school’s library.” And Minho let out a hearty laugh, he definitely liked seeing a cheerful and playful Taemin he decided.




And so, Taemin found himself hesitating again the next day as the school’s library is fully packed with people revising for mid-terms and as usual, he couldn’t find a spot for himself to study. He decided that he will go to the T Café, since Minho offered. Not the food though, he couldn’t accept Minho’s food anymore, though he liked the food and its tempting him a lot, he has been offered too much free food that he felt embarrassed for accepting more, “No Lee Taemin, no more food eating okay, no more..” its bad enough that Minho reserved a table for him when he could be earning money with it, he mumbled to himself.


Taemin made his way into the T Café, clutching unto his sling bag and books as usual, and was hoping to say hello to Minho hyung before heading to his usual spot but can’t help to notice that the café seems to be unusually packed today. The tables were fully occupied, except the table reserved by Minho for Taemin, and the counter’s Q line seems longer than the usual. Taemin spotted Minho handling the counter and cashier alone, though Minho seemed calm, Taemin could notice the slight distress in between his brows as he shuffled quickly between the coffee machine, the pastry counter and handling the cashier. Puzzled that the barista that would be assisting Minho is absent, Taemin approached Minho slowly, hoping that he won’t be disturbing Minho or creating more stress to the current situation.


“That would be ten dollars in total, thank you and come again please.” Minho beamed when he spotted Taemin, as he handed a frap to the university student who paid him bills. “Hi, Taemin-ah.”


“Hello hyung. You seem, very busy…”


“Yea, my barista had to take emergency leave. Looks like I have to conquer today on my own.” Minho frowned playfully as he continued to take the next customer’s order.


“Oh.” Taemin bit his lips, eyes scanning at the long Q forming at the counter.


He pushed the divider door and walked into the counter, removed his sling bag and chucked them at the corner along with his books and searched for the green apron that he always saw the barista wearing.


“Taemin-ah, what are you doing?” Minho asked, watching Taemin tied the apron at his waist, the green apron looking adorably cute and matching against his white buttoned up blouse and faded blue jeans. “I will be your barista for the day, hehe.”


Minho’s mind finally registered Taemin’s intentions and he chuckled, “Tae I can’t. You are my guest, how can I b---“


“You don’t have much choices do you,” Taemin stuck his tongue, pushed Minho away from the cashier and occupied the spot himself instead. Minho could only laugh helplessly as Taemin greeted the next customer and took her order. “Sure, one cream latte and donut ahead!” Taemin pouted at Minho, “Hyung, didn’t you hear the lady, one cream latte please,” and proceeded to bag a donut from the pastry counter.


“Yes boss.” Minho laughed and headed to the coffee making machine.


Minho was absolutely thankful to have Taemin. Taemin was a natural when it comes to handling the counter and customers, he never would have thought that beneath the introvert looking Taemin, there is this bubbly, calm, efficient and multi task-able Taemin. He wouldn’t be able to conquer the lunch hour rush without Taemin as his helper.




Minho exhaled as he sat down opposite of Taemin and smiled at the younger boy. They had just finished cleaning and closing down the café and it’s almost six-thirty in the evening already. Taemin only chuckled back in response. “You know, for a day one barista, you definitely scored ten upon ten marks.”


Taemin blushed, “Told cha I am quite good in café-ing.”


“Tae ah, what’s ‘café-ing’?”


“Working around the café…….?” And Minho laughed, he reached out a hand to ruffle Taemin’s hair a little, which made the younger boy flushed again.


“Tae, thank you so much for today. I really, cannot imagine today without your help.” Minho said with all sincerity and Taemin smiled, heart bubbling with happiness but still decided to be cheeky, “I remember vividly that someone said he could conquer this on his own…..” eyes looking everywhere but Minho. Minho laughed, “Yea man, I wonder who said that..” Taemin giggled.


“So, can you give the man who said those words, a chance to buy you a drink as ‘thank you’ perhaps?”


Taemin grinned, swinging his legs back and forth and he pondered, heart brimmed with happiness still, “Banana milk then?” Minho smiled at Taemin’s choice, “Sure, let’s go shall we?”




