The Roadside


The concrete was cold and unforgiving, even in the very smelly bus stop where a figure had tried to take some shelter from the pouring rain, but it was slightly better than remaining out on a park bench. At least here the police couldn’t move the young man on for dossing as he could claim to be waiting for the next bus or the last one even though he could not even read the timetable above his head to even take a guess at what time the next bus was.


If truth be told, he couldn’t even tell the time.


He knew that it was night-time, because it was dark and there would be stars pinpricking the sky but there was no moon to provide him with some kind of light or direction. But with the heavy set clouds that had rolled in during the late morning and not let up, Yoongi found himself very much lost and alone right now. Not that he really minded, he had always been alone, no matter where his circumstances led him but for once he would like to not be alone.


He fantasised about having a pack come to him, his pack, who would be worried because he had been out all day and he would be playfully scolded by the pack mother for being an idiot and worrying them half to death before being cuddled and fussed over like he was nothing more than a little cub who had wandered out. Of course the pack alpha wouldn’t let him get away completely with his actions, he would receive a stern lecture when he was home and would probably be grounded or something along those lines but it would be in his best interest and to keep him safe. Plus the pack alpha would teach him things about being in the pack and his position so it would be fine.


Yoongi’s musings were cut short when a truck boomed it’s way past the shelter he was trying to take refuge in from the storm, the large tyres hitting the puddle in front of the structure causing a huge tidal wave of oil slicked water to slam into the small thin form and soak him even further. The water cascaded over him and if he hadn’t already been soaked to the bone then it really made no difference. Only this time, there was a difference. Some of the oily water had managed to get into Yoongi’s nose and mouth, causing him to cough violently which was something that he had desperately been trying to avoid doing because he knew that his lungs just couldn’t take it right now. He still winced heavily when splatters of red joined the water that was pooling around him and Yoongi desperately tried to keep his mind clear and clam.


He couldn’t have a panic attack, not right now, that would be stupid and he could survive another night if he just….


Another car sloshed more freezing rainwater over his form, his skin practically bare to the elements as the all too light fabric he had around him barely was now nothing more than a too thin skin and Yoongi’s mind took control of his body in a fearsome body convulsion. Within seconds, Yoongi lost control of his limbs, lost track of where he was, who he was, why he was out in this ghastly weather, what he was doing here and where he was meant to be going.


The boy flopped about like a fish out of water, his body beyond his ability to control anything as an epileptic fit surged through him. It lasted five fifty seconds before he stilled and lay panting on the too cold and wet ground for a moment, trying to regain his bearings.


Only for a second fit, far worse than the first, to strike him as he to his back painfully and this time, the white haired man bashed his head off the concrete so hard that he knocked himself out fully before the fit even finished.


The rain continued to lash down, the thunder booming and whilst a dozen or so people hurried passed, not a single one bothered to check on the prone form lying in the rain.












“Shush, it’s just a little bit of thunder, Jimin, it’s nothing to…”




“Good God! Jungkook, get back over here this instant!” Seokjin yelled towards the yellow raincoat covered youngster who was racing ahead of the two he was walking with, arms stretched out as if he were an aeroplane not in the least bit bothered by the horrendous weather which was teaming all around them. But there again, Seokjin sighed in an odd manner, the youngster just appeared to be far too fearless for his own good and never listened until the point that he got hurt. A trait which Seokjin blamed firmly on the boy’s father, Namjoon, because he had been the same when he was Jungkook’s age.


At least Jungkook was cute and could practically get away with murder, unlike Namjoon who had been branded an imbecile by the age of seven by everyone in his pack. Sometimes Seokjin wished he had listened to what the elder omegas had tried to warn him about but love is blind and Seokjin would never trade his mate for anything in the world.


Even if all four of their sons were a rag-tag bunch of troublemakers who just knew how to pull the charm to get out of any situation.


Well, he was primarily to blame for that but there was no way he was ever going to admit to it out loud.


Spinning around to wave at his mother, Jungkook beamed a bright big smile towards him and giggled, “It’s okay, Umma! I’m not afraid of the storm because I know it can’t hurt me.”


For a ten year old, Jungkook was brave. In fact he was so brave that if they ever actually found something that he was scared of it would be nothing short of a mystery solved. He was still small but would probably start to grow into his more adult body soon enough and had an unruly mop of black hair that just stuck out at all angles like he never brushed it. But he had large brown eyes, adorable cheekbones and a cheeky smile that just made it impossible to stay mad at him for more than thirty seconds at a time, unless he had actually done something so terrible but then the youngest pack member would be so wrecked with guilt that he would come weeping to apologise which just made it all the more harder to deal with him. A rascally monster was how his elder brothers described him but there was no denying the fact that they all loved Jungkook to pieces.


Currently he was dressed in a large yellow raincoat which had the hood pulled up and crocodile themed wellington boots that had previously been Taehyung’s but he had worn them once so they had been handed down. Jungkook however liked them very much and was madly hopping about in every puddle that he could find, not seeming to care about the fact that he could very well catch a cold or fall over and hurt himself and would certainly need a bath when they got home in a matter of an hour if the buses hadn’t gone off because of the weather.


“Jungkook, get back here this instant,” Seokjin yelled towards his youngest as another lightning bolt crashed down onto the opposite side of the street, “Before you get struck by lightning or more soaked than you already are.”


