Mingyu: Sweat and Tears

Mirror, Mirror
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Whispers followed Mingyu as soon as he arrived on campus. Sweat was dripping down his face even though it was a rather cool spring day, his thin clothes sticking to his skin. He was sure that his current body was quite a sight to behold right now - but he had had no choice:

After leaving Wonwoo's flat, it had taken him a moment to figure out where he was and where he needed to go but fortunately, the flat was only three subway stops away from the university. It would have taken him at most ten minutes to get there.

It would have - if he had brought Wonwoo's wallet with him. Which, of course, he hadn't.

Mingyu had stood in front of the closed gate to the subway lines, his face pale while he had frantically patted down his body in search for anything that could possibly help him.

But there had been nothing.

He was only dressed in Wonwoo's sleeping clothes and a pair of sneakers after all.

After finally accepting his fate, he had instead jogged along the busy main street, carefully evading pedestrians and other obstacles, until he had finally arrived at campus 35 minutes later.

Fortunately, Wonwoo was the sporty sort - unlike Mingyu, who preferred to read comics in bed. But even with an athletic body, he was sweating like a pig at the time of his arrival.

His face reddened even further when he noticed the startled - and slightly confused - glances of the other students. Jeon Wonwoo was always the center of attention, regardless of what he did, and Mingyu bit his lip at the thought of what the original Wonwoo would say if he saw his body walking around in this disheveled and everything but glamorous state. It probably wasn't anything nice.

Hastily he scurried towards the dormitories, ducking his head in an attempt to be as invisible as possible - which failed spectacularly.

Being a celebrity was hard.


When he had finally arrived at his dorm room, he found himself faced with the next obstacle: the door.

It was an old building, therefore the wooden doors were sturdy and required a key to unlock.

Of course, he didn't have his key. It was probably still in the bag slung over the armrest of his desk chair.

There were two other keys but Vernon had classes and Mingyu had no clue in which of the seven buildings he currently was, and the master key was in the hands of the security guard - an exceedingly unfriendly man who was responsible for enforcing the curfew. Mingyu usually stayed as far away from him as possible.

It was more likely for him to kick down the door than to get the master key.

With a groan, he resigned himself to wait until lunch break and then search the two cafeterias for his roommate but to his surprise (and slight horror), the door clicked as soon as he leaned against it. He immediately turned and shook the handle and, really, it was unlocked.

Was Vernon skipping class? Or had something happened?

Carefully, Mingyu pulled open the door and peeked inside.

He wasn't quite sure what he was expecting to find. His own dead body maybe or at least his roommate huddled up under his blanket.

Certainly not an empty room.

Why had the door been left unlocked if no one was home?

"Hello?" he called out. "Vernon?"

Nothing changed. The door to the bathroom had been left ajar as well and nobody was hiding in there either.

Goosebumps rose on Mingyu's skin.

Where was his body?

Had he really died and his body had already been taken away? Or maybe he was currently in the hospital in a coma. But what had happened to Wonwoo then?

Mingyu rubbed his forehead with a groan, a slight headache spreading through his temples. The slick feeling of his skin caught him off-guard until he remembered that he was still drenched in sweat.

He hesitated for a moment. There was nothing he could so right now, was there? He'd have to wait for Vernon to find out what exactly had happened this morning and he had no clue when his roommate would return.

Well, it was Mingyu's dorm room, technically. Technically, it was also his stuff.

It was okay to take a shower here, wasn't it?


Wonwoo's face in the mirror held a mixed expression. A hint of excitement got overshadowed by a whole lot of bashfulness.

The longer Mingyu stared, the more nervous he became.

"This is my body now," he declared loudly to reassure himself but his shaking fingers were still clenching the black fabric of Wonwoo's tanktop without moving an inch. It didn't leave much up to imagination anyway, given how tight it was.

"Man up. It's no big deal," he mumbled while red blossomed on his cheeks.

The first sliver of pale skin flashed just above the waistband of his sweatpants when he finally dared to pull a little. Sculpted abs came into view before the tanktop hid them once again and Mingyu buried his burning face in his hands.

". Why's that guy so ripped?!"

Was he some sort of sports fanatic?

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yanipoo567 #1
Chapter 3: Ehehehe this is so cute
Bubbaboo #2
Chapter 2: Lol, wonu-ah~ idk but the way you reacted is funny for me. You are definitely wonwoo xD
WangArmel #3
Huhuhuu im excited already for the next chapp.
Bubbaboo #4
Chapter 1: Well, there goes a frantic Gyu~
DarryLu #5
Chapter 1: Uund es geht wieder los :D ich habe drauf gewartet. Wie so oft schaffst du es, mich Sachen lesen zu lassen, die ich normalerweise nie lesen würde. Bodyswap? Meh... Aber ich bin gespannt, wie ich mich und deine Geschichten kenne werde ich es lieben xD nur seltsam, mal nicht Joshua in der Hauptrolle zu sehen ^^ ich freue mich :)
Bubbaboo #6
Aaaaand someone awesome is back with another fic~(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ hurrah~