Minho and Taemin walked to a convenience store located a block away from the university and by that time, it was almost seven pm and the sun has set, leaving pink orange dust in the sky. Minho and Taemin made their way to the beverage section and Minho picked out a bottle of isotonic drink while Taemin eyed him, “Hyung, from the drink you pick, I can totally tell that you are a sports junkie.” Minho laughed and rolled his eyes a little, replying Taemin something about stereotyping and indirectly insulted the entire group of sports-lover in South Korea which made the younger boy laughed too.


Minho watched Taemin as the younger boy carefully pressed his fingers across the rows of milk packets, carefully choosing his desired banana milk choice, almost as if it’s a very sacred decision with life changing impacts. Minho chuckled, “Tae ah, is it a particular brand or color or size that you are looking for?” The younger boy looked absolutely adorable, placing a finger on his lips as he scanned the milk packets, and when he finally spotted the one he wanted, his eyes glittered. Taemin grabbed the banana milk and placed it in front of Minho as he chirped, “This! This hyung! This is the best ever banana milk I have tasted thus far, hehe. Trust me, I have tasted almost every available brand in the market and this is da best so far.” Minho smiled, Taemin loves, no, adores banana milk, he made a mental note to himself. Both of them were about to head to the counter to checkout and pay for their drinks when they heard a loud gun shot sound coming from the front part of the convenience store.


Taemin gasped and dropped the banana milk packet on the ground when a woman’s scream was heard, followed shortly by a second gun shot sound. Minho was alarmed the moment he heard the gun shots and screams, he pulled Taemin to place him behind himself, knowing that something had happened. Before either of them could further react, a drunk looking middle-aged man stumbled towards their section of the store, holding a blood covered gun pointing towards their direction. Minho’s eyes widened at the sight and he heard an audible gasp escape Taemin’s mouth, he instantly backed Taemin against the nearest shelves of goods, covering and sandwiching Taeming in between himself and the shelves as the drunken man let out a mocking laugh and slowly approached Minho.


Taemin was tearing and on the verge of crying as panic begin to rise, he clutched unto the back of Minho’s jacket, he could feel his entire body shaking so badly and he bet Minho could feel him shaking too by virtue of their close proximity.


“What do we have here huh..”


The drunken man smirked and pointed the gun towards Minho’s left chest, inching his face close towards Minho. Minho instinctively lifted both his hands, hoping to protect Taemin from whatever this drunken man was plotting to do. “We have nothing you want, please leave us alone.” Minho spoke calmly, sounding almost toneless.


The drunken man only chuckled more and pressed the gun against Minho’s chest, the force almost too hard and Minho had to cringe a little when the hard metal was forced into his chest. Taemin teared, panic was rising to a whole new level, he was sobbing, he tried his best not to sob and let out any sounds but he couldn’t. He was praying so badly in this head that the guy wouldn’t shoot Minho, he tightened his grip against Minho’s jacket, not knowing what else he could do. He would have melted to the ground if he wasn’t sandwiched in between Minho and the shelves right now.


Minho saw the drunken man placing his finger on the trigger, he was ready to take the bullet, the only thoughts in his mind were Taemin’s wellbeing. How was he going to protect Taemin if he was shot, will the drunken man shoot Taemin as well after shooting him? Will this incident leave more scars to Taemin? No, he wouldn’t want that, he wanted Taemin to be happy from now on. A thousand thoughts were running through his mind and he prayed to the heavens to keep him in one piece just so that he could protect Taemin.


A third gun shot was sounded and Minho pressed his eyes closed as Taemin let out a muffled cry. The police had arrived and blasted a shot at the drunken man before he could pull the trigger to shot Minho. Minho panted as he watched the drunken man lie on the floor motionless and the policemen rushed over to check on and detain the man. Minho turned around and held Taemin’s shoulders, tender eyes scanned the younger boy from head to toe, praying that the younger boy is unharmed, “Tae! Are you okay? Are you hurting anywhere? Please tell me you’re okay!” Taemin nodded his head repeatedly, but unable to control the spill of tears coming from his eyes as he cried out and it broke Minho’s heart. Unsure whether he was allowed to do so, he gently tugged the younger boy into his embrace, only hoping to lessen the fear and shock the younger boy was currently experiencing. Taemin rested his head against Minho’s shoulder and inhaled Minho’s scent, he begun to soften in his embrace, he reached up both his hands to grab the back of Minho’s jacket as he continued to cry out, still overwhelmed and badly shaken by the close experience he just encountered with a shooter. Minho frowned and wrapped his arms around Taemin, “I’m so sorry Tae.. Its okay now, I’m so sorry..” Taemin could only cried even more when he felt Minho’s arms circling himself. “He was going to shot you hyung, he was going to shot you… He was going to shot you..” Taemin could only repeat the moment that he feared the most. Minho tightened his embrace, feeling his heart break into so many pieces hearing Taemin’s raw cries, “He didn’t shot me Tae, he didn’t.. Im fine, its okay, don’t worry…” It was common for Minho as he had been accustomed to seeing people similar to the drunken man while serving his sentence, but not for Taemin he knew. Minho sighed and continued to coax Taemin until his cries die down, swearing to himself that he would do a better job next time in protecting Taemin.