Jungkook just waved and started running ahead, making up an impromptu song about getting the bus shelter first and completely ignoring his mother as per usual.


Grinding his teeth together, Seokjin made to move but nearly tripped himself because Jimin was clinging to him like a koala. Even though there was only a couple of years between Jimin and Jungkook, everyone always made the mistake of presuming that Jimin was the youngest because quite frankly he was adorable. He was little, had even larger more round eyes than his brothers and just held a look that was angelic and cute. Everyone said that he was Seokjin’s little doppelganger and that the alphas would be lining up for him in a few years. Though naturally this was said out of earshot of Namjoon because overprotective father didn’t even come close to describing how Namjoon was with his only omega son.


Right now, Jimin was acting exactly like how an omega should in a storm, absolutely terrified out of his mind by it and wanting to hide away. It had been a next to impossible task to even get him out of the closing supermarket but Seokjin had done it and now was having to drag the twelve year old along whilst keeping an eye on his fearless son. Why he hadn’t agreed to let Taehyung come shopping with him mystified Seokjin until he remembered that the other had been working on a school project and for once was really focused on it. Looking down at Jimin, who was covered in a lighter yellow raincoat that had little flowers on it and pink wellington boots with daisy’s painted on – courtesy of Hoseok – Seokjin sighed gently and practically picked the other up, “Come on sweetie, we’re nearly there.”


Whimpering was his only response and Seokjin rushed to catch up with his yellow clad son who was dancing through another puddle but was at least nearer to the bus shelter now so hopefully wouldn’t be able to get struck by lightning. Mentally Seokjin figured that he must look like a complete wreck, the rain mack he had brought along only a little thicker than the ones you found in theme parks and holding up about as good as one as the weather continued its deadly onslaught and his light brown hair ended up plastered to his forehead and he was pretty sure that the sole on his left heel had gone which was allowing water to leak in and probably stain the skin a bright purple because he hadn’t been able to find any other socks that morning. He was thankful that he hadn’t had time to put on makeup this morning, or else he’d look like something out of a horror movie which would probably freak Jimin out just a little bit more.


About to attempt to yell at Jungkook again as the boy jumped into a puddle that was on the road right next to the bus stop, Seokjin stopped short when a flash of lightening illuminated the bus shelter behind the boy and for a brief second he saw a figure lying on his back. Without thinking, Seokjin raced towards the figure, barely realising that he had let go of Jimin but thankfully the boy was sensible enough to follow him and as he reached him he felt his heart break.


The young man, no older than fifteen, was lying on his back, looking paler than death with his white hair stained a light pink from the blood that was creeping out of the back of it and running down from his lips. He was not dressed for the weather in the slightest and his sensitive nose was able to distinguish between the smell of the shelter and the unwashed scent of the boy below him. Seokjin knelt down, checking for a pulse and letting out a sigh when he felt one, faint but still there. “You’re so cold, what are you doing out here little one?” he asked aloud, before looking around. The street was deserted, no sign or indication of anyone being nearby either and a hollow feeling seeped into Seokjin’s stomach. Carefully he knelt down, his nose going to the juncture of the laying boys’ neck and shoulder and he sniffed. There was nothing. He sniffed again, searching deeper just in case there were any hidden markers as Namjoon had insisted on going with Jimin despite him not being available as an omega for a few more years yet.


Still nothing.


Only a faint trace of a personal scent which appeared to be a beta but with the rain, blood and everything else mixed in, it was impossible to tell. Seokjin pulled back, his years of medical training coming into hand as he assessed the boy in front of him and checked the wounds. A hospital wouldn’t take him in, they were on the wrong side of town and by the time that the ambulance got here, there would be little to no chance that this boy could survive. Going on the bus was a big no no, Seokjin thought as he dug into his large handbag and pulled out a compression bandage because having four sons take care of meant literally being prepared for any situation, and he really wasn’t sure about calling the cops.


Handing across his mobile phone to Jimin, who was looking paler because of the blood he was now noticing, Seokjin acted fast, “Jimin, sweety, call your Daddy and tell him to come to the shelter and pick us up as fast as he possibly can. Tell him I’ve got an injured cub if he starts whining at you,” he turned to Jungkook, “Kookie, darling, I need to you come here and hold this whilst I see if he’s got any other injuries or…something to…”


Jungkook did as he was told, holding the bandage to the back of the strangers head whilst Seokjin fussed on until he had to take the phone off Jimin to yell at his husband to come and get them because otherwise there would be a dead, lost kid on the street and he really didn’t want to have to call the police for that.


There was a sudden clap of thunder overhead and the boy below Jungkook convulsed, his eyes opening wide in fear, panic and clarity. He blinked towards the little boy above him, a frown taking his features, “Who…who…who are you?”


“Hello,” Jungkook said softly, as he didn’t really didn’t know how else to response, “I’m Jungkook. My Mama is helping you.”


The teen below him blinked in confusion, “Why?”


“Cause he does that,” Jungkook replied, smiling brightly, “What’s your name?”


Confusion once again crossed the young man’s face, followed by a sudden tiredness and his eyes started to shut heavily and rapidly. “Yoongi…” he muttered out quietly, “Though don’t try to…remember…it.”


For a second Jungkook was confused and then he lightly pattered the top of the sleeper’s head, “Hello Yoongi. Don’t worry. Mama makes everyone better.”

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