Chocolate croissant CH.I

Chocolate Croissant

Amaya POV

I'm just getting out of class heading straight to the student union area to grab something to eat. I'm contemplating on what to get, I would usually have Ivethe spin her wheel to see what we'll have to eat for the day. We created the wheel after realizing that we're both too indecisive to ever agree on anything. So hence the food wheel was created to choose for us. Unfortunately Ivethe isn't here today for her to spin her wheel, so now here I am walking to the student union contemplating all on my own. I finally enter and just stand there hands on my hips and  puffing out my cheeks, choosing something to eat shouldn't be this hard. I look around at my options; there's Taco Bell, Panda, and Soho burrito but none of those seem appetizing at the moment. I look over at Starbucks and suddenly remember about the chocolate croissants. That was enough to make my decision, those chocolate croissants should be illegal how good they are. I start making my way over to the Starbucks line now realizing how long the line actually is. I pick up my pace rushing over to the line before it gets any longer. I was quickly approaching the back of the line when out of nowhere someone cuts me off causing me to collide right into them. I was about to apologize but then they turn around, look at me with an annoyed expression and says, “You should watch where you're walking!” I didn't even get a chance to respond, they turned right back around and stood in line. As for me I just stood there with a blank expression trying to process what just happened. I quickly snap out of it and walk to the line. I stood behind this rude person who has just made my day slightly more sour. I try not to let this person affect my day, but for some reason I'm growing more and more angry as I stare at the back of their head. I'm pretty sure if it was possible I would have burned holes right threw their bold cue ball head of theirs by now. Engulfed in my own fury of rage I don't notice that I've made my way to the front of the line, and now the only thing standing between me and my chocolate croissant is this cue ball that is currently placing his order. I'm not sure why I didn't notice before but while listening to cue ball ordering I realized that his voice is quite captivating. Can't put my finger on exactly what it is about his voice that I find so inviting, maybe it's the fact that its deep and threatening yet warm and friendly. Lost in my current analyzation of cue balls voice he turns around and looks at me. At the moment I feel myself getting warm, I don't know why I'm just noticing that cue ball is actually really freaking adorable and that not only is the back of his head round but also the rest of him is. His eyes wide and round, his nose is round and cute as a button which I'm finding myself tempted to poke, then there's his lips. I have never seen lips so round and plump in life. I realize that I'm looking at him for to long, I clear my throat while looking away nervously. “Excuse me.” I look back up and instantly regret it. He's looking at me while giving me the most beautiful heart shaped smile I had ever seen. I blink a few times before realizing he wants me to step aside to let him get by. I quickly do so and he nonchalantly walks past me. As I walk up the the cashier I can feel myself cooling down and letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. I pull myself together and ask for my chocolate croissant, the cashier looks at me with a slight frown and tells me he just sold the last one to the gentlemen that was in front on me. “Cue Ball!” the cashier looks at me with a puzzled look before asking if I want something else instead, I shake my head no and walk away. With heavy step and my head hanging low I walk to the closest available table and sit down. I know it seems dramatic to be this upset about a chocolate croissant, but I was really looking forward to it. Then that cue ball had to come along and ruin it all for me. I decided that it's all Ivethe's fault for not coming to school and making me choose what to get to eat. If she were here, we could have just spun the wheel and moved on with our day. But no I had to choose which lead into this whole ordeal with cue ball. Ah!!! I bang my head onto the table and just leave it there, so ready for this day to be done with. I stay in that position for a while when all of a sudden I hear something being placed onto the table. I'm too drained to even look up to see what it is, that is until a familiar smell get my attention. I snap my head wondering if it's what I think it is. And it is!! A chocolate croissant is laying in front of me. Then out of the corner of my eye I see him. Cue ball!  