“Where is he? Where is Taemin?!”


Kibum rushed into the T Café, pushing the door with so much force Minho swear the door could go broken.


“Kibum hyung..” Taemin whined. Kibum immediately went up to Taemin and hugged the younger boy and started examining him, “Oh my god, are you okay?!”


Minho watch silently as Jonghyun entered the café as well. “Minho! Are you okay? We rushed over the moment we got your phone call.” Minho waved off his cousin brother’s worry stares and laughed, “Hyung don’t worry Im fine. Trust me I’ve seen worse.” Jonghyun chuckled, “I know. The blood?” Jonghyun eyed the bloodstain found on Minho’s chest area. “Not mine, the man shot another shopper first before attempting to shot me as well.” Jonghyun exhaled, “I’m glad you and Taemin are fine.” Minho nodded. He brought Taemin back to the café and decided to call up Kibum. He couldn’t send Taemin home and though calmed down, Taemin was still badly shaken by the incident to make his way home by himself, hence Minho decided to ask a Kibum to get Taemin home safely instead. “Kibum was almost hysterical ya know, he practically forced me to drive over speed limit. Geeez.. ” Minho laughed as Jonghyun continued to complain.




“Hyungs, I’m sorry you guys had to cancel your movie date just because of me.” Taemin frowned. He was seated at the backseat of Jonghyun’s car and they were heading to his house.


“Nonsense, right now your wellbeing is much more important.” Kibum said.


“Ya Taemin, go home and rest well. Sleep early.” Jonghyun said while driving.


“What’s that Taemin? Is.. is that blood?!” Kibum almost shrieked when he noticed some blood stains at the chest area of Taemin’s white blouse. Taemin looked down and waved it off, “Aniya, it’s not my blood hyung. It was from the man’s gun…” he replied absent-mindedly, thoughts drifting to the aftermath scene whereby he cried in the comforts of Minho’s arms and tightened his grip upon Minho’s jacket which was currently draped across his shoulders. He smiled at the packet of banana milk that Minho had given him before they left the café just now, despite all the chaos Minho still remembered Taemin’s banana milk. “Hey, how could I forget, it was a deal, my ‘thank you’ to you.” He remembered the smile and concern in Minho’s eyes, insisting that Taemin need not return his jacket, “Promise me you will rest early tonight.” Taemin bit his lips, lips ticking upwards again recalling Minho’s words.


“The.. man’s gun?” Kibum’s voice diminished as he pondered. Wasn’t it Minho that was nearly shot? Kibum tried to piece the information, the drunken man attempted to shot Minho, Minho shielded Taemin behind himself, the blood stain he spotted on Minho’s left chest while he was talking to Jong just now, the blood stain on Taemin’s right chest area… did they embrace each other or something? Kibum only watched in silence, the way Taemin leaned closer into the jacket with a soft smile, clutching unto the banana milk, thoughts travelling to places Kibum wished he could go to too.




“Did you see that?”


“See what Bummie?” They had just dropped Taemin home and were on their way back to Jonghyun’s place. Kibum thanked his lucky stars that Taemin’s parents were not at home, and coincidently Taesun is out for a friends’ gathering, otherwise they would be a lot of explaining and white lies to do.


“The blood stains on Taemin’s shirt.”


“Oh. Ya.. don’t worry Bummie, Taemin already said that its not his blood. And he isn’t hurt.” Jonghyun’s eyes were looking straight ahead the road but he could feel Kibum staring holes into himself.


“I know Jong. I mean, you know what I mean.”


“What do you mean?” Jonghyun laughed and felt a pinch at his arm, “Ouch! That hurts Bummie!”


“Minho’s shirt has blood stain as well.” Kibum rolled his eyes.


There was a nice five seconds silence before Jonghyun put up his smile again, “Yes. So?”


“What “so”? Didn’t you notice that the positions of their blood stains are mirrored?”




“They hugged, Jong!” Kibum exasperated, “I mean, Minho hugged Taemin!!”


“Why couldn’t it be the other way?”


Kibum deadpanned, “I—Taemin wouldn’t, you know that, Minho was the one that rap---“


“Bummie, that was something that happened ten years ago. Ten freaking years ago. Minho is a completely different person now. I know Taemin being an omega more so should be very wary of Minho but from what I see, he is on friendly terms with Minho. And, Taemin seems to like Minho a lot and is very comfortable with Minho as well!” Jonghyun glanced over and saw Kibum glaring at him, “Hey! They hang out often from what I heard from Minho okay.”


Kibum sighed, “Jong I know that Minho is a different person now, but some things remain a fact no matter how long it happened in the past.”


“Bummie, we can continue this talk, but we both know that at the end of the day, you want Taemin to be happy and I want Minho to be happy, right?” Jonghyun reached out his hand to cover Kibum’s, “Don’t worry, let nature take its course.” Kibum sighed and nodded his head, “Anway, you said it yourself too, Taemin seems happier recently isn’t he?”


“You mean, being friends with the alpha who him in his teen years had made Taemin happier?”


“No!” Jonghyun rolled his eyes, “I mean yes, and no. I mean, lets put it this way, we established that what Minho did to Taemin is unforgivable and Minho had paid his price. If you were Taemin, the person that you feared and detest the most is no longer the nightmare that you thought he is, wouldn’t that lessen the fear that you have been carrying? I mean, I don’t know, Taemin hadn’t had any nightmares recently. Maybe something like, the source of his fears and pain is no longer valid? I’m just deducing, Bummie.”


Kibum sighed again, “I—yea. It sounds unusual though.” he felt ambushed, recently Taemin seems unfazed by his past and getting closer with Choi Minho. Kibum knew that Taemin felt disturbed upon meeting Choi Minho initially, but now? This all seems absurd.


“But not entirely impossible I guess. I mean, look at both of them, they hang out man.” Kibum nodded. “Bummie, you have my word, Minho is not going to harm Taemin, that guy can practically throw his life away just for Taemin.” Kibum sighed, this is precisely what he was afraid of perhaps deep down inside his heart, he couldn’t shake the scene out of his mind, the way Taemin smiled softly, his eyes twinkling with perhaps something more than happiness while clutching unto the banana milk just now. He had never seen Taemin like this. At this rate, Taemin might fall for Minho? No, Kibum shake his head, this was impossible, he had seen how affected and fearful Taemin was by his nightmares. Nah, it wouldn’t be possible, Kibum reasoned.





Hello guys! Im back! hehe, I have to apologize first, have been so darn occupied with work and etc.... Had three major sickness the past year as well, recovery wasn't easy.. Im feeling better recently though.. Thanks for reading guys :) 2min jongkey onew is da best!


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sorry guyss, im so sorry ive been soooo not updating this fic 😭😭 rest assure i will complete this fic! pls give me some time...


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Beau1996 1480 streak #1
Chapter 4: I would love for this story to be finished - very good plot and characters!
Beau1996 1480 streak #2
Chapter 3: Boys have come a long way - so should be time for others to mess it up!!
Beau1996 1480 streak #3
Chapter 1: Such an interesting story - remorseful Minho but trauma affects us without thought - can both boys have a resolution??
Chapter 4: I just finished reading this and I really loved it. I thought the plot was really unique. Hope you find the inspiration to continue the story someday and give our 2min their happy ending. Thank you.
Please update ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: Hope ur doing well. Ive been rereading your story big time. Hope you will update soon. Kamsahamnida!!
I really miss this story >.<
Hi authornim... When can u make an update... Im missing ur story so much.
Chapter 4: I wish you could update this...
Will you update this? Pretty please??