Kyungsoo POV

I just received a text from my friend that works at Starbucks saying there's only one chocolate croissant left and that they'll try to save it for me, but no promises. I put my phone into my back pocket and speed away to the student union. I'm speed walking (more like slightly running) when the realization that I left my wallet in my car hits me. My so called speed walking turns into a full blown out sprint back in the other direction towards my car. If there's anything in the world that I would say I hate the most it would be running. It just takes up to much energy and in all honesty even my fast running isn't all that fast. I make it to my car, retrieve my wallet and then it's back to running. I finally make it to the student union with not much hope in that my chocolate croissant was still there, but I still blitz my way toward the line. The closer I get, the more I realize that the line is freaking huge and that my chocolate croissant is probably in the hands of some other lucky bastard. I hastily head to the back of the line when I feel someone ram into me from the back. I'm already in a bad mood, so whatever manners I have just flew out the window. I turn around and say “You should watch where you're walking!” For a moment I don't see anyone until I bring my eyes down slight to make eye contact with the person. The instant I make eye contact with her I spin back around not giving her a chance to respond back. I want to punch myself with how annoyed I am with myself. Amaya the girl from my nutrition class was the one who bumped into me, and who I was just a total too. It would be an understatement to say that I've been low key crushing on her this whole semester. I first noticed her on the first week of school, we were in class and she was the only one participating. As the weeks went on I found myself looking forward to that class just to hear what Amaya had to say, she always said something funny yet smart. Then I realized that it wasn't just what she had to say that I enjoyed. I enjoyed watching her smile with those dimples of hers that where so deep I bet I would be into another galaxy if I poked at them. But the one thing that I find most adorable about her is that she's small. It's weird. I know, but I'm not that tall of a guy so finding a girl that makes you look tall is rare thing. Something I also came to realize is that even though I noticed her the first week of school and like all these little things about her, she has no idea who I am. And here we are, her finally noticing my existence and I had to be an over a damn chocolate croissant. After drowning in self pity for the last 10 minutes I'm finally next in line I walk up to the register, 

“Hey what took you so long, I had to lie and say we were out of chocolate croissant to like 20 people?” 

“Sorry I forgot my wallet and run back to my car to get it, but thanks for saving it for me.” 

“Yeah no problem anything else you want?”

“Just and iced americano.” 

I hand over the money to pay for my order and while waiting for my change I decided that I need to apologize to Amaya. That way at least she doesn't completely think of me as an . I grab my change and turn around, she's looking at me intently which is starting to make me sweat and turning my ears red. She looks away with what I take as a disgusted look, but I can't blame her I would do the same. I take in a breather, “excuse me” I say while given probably the most awkward smile. She's just looking at me again, and then she just steps aside. I feel something clench in my heart. She really doesn't want to talk to me. I walk passed her as nonchalantly as possible. I let out a big long sigh as I walk over to the  pick up area to wait for my coffee. I can't believe I just ruined whatever “chance” I had with her. I watch her from where I'm standing (stalker status). I see her walk away with a sad face. I notice that she's empty handed as she walks over to a table. I hurry over back to the cash register, 

“Why didn't she order anything?”


“The girl that was just up here.” 

“Oh, she wanted a chocolate croissant. Told her we were out. I asked if she wanted anything else, but she said no.”

“Thanks Kai!” 

I don't know why but I suddenly get this feeling of new hope and courage. I walk over to her table where I can see she's laying her head down. I begin to slow down, what if she's sleeping or something? I don't want to disturb her. Maybe I'll just put it on the table and walk away. I approach with caution, not wanting to wake her. I slowly place the bag down onto the table. I was going to walk off right away, but I found myself lingering, aware of the fact that this is the closest I've ever really been to her. Lost in thought I don't notice when she raised her head up and is now looking at me. I freeze for a moment, but finally was able to let out a small,


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Michie_c #1
Randomly wrote this for a friend when she said someone should write a story about her, Kyungsoo, and chocolate croissants. Lol
Was supposed to be a one time thing, but now I'm a few chapters in. Don't know how long or where this is going, I'm opened to suggestions, so don't be afraid to give me ideas.